Connecting Deno Backend to MongoDB - mongodb

I am new to Deno. I was following a tutorial and I was learning about how to connect my Deno backend to MongoDB. If I am honest the Tutorial I am watching right is a little bit old and so many things changed since the video came out. Can someone help how I can connect to my MongoDB database?
Thank you
I tried to use dataAPI based on this struction but when I tried it with postmen the response I got was the URL is not found. And that was weird for me apparently the article is new. I tried to use MongoClient. But again I wasn't successful.

After talking to the Deno Discord community I understand that you need to add a couple of things. The URL that mongo would generate for you is something like this:
mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>#<cluster>/?retryWrites=true&w=majority.But your URL should be something like this: mongodb+srv://${user}:${pass}#${cluster}/?retryWrites=true&w=majority&authMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-1&authSource=admin.Again I really want to thank the Deno community, They are really fun to work with.


mongo atlas free sandbox in production

I am going to deploy client's webapp using mongoose (mongo atlas) and gotta admit, he is not very generous, i know that Sanbox (M0 cluster) is not suitable for production mode but wanted to know why? are there any reason that it is not secure to use M0 in production, i mean it's storage is suitable for website needs Thanks in advance, it is really simple application, with add post delete post and edit post like simple wordpress theme. thanks in advance.
P.S: i could not find any real problem in this link

Testing strategy for Go with Mongodb

I am trying to get a project started in Go and MongoDb. I am stumped when trying to figure out the best way to unittest my database interactions.
Normally people use database mocks, read here for the same answer in Java.

iOS: Accessing MySQL DB directly?

While googling this issue, I found this: MySQL Connector written by Karl Kraft. Has anyone tried it successfully? Is there any better libraries for this issue? Any tutorials?
I know I can access DBs through REST Web Services, but I have no PHP Programmers to configure it for me.
You will be so much happier if you just write a REST service. It is incredibly easy, especially on Rails. See this link.
In 6 minutes he shows you how to create a RESTful service that supports creating, updating, and deleting.

MongoDB helper applications

Are there any good applications that people use with the MongoDB database to make it easier? I'm using MongoVUE for looking at the data and querying data. Are there any other apps that I should know about? I'm thinking of using MongoDB from now on.
There's a MongoDB Admin UIs list you might find useful.
PHP Rock Monogo is an awesome web interface for querying that you should try out.
Download rockmongo-on-windows-v0.0.2.rar from, unzip the file and run rockstart.bat. Then, login as admin/admin in to the web interface.

Trying to DRY up nodejs express app using mongodb

I'm trying to separate my mongodb code in a nodejs express app and am having troubles understanding how to shuffle things around.
here's a gist of what I have
I've dumbed it down to almost nothing in the middleware.
When I start the server, res.myvar is correctly set to "object" in the first request. Every subsequent request fails with res.myvar being "undefined".
I just want to stick the db code in a single place and then be able to use it in my various routes. Am I going about this wrong? All the examples on the mongodb nodejs driver page just make db queries etc. I'm not finding much integrating the whole thing in an express app.
What I had originally was opening new db connections on every request.
I've edited the gist and left the old stuff commented out.
It works now.
Many thanks to Ciaran's blog post
It's kinda old but still helped.
I am writing node-fourm, I have the same problem at beginning. There is a db folder and controller folder in node-fourm, they are seperated now, and I can define method for each collection now. Check the code for detail.
I wrote mongoskin to make it possible.