Kubernetes expose a service on a port over tls - kubernetes

I have my application https://myapp.com deployed on K8S, with an nginx ingress controller. HTTPS is resolved at nginx.
Now there is a need to expose one service on a specific port for example https://myapp.com:8888. Idea is to keep https://myapp.com secured inside the private network and expose only port number 8888 to the internet for integration.
Is there a way all traffic can be handled by the ingress controller, including tls termination, and it can also expose 8888 port and map it to a service?
I need another nginx terminating tls and exposed on nodeport? I am not sure if I can access services like https://myapp.com:<node_port> with https.
Is using multiple ingress controllers an option?
What is the best practice to do this in Kubernetes?

Use sidecar proxy pattern to add HTTPS support to the application running inside the pod.
Refer the below diagram as a reference
Run nginx as a sidecar proxy container fronting the application container inside the same pod. Access the application through port 8888 on nginx proxy. nginx would route the traffic to the application.
Find below the post showing how it can be implemented

It is not a best practices to expose custom port over internet.
Instead, create a sub-domain (i.e https://custom.myapp.com) which point to internal service in port 8888.
Then to create separate nginx ingress (not ingress controller) which point to that "https://custom.myapp.com" sub domain
Example manifest file as follow:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: ingress-myapp-service
namespace: abc
- host: custom.myapp.com
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: myapp-service
number: 8888
Hope this helps.

So you have service foo on some port, which you want to have available on your internal network. Then service bar, which runs on port 8888 in that same pod.
It's as simple as setting up two services to that pod, with different spec.ports[].targetPort values. My example assumes a svc foo pointing at port 80, and svc bar pointing at port 8888 on the pod.
Take care that generally, the ingress controller only services HTTP and HTTPS connections on ports 80 and 443. That is a network setting generally defined for the nodes that are running the ingress controller. TCP/UDP are not serviced out-of-the-box by the ingress controller
My advice is to use something like this, and use path to expose the required service.
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: ingress-wildcard-host
- host: "myapp.com"
- pathType: Prefix
path: "/"
name: foo
number: 80
- pathType: Prefix
path: "/bar"
name: bar
number: 80
If you would want to further secure your network, you should probably take a look at networkpolicies. They allow configuration of granular access to pods and services. You can, for example, only allow external ingress to that pod to port 8888.


Traefik behind ssl terminating load balancer return 404

I have a K8s setup with traefik being exposed like this
ingressClass: traefik
http: 32080
serviceType: NodePort
Behind, I forward some requests to different services
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: my-name
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: traefik
- host: my-host.com
- path: /my-first-path
serviceName: my-nodeJs-services
servicePort: 3000
When the DNS is set directly to resolve to my ip, the application works fine with HTTP
But when some one add SSL through AWS ALB / API Gateway, the application fail to be reached with 404-NotFound error
The route is like this
On the AWS size, they configured something like this
https://my-host.com => SSL Termination and => Forward all to
I think this fail because traefik is expecting http://my-host.com but not https://my-host.com which lead to its failure to find the matching route? Or maybe at the ssl termination time, the hostname is lost so that traefik can not find a route?
What should I do in this situation?
I am not very familiar with ALB but what is probably happening is that the requests received by the loadbalancer contain the header Host: my-host.com and when it gets forwarded to your ingress controller, the header is replaced by Host: If this is the case, I see 3 solutions:
ALB might be able to pass the original Host header to the target. (You will have to check in the doc if it's possible)
If the application behind your ingress doesn't check the host header, you can write an ingress that doesn't check a specific host. For example on these examples you can see that the host field is not specified.
If the name resolution works internally, you can define a name for your target, use this name in your ALB and in your ingress.

Why is there an ADDRESS for the ingress-service? What's the use of that ADDRESS?

I deploy my cluster on GKE with an Ingress Controller
I use Helm to install the following:
Installed Ingress Controller
Deployed Load Balancer Service (Create a Load Balancer on GCP as well)
I also deployed the Ingress Object (Config as below)
Then I observed the following status ...
The Ingress Controller is exposed (By Load Balancer Service) with two endpoints: 35.197.XX.XX:80, 35.197.XX.XX:443
These two endpoints are exposed by the Cloud load balancer.
I have no problem with it.
However, when I execute kubectl get ing ingress-service -o wide, it prints out the following info.
ingress-service k8s.XX.com.tw 34.87.XX.XX 80, 443 5h50m
I really don't under the use of the IP under the ADDRESS column.
I can also see that Google add some extra info to the end of my Ingress config file about load balancer IP for me.
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
- host: k8s.XX.com.tw
- backend:
serviceName: client-cluster-ip-service
servicePort: 3000
path: /?(.*)
- backend:
serviceName: server-cluster-ip-service
servicePort: 5000
path: /api/?(.*)
- hosts:
- k8s.XX.com.tw
secretName: XX-com-tw
- ip: 34.87.XX.XX
According to Google's doc, this (34.87.XX.XX) looks like an external IP, but I can't access it with http://34.87.XX.XX
My question is that since we already have an external IP (35.197.XX.XX) to receive the traffic, why do we need this ADDRESS for the ingress-service?
If it's an internal or external IP ADDRESS?
What is this ADDRESS bound to?
What exactly is this ADDRESS used for?
Can anyone shed some light? Thanks a lot!
If you simply go take a look at the documentation you will have your answer.
What is an ingress ressource: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/#what-is-ingress
So following the doc:
Ingress exposes HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster. Traffic routing is controlled by rules defined on the Ingress resource.
To be more precise on cloud provider, the ingress will create a load-balancer to expose the service to the internet. The cocumentation on the subject specific to gke: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/tutorials/http-balancer
That explains why you have an external ip for the ingress.
What you should do now:
If you don't want to expose HTTP or/and HTTPS ports just delete the ingress ressource, you don't use it so it's pretty much useless.
If you are using HTTP/HTTPS ressources, change your service type to nodePort and leave the management of the load balancer to the ingress.
My opinion is that, as you are deploying the ingress-controller, you should select the second option and leave the management of the load-balancer to it. For the ingress of the ingress-controller, don't define rules just the backend to the nodePort service, the rules should be defined in specific ingress for each app and be managed by the ingress-controller.

