GitHub Copilot does not work after latest vscode update - github

GitHub Copilot stopped working after it asked to restart vscode for the last update I installed, right now it doesn't even show the icon and there are no suggestions either, it's as if it wasn't installed.
I unistalled everything, even the vscode itself, deleting all the files and configuringicon in case there was a conflict or error, but the extension still does not work.
If anyone knows how to fix it or what is causing the error, I would be very grateful.

Rolling back to the previous version (1.63.7601) fixed it for me.
Click on extensions icon on left menu bar
Search for Copilot
Click the settings cog > Install another version
Select 1.63.7601
Reload VSCode


Copilot stopped working on vscode after trying multiple fixes [duplicate]

GitHub Copilot stopped working after it asked to restart vscode for the last update I installed, right now it doesn't even show the icon and there are no suggestions either, it's as if it wasn't installed.
I unistalled everything, even the vscode itself, deleting all the files and configuringicon in case there was a conflict or error, but the extension still does not work.
If anyone knows how to fix it or what is causing the error, I would be very grateful.
Rolling back to the previous version (1.63.7601) fixed it for me.
Click on extensions icon on left menu bar
Search for Copilot
Click the settings cog > Install another version
Select 1.63.7601
Reload VSCode

Please upgrade your Copilot extension to continue using this service

Today I tried to use the copilot, but suddenly this error start appearing:
[INFO] [fetch] [2022-05-19T21:00:55.452Z] Please upgrade your Copilot extension to continue using this service.
I tried to uninstall and install again and reload, but nothing happens, anyone have any idea how to solve this problem?
There's an error description in the image below:
This can be resolved by upgrading VSCode itself: Help → Check for Updates / Install Available Updates.
You may or may not need to re-install the extension and re-authenticate with git.
In my case (on a mac) I had to do the following:
Move Visual Studio Code from Downloads to Applications
Update Visual Studio Code
Sign into Github
Open extensions and locate Github CoPilot
Click "Reload Required"
As #emragins suggested, go to Help and check for updates/restart to update
Once you are back on VS Code check if the Co-pilot is activated.
If it is not activated/still gives the same error.
Search for co-pilot in VS Code extensions search
Click on co-pilot extension in the search results, you should see restart/reload required.
Reload and it should be working now. If not try closing VS Code and opening it now.
You should uninstall the extension and download the latest version from this page in the form of VSIX file. After that you can install the extension from that VSIX file.
I think it is because there is some API changes and the latest version of the extension. However, it is still marked as preview. When we click on install from the built-in extension browser, it just install the latest stable version.
if you are on a linux device, update your vscode first then update your co pilot extension it will work.

why is my github copilot not working all of a sudden?

I have been using copilot for a while now, and one fine day on opening VSCode this error appeared.
"[ERROR] [default] [2022-04-09T08:38:10.995Z] GitHub Copilot could not connect to server. Extension activation failed: "certificate has expired"
I looked up for it everywhere and found nothing, it'd be a great help if someone could fix this for me!
[here's the error and how the extension looks like on the status bar]
Three common causes:
An out of date IDE. Solution: make sure your IDE is up to date
If you're not properly signed in to GitHub CoPilot. Solution: make sure you're signed in to GitHub CoPilot
E.g. In VSCode look on the bottom left, if you see this, you might not be signed in:
Click the icon, and follow the prompts to sign in, then CoPilot should work.
Try closing and reopening your IDE (e.g. vscode), that may also help.
I know its a bit late. But I encountered this problem today. If disabling and restarting doesn't help, you could try:
At uninstall, select Install another version, and select the version before the latest
Reload vscode
After doing this, my copilot started working again.
Two things you should check:
1=> Update VSCode to the latest version
2=> Update GitHub Copilot latest version
From the Menubar, go to View -> Output;
Choose GitHub Copilot from the pulldown on the left to see the log of what is going on in the background.
Go to your Github account and check if you have paid the bill, In my case that was the problem.
In Visual Studio, if you are the one that disabled the Copilot before you can enable the following way.
Either search for "Copilot".
Or go to Tools>>Options>>GitHub>>Copilot
Go to Enable Globally and change from false to True.
Given that GitHub Copilot is so fresh and well-liked, updates are made often. When encountering this kind of problem, I would advise entirely purging and reinstalling.
Installation of GitHub Copilot in Visual Studio Code
The documentation lists extensions for Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio, Neovim, and the JetBrains suite as IDEs that GitHub Copilot supports.
The installation consists of three main steps:
Create a GitHub account (if you don’t have one already).
Go to GitHub Copilot and click on “Start my free trial”. Follow the sign-up steps and make sure to cancel before your 60-day free trial is up (if you don’t want to continue using the tool).
Install the VSCode extension by searching for “GitHub Copilot” on the extensions tab. You’ll be asked to sign in to GitHub, authorize the extension, and then Copilot will be set up.
If you would like a more thorough explanation, my colleague Rafael wrote a great article based on his time with Copilot and VSCode:

VSCode update failures

I started having this problem a couple of months ago, I believe soon after I installed Visual Studio 2022. I am in the midst using VSCCode for an educational project (JavaScript) that will finish this weekend, so have mostly just been hoping VSCode would work until I finished. (I have not been using VS2022.)
The first time I had this problem, I was closing VSCode and a window appeared regarding some updates. After maybe 10 seconds I received a failure message. After that, I could not start VSCode.
I tried to uninstall VSCode, but it would not work. I tried to install VSCode from the main URL (Download for Windows Stable Build), but it would fail to install with a message about "Not being able to rename or write to a file".
I next tried the System Installer link on the /Download page, but I received the same message. I next tried the User Installer link on this page, and it worked. I could launch VSCode again, but the icon in the toolbar was just a white page instead of the VSCode icon.
I don't exactly remember when, but at some point, perhaps with manual updates from the Help toolbar in VSCode, the VSCode icon reappeared in the toolbar.
But then a few days ago, when closing VSCode the window appeared again regarding some updates, then the failure message, and then VSCode would not start. I tried the various download steps again, but only the User Installer would work. And again, just the blank page for an icon in the toolbar. So just leaving everything open for now!
After this weekend, I am hoping to fix this issue. But hoping someone knows that the problem is.
I am running Windows 10 Pro (up to date), and have the blue dot telling me I can upgrade to Windows 11.
Since VSCode is working, maybe I can do a complete un-install. Or perhaps upgrade to Windows 11, or maybe a complete clean install of Windows 10 or 11.
Has anyone else had this issue?

VSCode latex-workshop command not found

I just cannot find any actions to work of the latex-workshop extension in VS Code, though it worked well yesterday.
When I tried to find the actions (using Ctrl+Shift+P), it shows a choice of LaTex Workshop: All Actions. However, after click on it, an error occurs as command 'latex-workshop.actions' not found, and nothing happens. And I can't use any command by shortcut keys.
I tried to reload and reinstall the extension, but they don't help.
Does anyone know what's happening here?
I had the same problem, and followed some suggestion in this GitHub issue.
Simply reinstalling the plugin won't work, but I fixed like this:
Uninstall extension
Close VS Code (Make sure all processes are shut down, maybe restart your machine)
Open Code and reinstall the extension
For me, what solved the problem (August 2021) was to revert to an earlier version - the problem was in 8.20.2, I reverted to 8.19.2. Just click on the extension to show its menu screen and hit the drop-down arrow of the "Uninstall" button.
I solved the issue by uninstalling the extension and deleting the folder
The name may vary across distributions