receiving notification from the Github about organization and private repositories - github

I have connected my personal GitHub account to the company I am working at. if I change anything in the organization related repositories, my colleagues will receive a notification about that but what if I change my own repositories which belong my account? is there anyway that my colleagues receive notification about my own repositories?


Merging multiple github user accounts and transfer commits

I have two GitHub accounts. One from my work and my personal one, and i wanna merge these two.
I already read this doc: Merging multiple user accounts
But i still remain with two doubt:
After i add the same e-mail to my personal account. All my collaboration in repos will be transfered too?
the repos that my work account was a colaborator, my personal account will get the permision too?
They answered my ticket:
Contributions are linked to your email address, so adding your
existing email to your new account will transfer these over.
However collaboration and permissions in other repos is attached to
the account itself, not the email, so you will need to request to be
added as a collaborator again for any repos you currently collaborate
Likewise, if you are a member of an organisation, you'll need to be
added to that organisation again and any teams you were a member of.
Commits are associated to your email: after transferring all the repos etc. and deleting your account, you need to add the previous email address (from the deleted account) to the new account in your account settings. The commit history will now be linked to your new account.

GitHub: deactivate notifications for one repository

Sorry, this is not really a development question but I don't know where to ask (SuperUser?)
I'm using my GitHub account for private and professional repositories and I'm getting about 40 email notifications a day for one repository I'm not interested in.
I tried to deactivate notifications for this repository but only found a way to deactivate notifications for new repositories.
Apart from setting up an email filter - what am I missing here?
Based on Github's site
You can configure notifications for a repository on the repository
page, or on your watching page.
You can customize notifications for a repository, for example, you can
choose to only be notified when updates to one or more types of events
(issues, pull request, releases, discussions) happen within a
repository, or ignore all notifications for a repository. For more
information, see "Viewing your subscriptions."
And from what I have seen: This is where you find it Enter the repo, Settings, notifications, and you have the 'Active' checkbox.

Would forked repository be removed from blocked github user?

Is there any way to remove forked repository from github? This happens because there is no email provided by the github user who fork a repository. If I block the user, would that forked repository be removed from his account? Thanks.
According to the documentation:
When you block a user:
The user stops following you
The user stops watching your repositories
The user's stars and issue assignments are removed from your repositories
The user is removed as a collaborator on your repositories
You're removed as a collaborator on their repositories
Their sponsorship of you is cancelled
After you've blocked a user, they cannot:
Send you any notifications, including by #mentioning your username
Follow you or see your content in their activity feed
Invite you as a collaborator on their repositories
Invite you as a collaborator on a security advisory
Cross-reference your repositories in comments
Fork, watch, or star your repositories
Sponsor you
In repositories you own, blocked users also cannot:
Open issues or send pull requests
Comment on issues, pull requests, or commits
Add or edit wiki pages
To answer your question, the already forked repositories will remain on the blocked user account.

github collaborators vs organization

I need to have multiple people work on a private repository and was wondering why anyone would pay 9$/user as an organization if one can just have a single paid user with a private repository who adds other users as collaborators?

Cannot create an organization-owned private repository when logged in to my personal account on Github Desktop

My personal GitHub account is a member of an organization account which can create private repositories, and of which I am also an owner (but with a different username). I am trying to create a private repo while logged in from GitHub Desktop while logged in to my personal account. However, the private repository option is disabled, even after I choose the organization as the owner, as shown below.
So I have to log in to the organization account before the private option is enabled.
I can create a private repo normally from a browser, however.
Other following operations (e.g. commits) seem to be fine once I get the write permission.
So do I miss a step here? Or is this intentionally disabled in GitHub desktop?
Considering organizations only proposes private repos under a paid plan, maybe your personal account is not associated with a private account, while your other account owner of the organization is.
The web interface might have (on GitHub side) all the information to link the two accounts, but GitHub Desktop might not (locally) have that same information and might lack the API to query it.