Grafana FlowCharting plugin - disrepair editor - grafana

I have Grafana v8.2.6 with FlowCharting plugin ( I don't know why, but my editor of this plugin chart looks like this:
Why Inspect setting section looks like broken? I can't edit values from table under Reinit graph and color red button. Anyone know what's happen?


Change hover color over sidebar elements in 1.11?

In the new version 1.11 we are able to customize VS using workbench.experimental.colorCustomizations config, but still I can't manage to change the hover color in file tree of the sidebar, take a look:
I have been looking for patterns like background or hover but I can't find it, I don't even know if it's implemented as this is experimental. Do you know if there is a config to change this an its name?
"list.hoverBackground": "#424d66",
"list.hoverForeground": "#ff6a00",
After looking around in the file which contains the theme constants I don't believe it's currently possible at this stage.
Hopefully in a future release support for this will be added.

Where can I find the option to change the "Declaration" color?

I'd like to change the background color used to highlight the variable declarations. At this moment, I'm only able to change the color used to highlight the variable occurrences.
If you take a look at the image below, you can see that the two kind of colors are very different.
A guy on the eclipse forum told me that I have to go to Windows-> Preference-> General-> Editors-> Text editors-> Annotations and I have to change the Declaration option on the right.
However, while he shows to me that he has such an option, I have no similar option on my eclipse version.
I use his same version
Version: Luna Service Release 1 (4.4.1)
Build id: 20140925-1800
What could be the problem? How can I change this color?

django-tinymce in django-admin popup window display blank

I followed django-tinymce document configuration step by step and finally can see tinymce editor in django-admin pages.
But when I click Image button, the popup window is blank. And the title of popup window is '{#advanced_dlg.image_title}' like something wrong about parse.
The HTML view button is the same.
I know that 'document.domain' may solve it, but I set 'document.domain' is no help to above.
Is the associated tinymce plugin activated in your tinymce config?
{#advanced_dlg.image_title} looks like the plugin (and the language files) have not been loaded.
You amy use Firebug or any other developer web tool with a console and type in the following to find out which plugins have been loaded:

Change annotation background colors in eclipse?

So in eclipse whenever there is an error it's underlined in red, and when you hover over it is displays an annotation with tips on how to fix the error. On my Windows OS it is correct and the background is a tanish color but on Ubuntu the background is black and I want it tanish like Windows. I know there is an annotation area under Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations, but I don't see a section to change background colors. Please help.
Oddly, colors and fonts are very poorly implemented in Eclipse. Quite a number of things are either extremely difficult to figure out or impossible. Looks like this one is impossible to modify. Perhaps there's an OS way to make those changes?
That said, I found an Eclipse plugin, Annotions Ruler Background. It looks like it should do the trick, but was designed for Indigo (3.7) and doesn't seem to work on Juno (4.2). Sigh.
You can install it from the usual way in Eclipse (help->eclipse marketplace->search, etc.). Their website is here.
If you're still on Indigo, give it a try.
I find this page, it works.
It change the theme tooltip background color, and foreground color if need.
You can install tool gnome-color-chooser or modify the configure directly (default at /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc). If After you modify the theme configure, you need reload theme to use new config.

IntelliJ auto-completion preferences

... is there a way to change the color of the library name shown next to suggestion when using javascript auto completion? For instance right now I'll have something like : 'css jQuery(jquery-1.6.js)' and jQuery(jquery-1.6.js) is displayed in light gray on light green-ish background. Is there a way to change that to a different font/color for the lib name?
It's not possible right now. Submitting request would help to get it implemented in the future.