Team Members Unable to View Work Item Templates - azure-devops

I am relatively new to Azure DevOps, so hopefully what I am about to ask makes sense...
My company utilizes a custom version of the Agile template for our projects. My particular project contains two different teams.
I am a member of the first team for visibility purposes. I manage the second team and would like to grant them the ability to use the work item templates I created.
Unfortunately, they are not able to see or use my templates and I am not sure why. The Azure DevOps documentation says they must 1) be members of the Azure DevOps team and 2) be members of the Contributor group. I can confirm both of those boxes are checked, but no dice.
My knowledge of Azure DevOps permissions is admittedly very little and my Google searches have yielded no promising results. Has anyone run into this problem before and know what the solution might be? Thanks in advance for your help!
Request #1: Sam's View
Request #1: Tyler's View
Request #1: Tyler's View Part 2
Request #2: Sam's View
Request #2: Tyler's View
Request #3: IS Team Permissions
Request #3: IS Team Members

Check for the permissions granted in permissions tab
Verify the other team members have the same process template - Agile/ Basic

In my project, I created two teams, test and Test_Agile Team and created different templates for the two teams, you could check the pic below.
Then I added a user to Test_Agile Team and Contributor group, then try to create work item with template.
We can create work items via Test_Agile Team work item template. Please check the pic.
You need open project settings->teams->select one team and ensure these users are in this team.
Open project setting->Team configuration->switch to team->click the tab Templates->select the work item and ensure that there have template.
Please contact team members and share the following screenshots here.
open project settings->Team configuration->switch to the correct team->click the tab Templates->select the work item type that has the template such as below.
If see the error You do not have permission to edit templates for this team, the user will not see the work item template and use it in the Boards section. you need open project settings->Teams->click the correct team and ensure the user is a member of this team.
Open work item->Template->Capture and then then share the screenshot here.
Open project settings->Permissions->Click the tab Users->select the user and then share the permission screenshot here.


How to reset Azure DevOps connector in MS Teams

I was moved from one DevOps organisation to another and access to the old org was removed. This caused my MS Teams DevOps plugin to stop working in private chats, but was fine in team channels.
When I tried to open the app settings, I got a white window with a JSON that suggested a permission problem.
How do I connect the app to the new organisation?
Trying to open the app settings using the Teams webpage I got a popup that let me read the request URL and I saw the two GET parameters for organisation and project ID.
Removing those two parameters gave me a screen to select an organisation and a project. The tab closed right away and the integration is fixed.
I guess replacing the project_id and tfs_uri with the correct data from the target project would work, too, but that's the purpose of the section page, already.
Going to the app settings now yields this exact selection page, by the way, so this is a bug in the DevOps Teams app. There's one line of information at the top that apparently requires access to the DevOps organisation and needlessly gates the whole dialog behind organisation access permissions.

In Azure DevOps is there provision of any external link to client by which they can only access bugs or selective work items created by them?

Our organization is using Azure DevOps to for project management. Currently, to track work progress, which tasks are pending, which are done, issues raised etc. in project we give full access to clients, such that they can view activities happening in that project. Now as an organization, we want to restrict client from viewing the activities done by our internal team. We don't want them to view bugs created by our QA Team to developers. We only want them to CREATE & VIEW bugs created by them. Is there any provision to give only those rights to the client ?
Can we give rights for external users (clients) to create bugs and view status of bugs created by THEM only & RESTRICT view of bugs/work items created by internal team team members? Please assist.
Thanks in advance.
Is there any provision to give only those rights to the client? Can we give rights for external users (clients) to create bugs and view status of bugs created by THEM only & RESTRICT view of bugs/work items created by internal team members?
You could consider to add these external users (clients) to be a new team, and then set "View permissions for this node" permission and "View work items in this node" permission for this team to be Deny for specific areas, so the team cannot view work items under these areas. See: Set permissions and access for work tracking for more details.

Azure Devops Rules for WorkItems

We have created a field in all Work Items, named "Manager" to assign the Manager of the developer/tester, to whom the work item is assigned to. Now that person in the Manager field is not getting any email Notification when the assignee updates the work item.
Tried setting the notification, but creating notification for every work item is not feasible.
I tried with setting rules, but doesn't seem to have the right conditions and actions available.
I read about third party tools like power automate. Before jumping into that solution, I would like to know if this can be achieved with the existing configuration settings in Azure Devops
I would like to know if this can be achieved with the existing
configuration settings in Azure Devops
I am afraid that azure devops currently does not provide built-in configuration settings to achieve this requirement.
You could add your request for this feature on our UserVoice site , which is our main forum for product suggestions. After suggest raised, you can vote and add your comments for this feedback. The product team would provide the updates if they view it.

How to reference users across projects in Azure DevOps?

I have 2 private projects in my Azure DevOps Organization, say Project A and Project B. I need to mention a User in Project B from a work item in Project A. I'm able to do it. But the mentioned user is not able to view the Work Item as he don't have access. Any Solution or Work Around to achieve this?
Giving Reader Access permissions will solve the problem of user being able to view the work item.
If you haven't already given reader access to the user, try giving it and see if that helps.
See the below Image for reference :
Click on Project Settings -> Permissions -> Readers -> Click on Add -> and add that user.
Currently we cannot set permissions for a single work item. If you would like that feature, please use the below link and create a request for this feature: This link is directly monitored by the product team and they will look into this request and share their views on the same. If lot of users request for the same feature, they will add this item to backlog to implement in the future sprints.

Why don't invited team members get emails to join my project in DevOps? Why can't they see my project?

I have just started trying to use Azure DevOps. Whenever I invite a new Team Member to join my project they do not get an email asking them to join. When they log into DevOps, they cannot see my project. I have a suspicion this is somehow related to Active Directory but I have no clue.
I have tried inviting work emails and gmails. I have check that the permissions allow notifications and project collaboration. The project shows the invited emails as part of the project.
Is it supposed to be this difficult to synch up your team?
You can go to Project settings, click Permissions under General, click Users tab and select the new team member you added to your project. Make the View project-level information permission is set to allow for the new member.
I cannot reproduce the email not sending out issue. You can click the 3dots at the most right of the User of the Users section in Organziation setting, and try resending invite a couple of more times.
You can check the Microsoft documents to Add users to your organization or project and Add users to a project or team
I just wanted to update this to say that 'Resend invite' under Organization Settings > Users successfully sent the email to my users. Thank you for the great suggestion. No clue why they didn't send in the first place.