How do i disable these texts I highlighed in yellow in the image? Netbeans [duplicate] - netbeans

On line 11 the foo() method is called and beside the parameter value it shows the parameter name which i don't want and also there is a weird pink box along with the parameter name. How do i get rid of this. Tried many things on settings and found no solution. Any help is appreciated.

In menu:
View | Show Inline Hints

These are 2 separate things:
(1) Inline Hints
In NetBeans 12.2 (and I am I assuming it's the same for your version) there is an option from the main menu:
View > Show Inline Hints
This causes those items in a smaller font to be displayed/hidden, such as your data: hint.
(2) Autocompletion Hints
The red/pink borders are related to text which has been auto-completed for you by NetBeans. I believe if you just type somewhere else then that border disappears (because you have implicitly "accepted" the autocomplete suggestion).


Netbeans 15 How to remove small gray comments in the settings that are automatically inserted into the code? [duplicate]

On line 11 the foo() method is called and beside the parameter value it shows the parameter name which i don't want and also there is a weird pink box along with the parameter name. How do i get rid of this. Tried many things on settings and found no solution. Any help is appreciated.
In menu:
View | Show Inline Hints
These are 2 separate things:
(1) Inline Hints
In NetBeans 12.2 (and I am I assuming it's the same for your version) there is an option from the main menu:
View > Show Inline Hints
This causes those items in a smaller font to be displayed/hidden, such as your data: hint.
(2) Autocompletion Hints
The red/pink borders are related to text which has been auto-completed for you by NetBeans. I believe if you just type somewhere else then that border disappears (because you have implicitly "accepted" the autocomplete suggestion).

Change (or add) background color in VS Code when renaming from Explorer

In the image below I'm actually in "rename" and I'm highlighting something but there's no highlight. You'll notice there's no cursor as well because it's highlighting. This is driving me a bit bonkers because I'm either counting how many left/right arrow keys I'm moving and such to know where I am. I tried the following colors but none of these seem to do anything (in the Explorer):
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editorRuler.foreground": "#fc199a22",
"editor.selectionBackground": "#ab3beb3f",
"editor.selectionHighlightBackground": "#136460e3",
"editor.findMatchBackground": "#00cc44a8",
"editor.findMatchHighlightBackground": "#d0ff004d",
"scrollbarSlider.background": "#FC199A2c"
I tried inspecting the element in the developer console in VS Code but the rename closes when it blurs out of the field which I need to do to select the element to know what the CSS class is to style it.
I didn't see a "rename" or highlight color for the explorer here either:
Any help would be super appreciated.
You can use the following property:
"selection.background" : "#FF0"
The background color of text selections in the workbench (e.g. for input fields or text areas). Note that this does not apply to selections within the editor.
A caveat to this approach is that it is applied globally, not just the explorer view

What is this marked number next to the file name in Visual Studio Code?

I know the meaning of M as "modified" on the right side of the file name.
But what is that number 4 next to the M ?
Is there a name for these marks?
Any docs of this will helpful!
That is the number of linting errors and warnings currently in the file.
To see the actual errors and their details, open the Problems panel, which by default is at the bottom part of the editor. (If it's not shown, open it by going to the menu View > Problems).
As #Goofballtech mentioned, this is the number of errors & warnings associated with a given file. You can turn this off by setting problems.decorations.enabled to false in your VSCode settings.json.
You can find more information here:

Eclipse Code formatter: keep complete function signature in one line

how is it done? cant find the option?
why is it anyways, that so many people format their code that way?
i really dont like it...
foo(int); //dont like
int foo(int); //like
By default, Eclipse shouldn't be reformatting your code unless you have it do so through the Format command.
However, if you're working with other people's codes and want to format it to your liking it is possible to have Eclipse apply formatting.
You can adjust how this works by locating the Code Style section under the language you are using under the Preferences menu.
Start with the Window->Preferences menu. I like to type "code" into the search box to limit the options. Then follow the steps in the image ** You can format almost everything.
I can't answer why some people would like the return value on a line by itself; I've never met anyone that did.

Matching keyword highlight color in editor

I am using a clone of the wombat Vim color scheme in eclipse for Python development and it works well apart from the matching keyword highlight (whatever that is named), which is ffff96. This pale yellow makes it impossible to read the white foreground text. Anyone know where this is set?
Oh! Found it! General->Editors->Text Editors->Annotations->Occurences(Pydev). Awesome. What a mess.
Agree with Paul this is a mess; you have to know the name of what you're looking for in order to find it. Bleh. However, here are actual locations for the underlying settings strings (with thanks to Frederic):
In the file {Eclipse workspace directory}/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs :
Here are the python-specific and general text colors for matching keywords (they call it "Indication"):
Also, if you're looking for a specific value that you can find in the UI but not in a file you can change it in Eclipse to a known RGB value and grep for that in the .settings dir.