Testing strategy for Go with Mongodb - mongodb

I am trying to get a project started in Go and MongoDb. I am stumped when trying to figure out the best way to unittest my database interactions.

Normally people use database mocks, read here for the same answer in Java.


Abstracting mongo functions with NextJS

I'm working on a new NextJS project that uses MongoDB.
Right now I'm having a hard time finding the best practices for next + mongo.
Would it be a good setup to have a /util/mongo folder where I store all my queries and mutations?
I could then use those in getServerSideProps.
Would appreciate any pointers to good reading material as well.

Load a PostgreSQL database using cloudconnect

On the side of my Gooddata project, I maintain a small PostgreSQL database that contains a few tables.
I would like to be able to integrate both my ETL processes using the same tool, and it seems to me cloudconnect would be the easiest way, since I already have my whole GoodData ETL in it.
Here are the ways I tried to do it without success:
I tried to have a look in the documentation, and it seems to me that all the functionalities of CloverETL that enabled this (DBOutput, PostGreSQLDataWriter) are not available in Cloudconnect.
I managed to connect to the Agile Datawarehouse Service (Database attached to GoodData), but it seems that only the ADS database is able to understand the request:
COPY MyDataBaseTable (field1,field2) FROM LOCAL '${DATA_TMP_DIR}/CIforADS.csv'
even when I adapt the syntax to PostgreSQL because the dynamic addressing I use here does not seem to work.
Is there any way to proceed that I'm missing? Can anyone think of a workaround?
In general this could be achieved by using of "DBExecute" component, but
I'm not sure if I understand it well - do you want to load data into your own Postgres instance using CloudConnect?

Mongodb document versioning using spring data

I am using Spring Data in my Java application to connect to MongoDb and have a requirement around versioning the documents (basically storing the history).
It seems that its pretty straightforward in Ruby, if one uses Mongoid
I was wondering if spring data has something similar for Java. Or are you better of trying to implement your own.
Yes there is a very good feature in Spring data which is auditing you can refer to the following link
After lot of research I found that https://javers.org/documentation/spring-boot-integration/. This works like rock solid and very easy to implement.
This library helps to store all the history of the changed fields and easy to query over it and it has great support of it. The sample POC shared here: https://nullbeans.com/auditing-using-spring-boot-mongodb-and-javers/

Writing arbitrary mongoDB queries to PHP backend

Im in the start up phase of creating an internal system based on PHP and MongoDB. The users of this system are Javascript programmers and would like to be able to make custom queries to the Mongo database from a frontend gui with arbitrary Mongo shell queries. Of course this would not be a problem at all if I forced them to to write the queries with proper PHP arrays etc, but i would definitely like to avoid this.
I am not quite sure how to approach a feature like this without writing some advanced methods being able to restructure the queries to proper formated arrays that can be used in MongoClient PHP. One approach would be making use of the i.e. MongoDB::execute() method and run the javascript on the database server - a method i don't fancy at all.
Im kindly asking if you have any ideas on how to achieve the requested functionalities to some extend.
Thank you in advance.
Are you looking for something like this : http://rockmongo.com/ ?

What is the best way to connect an iphone app to a mysql database?

I want the way with the fastest execution time. I'm not feeling comfortable of using web service because i need to create separate php pages and retrieve data as xml. If you think its good to use web service please tell me why. I want to code my database queries right on my c/objective c pages.
I've been searching for libraries. I saw this sequel pro - won't i have any problems on using this - like licensing issues? I also saw this libmysqlclient of cocoa but some say its not working well. I've also read about a library developed by Karl Kraft found here http://www.karlkraft.com/index.php/2010/06/02/mysql-and-objective-c/ but don't know if i could trust this.
I would really appreciate you help.
Definitely build a web service to act as an abstraction layer to your database. Here are some significant reasons in my opinion:
Since you want speed, you will be able to add caching when using the webservice, so you will essentially eliminate the need for identical queries to run (sometimes).
If you need to change your data model later, you just have to modify the webservice backend and don't have to update your app.
You can better control security by not exposing the database to the world, and keep it safe behind the web service.
Your database credentials should not be stored in an app. What if you needed to change those?
I strongly suggest a web service. Hope this helps.
Connect to your DB by PHP and output the result as JSON
is much better and faster then xml and less coding if use JSON Framework.
and never never try to connect to your DB from your iphone because it easy to sniff out the request from iphone.
Being safe then Sorry, keep that in mind