Expose pod's tomcat port

I have the bare metall kubernetes pod running tomcat application on port 8085. If it would be common server, the app would be accessible via http://<server-ip>:8085/app. My goal is to expose the tomcat on Kubernetes node's address and the same port as used in tomcat.
I am able to expose and access app using Node Port service - but it is inconvenient that port is always different.
I tried to setup traefik ingress:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: test-tag2
- host: kubernetes.example.com #in my conf I use node's domain name
- path: /test
serviceName: test-tag2
servicePort: 8085
And I can see result in Traefik's dashboard, but still if I navigate to http://kubernetes.example.com/test/app I get nothing.
I've tried a bunch of ways to configure that and still no luck.
Is it actually possible to expose my pod in this way?
Did you try specifying a nodePort value in the service yaml? If specified, kubernetes will create service on the specified NodePort. If the nodePort is not available , kubernetes doesn't create the service.
Refer to this answer for more details:

Kubernetes reverse proxy pod for node-specific services?

In a Kubernetes cluster I have a per-node HTTP node-specific service deployed (using a DaemonSet). This service returns node-specific data (which is otherwise not available via the cluster/remote API). I cannot make use of a Kubernetes Service, as this would result in kind of a service roulette, as the client cannot control the exact node to which to connect (forward the HTTP request) to. As the service needs to return node-specific data, this would cause data to be returned for a random node, but not for the node the client wants.
My suspection is that I need a reverse proxy that uses a part of its own URL path to relay an incomming HTTP request deterministically to exactly the node the client indicates. This proxy then in turn could be either accessed by clients using the cluster/remote API service proxy functionality.
http://myservice/node1/.. --> http://node1:myservice/...
http://myservice/node2/... --> http://node2:myservice/...
Is there a ready-made pod (or Helm chart) available that maps a service running on all cluster nodes to a single proxy URL, with some path component specifying the node whose service instance to relay to? Is there some way to restrict the reverse proxy to relay only to those nodes being specified in the DaemonSet of the pod spec defining my per-node service?
Additionally, is there some ready-made "hub page" available for the reverse proxy listing/linking to only those nodes were my service is currently running on?
Or is this something where I need to create my own reverse proxy setup specifically? Is there some integration between, e.g. nginx and Kubernetes?
It is almost impossible if you use DaemonSet, because you can't add a unique label for the pod in DaemonSet. If you need to distribute one pod per node you can use podaffinity. with StatefulSet or Deployments.
Then create a service for each node:
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: svc-for-node1
nodename: unique-label-for-pod-on-node
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 9376
And final setup Ingress:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: test
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /
- host: foo.bar.com
- path: /svc-for-node1
serviceName: svc-for-node1
servicePort: 80
- path: /svc-for-node2
serviceName: svc-for-node2
servicePort: 80

OpenShift Service Proxy timeout

I have an application deployed on OpenShift Container Platform v3.6. It consists of multiple services interconnected to each other.
The frontend service calls a time consuming function of the backend service (through a REST call), but after 30 seconds it receives a "504 Gateway Timeout" message. Frontend runs over nginx, but I've already configured it with long proxy send/read timeouts, so the 504 message doesn't come from it. I think it comes from the Service Proxy component of OpenShift Platform, but I can't find out where and how configure a kind of service proxy timeout. I know the existence of HAProxy timeout for external routes, but my services leave in the same cluster application and communicate each other via OpenShift Container Platform DNS.
Could be a Service Proxy timeout issue? How can it be configured?
Your route timeout is the culprit. The haproxy ingress router is terminating the request. You can configure the timeout by following the docs below:
For example:
# Set the timeout on 'longrunningroute' to five minutes.
oc annotate route longrunningroute --overwrite haproxy.router.openshift.io/timeout=5m
In my case I didn't annotate the route myself but added the annotation to the Ingress.
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: example
namespace: my-namespace
haproxy.router.openshift.io/timeout: 600s
- hosts:
- example.com
secretName: https-tls-secret
- host: example.com
- path: /testpath
pathType: Prefix
name: test
number: 80
The routes are managed by the ingress and therefore inherit the annotations from it.