Anylogic - Parameter Variation Experiment - Varying Number of Replications - Distribution and Error percent - anylogic

I am trying to use a parameter variation experiment to perform replications with a variable number based on the confidence interval. I have some problems understanding the calculation basis behind this feature and understanding the final number of replications that result here.
On which distribution is the calculation based (normal or t-distribution)? I couldn't find anything online regarding this question. Also, when I calculate the intervals manually (both with normal and t-distribution), I sometimes get a higher percentage error than specified. Can you tell me on which calculation basis the number of replications is determined? Is it possible that the "Error percent" value does not have to be given in percent?


Arrival defined by a fixed value - AnyLogic

So Im trying to determine whether another vending machine is required in the gas station (it's an exercise not a real life problem). The only thing that Im given is the fact that each minute a customer is trying to use the vending machine and on average it takes 0.95 min for a customer to buy and pay for what he bought. Im having trouble with "arrivals defined by" field. The exercise says that I absolutely must use interarrival rate. It also says that the probability distribution is unknown and that it is most definitely not exponential. My question is the following, is there any way to define interarrival rate without using a distribution function. I tried inputing the number on it's own and the simulation doesn't work. I considered using rate even though Im not suppose to but it just didn't make sense since rate already considers the distribution to be exponential which isn't the case in my simulation.
Based on your requirement I absolutely must use interarrival rate I understand that you need to use an interarrival time, but not necessarily exponential. In this case you can choose any other distribution from a list of distributions (See below).
If you want those arrivals to be uniformly distributed, use the uniform distribution.
Or if you want them to arrive exactly every 5 minutes, create a bulk of the agents, delay them for 5 minutes and let them in to the system.

Parameter Variation in AnyLogic: Data for a specific variation

I am using parameter variation in AnyLogic (in a system dynamics model). I am interested in how one parameter changes with the various iterations. The parameter is binary: 0 when supply of water is greater than demand and 1 when supply is lower than demand. The parameters being varied are a given percentage of decrease in outdoor irrigation, a given percentage of decrease in indoor water-use, and a given percentage of households that have rainwater harvesting systems. Visually, I need a time plot where on the x-axis is time (10,950 days; i.e. 30 years) and the binary on the y-axis. This should essentially show which iteration pushes a 1 further into the future.
I have watched videos and seen how histograms and 2D data are used to visualize the results of the iterations, but this does not show which iteration produced which output specifically. Is there a way to first, visually show the output as I have described above and second, return the data for a specific iteration?
Many thanks!
Parameter variation experiments have After Iteration and After Simulation run actions that are executed after each iteration and simulation respectively. Here, it is possible to access the values inside the simulation object after it finished but before it is destroyed. There is also a getCurrentIteration() method which can be used to control the parameter variation experiment and retrieve the data.
For more detail please consult here and see "SIR Agent Based Calibration" example model in AnyLogic example models library (Help -> Example Models).

Prometheus query quantile of pod memory usage performance

I'd like to get the 0.95 percentile memory usage of my pods from the last x time. However this query start to take too long if I use a 'big' (7 / 10d) range.
The query that i'm using right now is:
quantile_over_time(0.95, container_memory_usage_bytes[10d])
Takes around 100s to complete
I removed extra namespace filters for brevity
What steps could I take to make this query more performant ? (except making the machine bigger)
I thought about calculating the 0.95 percentile every x time (let's say 30min) and label it p95_memory_usage and in the query use p95_memory_usage instead of container_memory_usage_bytes, so that i can reduce the amount of points the query has to go through.
However, would this not distort the values ?
As you already observed, aggregating quantiles (over time or otherwise) doesn't really work.
You could try to build a histogram of memory usage over time using recording rules, looking like a "real" Prometheus histogram (consisting of _bucket, _count and _sum metrics) although doing it may be tedious. Something like:
- record: container_memory_usage_bytes_bucket
le: 100000.0
expr: |
container_memory_usage_bytes > bool 100000.0
or ignoring(le)
container_memory_usage_bytes * 0
Repeat for all bucket sizes you're interested in, add _count and _sum metrics.
Histograms can be aggregated (over time or otherwise) without problems, so you can use a second set of recording rules that computes an increase of the histogram metrics, at much lower resolution (e.g. hourly or daily increase, at hourly or daily resolution). And finally, you can use histogram_quantile over your low resolution histogram (which has a lot fewer samples than the original time series) to compute your quantile.
It's a lot of work, though, and there will be a couple of downsides: you'll only get hourly/daily updates to your quantile and the accuracy may be lower, depending on how many histogram buckets you define.
Else (and this only came to me after writing all of the above) you could define a recording rule that runs at lower resolution (e.g. once an hour) and records the current value of container_memory_usage_bytes metrics. Then you could continue to use quantile_over_time over this lower resolution metric. You'll obviously lose precision (as you're throwing away a lot of samples) and your quantile will only update once an hour, but it's much simpler. And you only need to wait for 10 days to see if the result is close enough. (o:
The quantile_over_time(0.95, container_memory_usage_bytes[10d]) query can be slow because it needs to take into account all the raw samples for all the container_memory_usage_bytes time series on the last 10 days. The number of samples to process can be quite big. It can be estimated with the following query:
Note that if the quantile_over_time(...) query is used for building a graph in Grafana (aka range query instead of instant query), then the number of raw samples returned from the sum(count_over_time(...)) must be multiplied by the number of points on Grafana graph, since Prometheus executes the quantile_over_time(...) individually per each point on the displayed graph. Usually Grafana requests around 1000 points for building smooth graph. So the number returned from sum(count_over_time(...)) must be multiplied by 1000 in order to estimate the number of raw samples Prometheus needs to process for building the quantile_over_time(...) graph. See more details in this article.
There are the following solutions for reducing query duration:
To add more specific label filters in order to reduce the number of selected time series and, consequently, the number of raw samples to process.
To reduce the lookbehind window in square brackets. For example, changing [10d] to [1d] reduces the number of raw samples to process by 10x.
To use recording rules for calculating coarser-grained results.
To try using other Prometheus-compatible systems, which may process heavy queries at faster speed. Try, for example, VictoriaMetrics.

