My blazor hybridn app UI doesn't refresh? - maui

I converted my regular Blazor App to MAUI and the design and stuff works, the API fetches the data but the UI doesn't refresh.
I tried statehaschanged but that doesn't work either.
Tried it on both android and Windows build and same result.
Any ideas will be a great help.


new builds showing old pages on ionicframework

I have created a ionic react app for cross-platform mobile apps , and using to generate builds
on home page, changed complete design and data.
now when I generate new build, for ios/android first it shows updated page and data
but when I refresh screen with pull to refresh it changes back to old design and data
and some time going to another screen and than coming back to home screen it shows old stuff
while the web version works fine
don't know whats happening here
You need to do ionic build first then npx cap sync.It sounds like you haven't build it yet.

Is there a testing Framework for web-deployed Flutter applications?

I am wanting to automate and write tests for my Flutter deployed application.
I am able to test the client side of Flutter apps on mobile using Appium & Codecept.js with no issues. (Built a testing project in VScode and used the built APK)
I have tried Playwright, Puppeteer, WebDriver, and Selenium with no luck on the deployed code for web. Piercing through <flt-glass-pane/> is possible but super messy and doesnt seem like a stable way to go about it. I am hoping to achieve this in my separate codebase that is responsible for UI testing.
I am wondering if anyone had some solid suggestions on automating a Flutter web app from the client side (UI, and clicks etc).
From the research I have done, I have not found a clear solution. I am very interested in what you have used before that works or if you know the right direction I should head toward.

What is a good development setup for Ionicframework

I’m using Ionic with Angular to write an iOS and Android app.
But most of the development I use ionic serve with Chrome, it’s fast and simple.
But now I realized that it’s getting harder when I have to use the native HTTP API to do fundamental things like talking to a rest api on my server. The native HTTP api is working for the iOS/Android app in production, but not in the web app mode I’m using for development.
I know that I there are options like live reload for iOS and Android but they are still lazy in my point of view.
So I’m asking you:
Do you prefer developing directly with iOS/Android emulator/devices or are you also using the web app and found a way around the troubles above?
there is no way you can test native HTTP on the browser. you have to use an emulator or a native device. BUT, for testing UI you can run the command ionic serve --lab instead of ionic serve. do it and see the difference.
to test HTTP on the browser you must use HttpClient.

Running an ionic app inside ionic app

Is there any way to develop the main app with logins using ionic and develop subparts of that app as individual apps and use the main app to access the sub-apps and pass the login info to sub apps. Flow Diagram For Better idea 1
One ionic app can launch another through the InAppBrowser, for instance. Or socialsharing plugin, etc. And then you need to pass on variables through the launch code. And then going back again.
But the UI experience will be awefull this way if functionally the apps actually are quite similar/related/dependent. So from a UI perspective not a very nice thing to do.
So basically, if you manage the code for all these apps, you may be better off integrating as modules/components in one code base. If you don't own the other apps, make sure the UI is smooth.

Android Facebook login dialog opens without any styling

I am using the Cordova official Facebook plugin and run into a weird issue...
The login process, which previously worked just fine for me, is now open in some native Android "black-screen" view without any styling.
The functionality works just fine - the authentication process succeeds, so there is a consistent connection with Facebook. The thing is, I am expecting a Facebook view instead of only the text content without any styling. Here is an example with Facebook native Hackbook app:
Tried running on two different devices - the issue remains.
Tried with cordova 2.2.0, then started a fresh project with 2.5.0 - the issue remains.
Please advice.
Well, I have spent too much time on this issue, and it seems like this is the new Facebook SDK for Android.
I really wish I am wrong here, but here are examples from Facebook's flow for Android:
Also - when checking the other sample apps in the SDK, all of them behave the same. The only one that shows a Facebook page is the Hackbook, and by it might be because this app is implemented with the old API (version 2):
Hackbook: another sample app demonstrating a selection of Graph API calls. Note that this sample is untouched from v2.0 of the SDK, and demonsrates the SDK's backward-compatibility.
Ok, digging a bit more into it, it seems that there is no iframe involved here, the screen can be changed as you wish with a regular android activity theme added to the activity.
Here is an example of adding one of Androids default themes to the androidMenifest.xml (you can of course create your own Faceboke like theme ):
<activity android:name="com.facebook.LoginActivity"
android:label="#string/facebook_login" />