new builds showing old pages on ionicframework - ionic-framework

I have created a ionic react app for cross-platform mobile apps , and using to generate builds
on home page, changed complete design and data.
now when I generate new build, for ios/android first it shows updated page and data
but when I refresh screen with pull to refresh it changes back to old design and data
and some time going to another screen and than coming back to home screen it shows old stuff
while the web version works fine
don't know whats happening here

You need to do ionic build first then npx cap sync.It sounds like you haven't build it yet.


Will every change in Ionic force the customers to update the Ionic app again and again?

If I make changes to the HTML/CSS/JS code of my ionic code, will the customer have to update the app or will it be updated dynamically?
As far as I know, we just push a website into an app and deploy it. When we change the code of your website and deploy it, the website changes show up automatically.
I wonder if Ionic runs the same way? Some people suggest that it is just running the app in a web view. So the app is intact, I change the website, what will it do?
I really want to know about this because we are trying to modernise our application. Our application depends on the server too much for view rendering and for all the logic. I want to make the client a little independent but at the same time keep the changes dynamic like they are right now.
Thank you so much.

Updated a service worker in simple html webpage

I've a simple single page application written in just html/css/js. The content of the page is hard coded into the index.html file. I have a service worker so that the webpage can be downloaded and viewed as an app on a mobile device. I am trying to work out how is best to make sure any updates to the index.html file are reflected in the app version that is downloaded. From what I understand, if the user never closes the app, the updates would not appear on the app. Only after closing the app and then reopening it would the updated content be available. Is there a way to force the PWA to update its content even if the app is left open on a mobile device? Or a way to send a notification that an update is available?
Ajax technology must be used on your pages. The key to solving the puzzle is that Ajax loads the data in the background by using JavaScript and XML, so your page never needs to be refreshed.
There is no code to change, so the answer is very general.

_flutter is not defined error in index.js - Flutter Web

So the error occurs only after I firebase deploy the web folder of my Flutter app. Below are some helpful screenshots.
The app is just a simple app that only displays an image. It works well in dev mode. I manually put the image in web/assets as well in an attempt to debug.
The output on live website is a total blank page with the below errors. The header title is correct though.
I think basically the browser is looking for a route/file called '/flutter.js'. What can cause this? This does not happen in another simple app that I built with firebase and flutter.
I deployed the web folder instead of the build/web folder

How to make my flutter application changes go live directly without pushing a new version update?

Does flutter allows us to push live updates without updating the app through play store or app store?
I have a built flutter application and I frequently do to it changes by adding new announcements and pictures. However, when i do these changes they don’t appear on the app that has been already launched on the play store and nothing appears to the users. So what can I do to change this and to make any change I do to directly go live. Other than pushing a new version update everytime as this isn’t reliable at all.
You need to get the data from a backend instead of uploading new assets to the app every time. If you do that you will need to release updates for the app all the time + the app bundle size will be much bigger. It's basically just not how it is supposed to be done.
A backend is something like an online "storage" for your app's data.
If you don't already know how to build APIs you can also use Fireabse which is more beginner-friendly. If you do know python for example you could use Flask or Django. More on backends here

Ionic 2 showing old state in browser

I am using Ionic 2, I started a blank application which has hello world text, I have changed the home.html as well as the home.ts.
But still when I do ionic serve, it still shows me the initial state which has hello world label.
Is there some form of caching, or am I missing some clean and build step?
Needless to say that I am new to Ionic.
ionic serve rebuilds every time you save. If your app hasn't changed, you either haven't saved the changes, or the build failed. Search the messages coming from ionic serve for syntax errors, etc