Flutter Google Sign-In not working platformexception - flutter

Google sign-in not working on real device (release mode) but working on emulator. I did all related settings like SHA-1 Keys, support email, enabled google authentications etc.
I am getting a strange error
I/flutter ( 2385): PlatformException(sign_in_failed, g1.b: 10: , null,
Please help me with this. I am stuck with this almost 2 days.

Got it guys. If app is not working in release mode you need to copy the SHA-1 Keys from Play store account to firebase.


Android Device Verification not working in Flutter

I am trying to do get OTP without Verifying you are not a robot screen using firebase in a flutter.
I added the SHA-256 key in firebase and enabled the Android Device Verification in console developer google. But still after entering the phone number for OTP that Verifying you are not a robot screen was showing and redirecting to the app. Did I miss something or it will take time to activate Android Device Verification.
Make sure your app is Registered via SafetyNet at:
Firebase Console > Project Settings > App Check > Your app
Secondly, try to test it on a real device. If you are testing phone authentication on an emulator then reCAPTCHA screen will be still shown but for real devices it won’t be shown anymore as stated in the official documentation.
Addition: It will always be shown in rooted devices.
Edit: If this is happening only to your playstore downloaded application, then you probably didn't add your playstore signing SHA1 and SHA256 to your firebase.
Go to your playstore account, app signing under integrity and copy these keys and add them to your firebase project.

Flutter ios Google Authentification without firebase error

I'm trying to set up my app without firebase services, but I've faced the issue with Google Authentification. The error message is following: Runner[9138:3105633] [VERBOSE-2:ui_dart_state.cc(199)] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(missing-config, GoogleService-Info.plist file not found, null, null)
Is it possible to use Google auth without the firebase?
No! There is no way to use Google auth without the firebase, you must integrated your app with firebase.

ads showing in old release build of an app but not in recent one

recently I've build a release of an app and found no ads are showing neither banner or native ads, but I have another old version of the same app and the ads are working in it!
the same ad units and the same app id;
all i get is this:
W/flutter ( 2825): onAdFailedToLoad: 3
I/Ads ( 2825): Ad failed to load : 3
anyone has an explanation for this?
the problem cause was the Keystore used in the app;
real ads didn't show when using a recently created Keystore (this was the stuck);
also didn't show if I don't provide Sha1 of the keystore to firebase (i use firebase);
also didn't show if I use adblocker app in the client phone;

Flutter Google service leader board not working

I'm using this Flutter package to interface with the Google game service https://pub.dev/packages/games_services
I think I configured the game service in Google play console correctly and implemented codes in my project. Although my app is showing and submitting the score to the iOS game center, but my app can not show the leaderboard nor submitting a score as well.
I published my app in the Google play console and linked this app in the Game service in Google play console. Actually I set up the Firebase AdMob as well, so I configured my app with the SHA1 fingerprint through the Firebase(It created the OAuth ClientID, etc. automatically in Google API console) before I linked my app in Google game service.
I'm suspicious that the credentials including OAuth ClientID, etc. were not created by Google play console.
Can anybody give me a tip to resolve this issue?
Do you mean that your leaderboards are running correctly in iOS game center?
If not, you may have to make sure that your implementation is correct first.
If you suspect it's an OAuth credentials issue, you can try linking a second SHA1 fingerprint as described in Google's official documentation.
In "Check the certificate fingerprint" section:
Note: If you are debugging your game using your debug certificate but
have configured games services using your release certificate, you
should add a second linked app using the same package name and your
debug certificate's SHA1 fingerprint. This will allow you to sign in
to the application whether it's signed with the debug or release
Google Play Console default has a managed App Signing feature that will replace your upload key with a Google-managed key, which may cause fingerprint mismatch that you described.

Unknown error while generating a push notification certificate

Have anyone experienced this error, from the Apple's developer console?
The strange thing is that according to the next screen, everything has been perfect:
At last, my push notification does not work, and I wonder If the problem comes from this "error".
It comes just after uploading the CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequestfile generated by the Keychain Access application.
Section Configure your app in iOS Provisioning portal in http://mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/iphone/iphone-sdk_apns/ mentions clear steps to generate the push notifications enabled provisioning certificate.
I finally found the problem !
I has this error message on Google Chrome (v19.0.1084.56), and when I tried on Safari everything worked perfectly.
I didn't try on other web browser.