vscode see error messages without hovering [duplicate] - visual-studio-code

This question already has answers here:
Keyboard shortcut to show hover tooltip
(6 answers)
Closed 3 months ago.
In vscode, I have a python linter setup which helps me identify if there are any errors in my code, by underlining the error prone section with red swiggly lines. I can see the error message, if I hover over that section. Is there a keyboard shortcut which can show the error message, without actually requiring me to hover.
Attaching a screenshot for reference.

The command is called "Show Hover" (editor.action.showHover).
By default is bound to CtrlK CtrlI. (Last character here is upper case letter "i", if even code renders illegible sans-serif.)
(Or you can find it in and invoke it from the Command Palette.)
I too wasn't able to find it at first, because "hover" was not therm I'd search for. 'Mouse', 'cursor', 'tooltip', 'hint', 'info', 'bubble' or 'popup' were.

You can also use the error lens extension to display error messages at the end of each line with an error


Netbeans 15 How to remove small gray comments in the settings that are automatically inserted into the code? [duplicate]

On line 11 the foo() method is called and beside the parameter value it shows the parameter name which i don't want and also there is a weird pink box along with the parameter name. How do i get rid of this. Tried many things on settings and found no solution. Any help is appreciated.
In menu:
View | Show Inline Hints
These are 2 separate things:
(1) Inline Hints
In NetBeans 12.2 (and I am I assuming it's the same for your version) there is an option from the main menu:
View > Show Inline Hints
This causes those items in a smaller font to be displayed/hidden, such as your data: hint.
(2) Autocompletion Hints
The red/pink borders are related to text which has been auto-completed for you by NetBeans. I believe if you just type somewhere else then that border disappears (because you have implicitly "accepted" the autocomplete suggestion).

How do i disable these texts I highlighed in yellow in the image? Netbeans [duplicate]

On line 11 the foo() method is called and beside the parameter value it shows the parameter name which i don't want and also there is a weird pink box along with the parameter name. How do i get rid of this. Tried many things on settings and found no solution. Any help is appreciated.
In menu:
View | Show Inline Hints
These are 2 separate things:
(1) Inline Hints
In NetBeans 12.2 (and I am I assuming it's the same for your version) there is an option from the main menu:
View > Show Inline Hints
This causes those items in a smaller font to be displayed/hidden, such as your data: hint.
(2) Autocompletion Hints
The red/pink borders are related to text which has been auto-completed for you by NetBeans. I believe if you just type somewhere else then that border disappears (because you have implicitly "accepted" the autocomplete suggestion).

How to disable a tip line in VS code with Rust program?

In the screenshot shown here:
VS code automatically added a tip line showing as "1 implementation" in the Rust code between line 14 and line 15.
My question is: how can I disable this gray tip line? and what is the official name for such tip lines inserted?
Assuming you're using rust-analyzer, in File | Settings | search for Rust Analyzer > Lens: Implementations and uncheck the box then restart VS Code.
The corresponding (boolean) JSON value is rust-analyzer.lens.implementations.
You can still find implementations by right clicking on the type anyway, so there's no real loss in setting it to false.

What is this marked number next to the file name in Visual Studio Code?

I know the meaning of M as "modified" on the right side of the file name.
But what is that number 4 next to the M ?
Is there a name for these marks?
Any docs of this will helpful!
That is the number of linting errors and warnings currently in the file.
To see the actual errors and their details, open the Problems panel, which by default is at the bottom part of the editor. (If it's not shown, open it by going to the menu View > Problems).
As #Goofballtech mentioned, this is the number of errors & warnings associated with a given file. You can turn this off by setting problems.decorations.enabled to false in your VSCode settings.json.
You can find more information here: https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_20#_error-indicators-in-the-explorer

indentation:Only use indent of 4 spaces in vscode

Every time I open *.sol file in VSCode that already exists in the project it shows indentation: Only use indent of 4 spaces error even though I'm using 4 spaces for indentation, but get a Syntax error. Every time I have to clear that 4 space and again create 4 space for remove error.
I already have gone through the similar questions in stack overflow but didn't get approved answer. One of the related question is this .
Note : I used .sol extension of vs code for compile the code.
Method 1:
To convert existing indentation from tabs to spaces hit Ctrl+Shift+P or F1 and type:
>Convert Indentation to Spaces
Method 2:
You can use solidity-solhint extensions in visual studio.
Click here.