In Azure DevOps which ticket was a branch created for? - azure-devops

In Azure DevOps you can select a ticket on the Sprint task board and there is a menu option Create Branch which you can use to create a branch in the repo to work on that ticket.
Having done this, if you go to the Branches view in DevOps, how on earth do you see which ticket each branch was created for?

Based on your concern and description, currently, on the Branches view in DevOps, there is no optioned field for which ticket each branch was created for, also, regarding this limit for your "Branches view show which ticket each branch was created for" requirement, you could create a feature request via: . That will allow you to directly interact with the appropriate Product Group, and make it more convenient for the product group to collect and categorize your suggestions.
Besides, a workaround for your scenario is that it is suggested that you could name the branch with the related WIT ID to help recognize it, for example, you can name the new created branch like WIT ID "Task6" to help specify the branch when creating it.
You could also check the related branch name in "Details" and "History" section when opening the WIT.
In "Details" section.
In "History" section.
Hope it's helpful to you.


I can't complete a pull request in Azure DevOps

My colleague submitted a pull request on a repository. I made a recommendation on renaming a function but I clicked "Approve with recommendations". However, from here I cannot do anything. I cannot "Complete" the pull request. The Complete button remains disabled.
We made a team and we gave the team Project Contributors. WHat else do we need to do? I've used Github for years and I cannot figure out why Azure DevOps UI is so terrible.
Do you have any merge conflicts in the pull request? Make sure to resolve them first.
Also, make sure that your user is not part of any group that has a Deny-policy possible overriding your Project Contributor rights.
Lastly, check the branch policies (link) to see if anything is hindering you from completing the request.

Azure Devops Rules for WorkItems

We have created a field in all Work Items, named "Manager" to assign the Manager of the developer/tester, to whom the work item is assigned to. Now that person in the Manager field is not getting any email Notification when the assignee updates the work item.
Tried setting the notification, but creating notification for every work item is not feasible.
I tried with setting rules, but doesn't seem to have the right conditions and actions available.
I read about third party tools like power automate. Before jumping into that solution, I would like to know if this can be achieved with the existing configuration settings in Azure Devops
I would like to know if this can be achieved with the existing
configuration settings in Azure Devops
I am afraid that azure devops currently does not provide built-in configuration settings to achieve this requirement.
You could add your request for this feature on our UserVoice site , which is our main forum for product suggestions. After suggest raised, you can vote and add your comments for this feedback. The product team would provide the updates if they view it.

Is it possible to fill reviewers from Contributors group on creating Pull Request on Azure DevOps?

Is it possible to fill reviewers from Contributors group on creating Pull Request?
Is it possible out of the box or need to install some extension?
My guess is you want it to pre-fill the reviewers with a set list, if so then you want to go into Project Settings - Repositories and set a policy on the relevant branch to automatically include reviewers:

How do I add a required reviewer when people of a given team create a pull request in DevOps?

After hours of googling and search, I can't find how to add a required reviewer when people of a given team create a pull request in DevOps.
Some people will be able to contribute to our repository, but they are external to our company, that's why we want to enforce this control.
Does anyone ever did it?
It seems that you want to conditionally set the required reviewers according to which team the pull request creator comes from. If so, I think there is no such built-in function currently provided.
Currently only the filter condition of "based on which files changed" is provided.
You could add this feature request on our UserVoice site , which is our main forum for product suggestions. After suggest raised, you can vote and add your comments for this feedback. The product team would provide the updates if they view it.
You can do this with a branch policy in Azure DevOps Repos. In ADO, go to project settings and click Repositories in the menu in the Repos section of the project settings page. Click the repository you would like to protect with code reviews and then select the Policies tab. Next select the git branch needing reviews.
On the bottom of the branch policies page you can select Automatically included reviewers. Click the + button to add reviewers. When adding the reviewers you can select if these selected reviewers are required or optional. This is actually something of a rule-builder, you can add multiple 'rules' by repeatedly going through click + and add reviewers
There is also some documentation on branch policies that might be helpful
This is my solution, this has been work for year
Azure DevOps: Automatically add different Reviewers based on Pull Request author using Microsoft Power Automate

Team Members Unable to View Work Item Templates

I am relatively new to Azure DevOps, so hopefully what I am about to ask makes sense...
My company utilizes a custom version of the Agile template for our projects. My particular project contains two different teams.
I am a member of the first team for visibility purposes. I manage the second team and would like to grant them the ability to use the work item templates I created.
Unfortunately, they are not able to see or use my templates and I am not sure why. The Azure DevOps documentation says they must 1) be members of the Azure DevOps team and 2) be members of the Contributor group. I can confirm both of those boxes are checked, but no dice.
My knowledge of Azure DevOps permissions is admittedly very little and my Google searches have yielded no promising results. Has anyone run into this problem before and know what the solution might be? Thanks in advance for your help!
Request #1: Sam's View
Request #1: Tyler's View
Request #1: Tyler's View Part 2
Request #2: Sam's View
Request #2: Tyler's View
Request #3: IS Team Permissions
Request #3: IS Team Members
Check for the permissions granted in permissions tab
Verify the other team members have the same process template - Agile/ Basic
In my project, I created two teams, test and Test_Agile Team and created different templates for the two teams, you could check the pic below.
Then I added a user to Test_Agile Team and Contributor group, then try to create work item with template.
We can create work items via Test_Agile Team work item template. Please check the pic.
You need open project settings->teams->select one team and ensure these users are in this team.
Open project setting->Team configuration->switch to team->click the tab Templates->select the work item and ensure that there have template.
Please contact team members and share the following screenshots here.
open project settings->Team configuration->switch to the correct team->click the tab Templates->select the work item type that has the template such as below.
If see the error You do not have permission to edit templates for this team, the user will not see the work item template and use it in the Boards section. you need open project settings->Teams->click the correct team and ensure the user is a member of this team.
Open work item->Template->Capture and then then share the screenshot here.
Open project settings->Permissions->Click the tab Users->select the user and then share the permission screenshot here.