Is it possible to redirect to the localhost of the user in LemonLdap - single-sign-on

In my LemonLDAP server, I try to configure an host for redirect user connection to the localhost app of the connected user (where App is running in local).
Localhost seems to be redirect to "server localhost" and not the localhost of the computer used by user.
It is possible to apply this configuration ?


Can't connect to amazon rds

I just setup aws rds and I'm trying to connect pgadmin to it. I put in the Endpoint and the port shown in the rds dashboard, and the username and password I set. When I try connecting, I get an error message saying: Unable to connect to server "host name" port "port" failed: timeout expired.
I also tried connecting prisma to it by running npx prisma migrate dev --name init and I also get an error saying P1001: Can't reach database server at "host name".
I made sure to set Publicly accessible to Yes, but it's still not working. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it?
(For the settings, I used the default free tier settings.)
In the question thread, the security group is defined to accept All Traffic from all IPv6 addresses ::/0. Permission for IPv4 address should be added as well. You may want to address All Traffic for IPv4 address

Why can I connect to '' but not 'localhost' when no internet connection is present in MongoDB compass?

I am curious why I can connect to the localhost server by specifying the loopback IP address ( but not using the name 'localhost', when no internet connection is present in mongoDB compass? When I try to connect with the domain name I get the following error:
getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND localhost localhost:27017
I'm guessing the domain name lookup process is requiring the internet in order to convert localhost to Not sure if I'm on the right track or not.
When you are connected to the internet the DNS service of your device handles the resolution of localhost. When you are not connected to the device the only way for your machine to know about the name localhost is the /etc/hosts file (or C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts if you're running windows, latest versions of windows although might resolve localhost without using the hosts file).

PG::CONNECTION BAD connecting to pgAdminIII cloud 9 IDE

New to web development. Trying to connect and register new server for pgAdminIII. (using cloud 9 ide)..
I get this error when viewing in the browser..
could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on
"localhost" (::1) and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
could not connect to server: Connection
refused Is the server running on host "localhost"
( and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432
PS. trying to access via new user "ubuntu" SUPERUSER created..
How can I fix this?
PPS. On cloud 9's community forum, an employee says..
"Only ports 8080, 8081 and 8082 are open for workspaces so if you want to access the DB externally you'll need to run it on one of these ports. Make sure you can access it with curl from a local terminal and ensure it's listening on not, as the latter only allows local connections."
Lastly, their ide comes with postgres installed, all I needed to do, was set it up..
How do I use the above info while trying to register the new server in order to use the gui?
Let me know if I need to include anything else.
You should enable postgresql service by performing sudo service postgresql start.
After enabling, you can access the console using sudo sudo -u postgres psql and CREATE ROLE ubuntu LOGIN REPLICATION CREATEDB CREATEROLE SUPERUSER; to allow Rails take advantage of your database.
Rails also complains about template read error after creating ubuntu role.
To fix the template error, read up on this.
You should get PostgreSQL server up and running in no time. Happy coding!
You should only use localhost for local and system resources (i.e. psql, etc.) while is for everything else like running Rails or Apache server.

bugzilla can't connect to postgres server

I just installed bugzilla-4.4.1 on version 6.4 of Scientific Linux, and I'm having problems connecting to the database (Pg version 8.4).
When I try to fetch the main page (index.cgi), I get the following message:
Software error:
Can't connect to the database.
Error: could not connect to server: Permission denied
Is the server running on host "" and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
Is your database installed and up and running?
Do you have the correct username and password selected in localconfig?
For help, please send mail to the webmaster (root#localhost), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.
Postgres's pg_hba.conf.conf is configured for md5 auth on localhost:
host all all md5
and I can connect to the bugs user in the database using psql:
psql -h -U bugs
Running seems to confirm that the database is set up and configured properly:
... snip ...
Reading ./localconfig...
Checking for DBD-Pg (v2.7.0) ok: found v2.15.1
Checking for PostgreSQL (v8.03.0000) ok: found v08.04.1800
Removing existing compiled templates...
Precompiling templates...done.
Fixing file permissions...
Now that you have installed Bugzilla, you should visit the 'Parameters'
page (linked in the footer of the Administrator account) to ensure it
is set up as you wish - this includes setting the 'urlbase' option to
the correct URL. complete.
[root#PAHRALBLNX001 bugzilla]#
and the script indicates that the server is set up properly:
[root#PAHRALBLNX001 bugzilla]# ./
TEST-OK Webserver is running under group id in $webservergroup.
TEST-OK Got padlock picture.
TEST-OK Webserver is executing CGIs via mod_cgi.
TEST-OK Webserver is preventing fetch of
I've also verified that the bugs username and password in localconfig matches the setup in Postgres.
The one thing that seems odd however, is that when I look at localhost with Wireshark, I don't see any attempts to connect to the PostgreSQL server while accessing the bugzilla main page. However, if I connect to the PostgreSQL server using psql, I do see the connection in Wireshark.
I also discovered that bugzilla wouldn't send email. This turned out to be a selinux problem as pointed out by Daniel Vérité. I changed httpd_can_sendmail and httpd_can_network_connect to true, and now it works.
Based on the error message:
Error: could not connect to server: Permission denied
Is the server running on host "" and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
Permission denied when trying to connect to an IP address means it's denied by the local security policy.
The web server must be enabled to connect to databases with this command:
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_db 1
and if it's not sufficient:
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
See for more

Problem with configuring Thunderbird with hMailServer

I installed hMailServer and did the following
1. Created a domain
2. Added an user testuser
Now the hMailServer is running in my localhost.
When I install Mozilla thunder bird and try to configure it by entering the username and password, it fails giving
Thunderbird failed to find the settings for your email account.
How can I tell thunderbird about the hMailServer running in my local host? Where is thunderbird looking for the domain when I entered
I saw some messages like "Looking up in Mozilla ISP database". But the mail server is in my local machine.
Am I missing any configuration details?
I posted a video tutorial on YouTube on how to configure hMail and Thunderbird:
I found it pay attention to the IPv4 address -that is very important :
Make sure:
Incoming is: ”IMAP”
Server hostname: local ip address server computer
Port: 143
SSL: None
Authentication: Normal password
Username: complete account name!!
Outgoing: ”SMTP”
Server hostname: as per your host
Port: as per your host
SSL: as per your host
Authentication: as per your host