Is Matlab incorrect for mnrfit?

It seems Matlab is giving incorrect results for multinomial logistic regression.
In their example documentation using Fisher's Iris dataset [link], they give coefficients for the model which can be used on the same data set itself to get the modeled probabilities.
load fisheriris
sp = categorical(species);
[B,dev,stats] = mnrfit(meas,sp);
However, none of the expected value aggregates match the population aggregates which is a requirement for a MaxEnt classifer (See slide 35 [here], or Eq 14 [here], or Agresti "Categorical Data Analysis" pg 298, etc.)
For example
>> sum(PHAT)
>> 49.9828 49.8715 50.1456
should all equal 50 (population values), likewise for other aggregations
If the parameters
B=[36.9450 42.6378
12.2641 2.4653
14.4401 6.6809
-30.5885 -9.4294
-39.3232 -18.2862]
were used instead then all aggregated sufficient statistics match.
Additionally it seems odd that Matlab is solving it with likelihoods, which can produce an error,
Warning: Maximum likelihood estimation did not converge. Iteration
limit exceeded. You may need to merge categories to increase observed
where the only requirement, proved by MLE consideration, is that the expected values match and no likelihood evaluation is needed.
It would be a nice feature that if instead of true classes are given we can give an option for including just the aggregate information.
Submitted a technical error review within Mathworks website. Their reply:
Hello [----],
I am writing in reference to your Technical Support Case #01820504
regarding 'mnrfit'.
Thanks a lot for your patience and reporting this issue. This appears
to be unexpected behavior. It appears to be related to an existing
issue we have in our records, that "mnrfit" does not give correct
maximum likelihood estimates in certain cases. Since the "mnrfit"
function is not finding the maximum likelihood estimates for the
coefficients, we calculated the actual MLEs. When we use these
estimates, we get the desired result of all 50s in this case.
The issue is that, for this particular dataset in our example, the
classes can be separated perfectly. This means that the logistic
function, in order to get exact zero or one probabilities, needs to
have infinite coefficients. The "mnrfit" function carries out an
iterative procedure with the coefficients getting larger, but it stops
at a point where the results have the issue that you have found. We
certainly agree that "mnrfit" could be made to do better. Our
development team is working on it.
At this stage, I am not able to suggest a workaround other than to
write a custom implementation as my colleague and I had tried. For
now, I will be closing this request as I have already forwarded it to
our records. However, if you have any additional questions related to
this case, please do not hesitate to reach me.
MathWorks Technical Support Department

Negative option prices for certain input values in MATLAB?

In the course of testing an algorithm I computed option prices for random input values using the standard pricing function blsprice implemented in MATLAB's Financial Toolbox.
Surprisingly ( at least for me ) ,
the function seems to return negative option prices for certain combinations of input values.
As an example take the following:
> [Call,Put]=blsprice(67.6201,170.3190,0.0129,0.80,0.1277)
Call =-7.2942e-15
Put = 100.9502
If I change time to expiration to 0.79 or 0.81, the value becomes non-negative as I would expect.
Did anyone of you ever experience something similar and can come up with a short explanation why that happens?
I don't know which version of the Financial Toolbox you are using but for me (TB 2007b) it works fine.
When running:
I get the following:
Call = 9.3930e-016
Put = 100.9502
Which is indeed positive
Bit late but I have come across things like this before. The small negative value can be attributed to numerical rounding error and / or truncation error within the routine used to compute the cumulative normal distribution.
As you know computers are not perfect and small numerical error always persists in all calculations, in my view therefore the question one should must ask instead is - what is the accuracy of the input parameters being used and therefore what is the error tolerance for outputs.
The way I thought about it when I encountered it before was that, in finance, typical annual stock price return variance are of the order of 30% which means the mean returns are typically sampled with standard error of roughly 30% / sqrt(N) which is roughly of the order of +/- 1% assuming 2 years worth of data (so N = 260 x 2 = 520, any more data you have the other problem of stationarity assumption). Therefore on that basis the answer you got above could have been interpreted as zero given the error tolerance.
Also we typically work to penny / cent accuracy and again on that basis the answer you had could be interpreted as zero.
Just thought I'd give my 2c hope this is helpful in some ways if you are still checking for answers!