Put Axis Range label above in am4charts - charts

I have a am4charts (v5) chart with a bars and a line (made with axis range), but i cannot put the axis range label above series line.
I tried with above param, with zIndex, but i cannot make it work.
I put the above param here in the axis range creation
let seriesRangeDataItem = yAxis.makeDataItem({ value: value, endValue: value, above: true});
This code reproduce the problem
As you can see, label "120" is not above bars
Any idea?


How to use echarts visualMap to color Line depending on X-Axis Value?

I want to divide single line into 2 parts based on x axis value.
Example, when x-value is greater than "2016-8" show dashed line as following
Tried with ECharts visualMap, but it only works depending on y-axis value
It seems VisualMap can only be used to change the color and/or symbol of the line.
Different colors on the same line using VisualMap on xAxis
If you don't specifically need to get a dashed line and you just want to use VisualMap on xAxis, you should set visualMap-piecewise.dimension to 0 (0 being x and 1 being y in simple [x,y] series).
visualMap: {
dimension: 0,
Then you'll need to set your list of pieces depending on the type of xAxis ('time' or 'category'):
'time' : full example
'category' : full example
Dashed line on half the series
If you specifically need to get this :
when x-value is greater than "2016-8" show dashed line as following
You can split your series in 2 different series and affect a different line style to each of them:
Series 1: date <= "2016-8" (solid line)
Series 2: date >= "2016-8" (dashed line)
Here is a working example.

JAVAFX CHARTS: Setting origin point on category axis

I am in need to add a zero point for category axis in javafx line chart. In the image I want some "T0" to represent the zero mark of origin on the x axis, so that I can mark point on y axis as on the chart.
sample line chart ( looks like bar chart !)
I'm not completely clear what you're asking, but if you want the pixel coordinates of the left end of the x-axis, you can do
Category xAxis = ... ;
// ...
double leftEnd = xAxis.getDisplayPosition(value0) - xAxis.getCategorySpacing();
where value0 is the x-value of the first data point.

How to format a minimalist chart with jFreeChart?

I generate a transparent chart that lets the background of a web page be seen through it.
So far I've done this (omited the populating of dataset for brevity):
CategoryPlot p = lineChartObject.getCategoryPlot();
Color trans = new Color(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0);
for (int i=0;i<=3;i++){
lineChartObject.getCategoryPlot().getRenderer().setSeriesStroke(i, new BasicStroke(3.0f));
Which renders this:
I cannot find a way of:
Removing border of plot (1)
Removing border of leyend as well as making it transparent (3)
Making the labels on the X axis (2) to behave intelligently as the labels of Y axis do (A). Labels of Y axis space themselves so as to not clutter the graph, for example if I rendered the graph smaller, it would show fewer labels, like this:
Edit: X label domain is dates.
For (1) try:
For (2), a common reason for having too many categories along the x-axis is that the data is actually numerical, in which case you should be using XYPlot rather than CategoryPlot. With XYPlot, the x-axis scale adjusts in the same way that the y-axis does.
Edit from OP: Using a TimeSeriesChart with a TimeSeriesCollection as XYDataSet did the work! (fotgot to say X domain is dates)
For (3) try:
LegendTitle legend = chart.getLegend();
legend.setBackgroundPaint(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));

How can I put xAxis in highcharts starting in the horizontal line when all values are in 0?

If I have a data like this:
data: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
this serie starts on the middle but I want what starts really close than the bottom line and not in the middle.Please take a look in this jsfidle http://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/jquery/1.7.2/highslide-software/highcharts.com/tree/master/samples/highcharts/xaxis/tickwidth/ but change data by my example data (data: [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]), I test with min but in this scenario with all values in 0 did not work.
I solve with min: 0,minRange: 1 in xAxis
I would do this simply by setting the yAxis min and max.
You can move xAxis down using offset property (offset: Number; The distance in pixels from the plot area to the axis line.):
xAxis: {
tickWidth: 10,
offset: -155
See example at jsfiddle

Second Y axis in GWT Highcharts on a stock chart?

I'm trying to add a second Y axis to a StockChart with the Moxieapps Highcharts wrapper, but without success. I need to add a new axis on the right side of the chart, and would expect the following code to work:
StockChart chart = new StockChart();
YAxis firstYAxis = chart.getYAxis(0);
firstYAxis.setAxisTitleText("First Y axis");
Series firstSeries = chart.createSeries();
firstSeries.setPoints(/* Imagine lots of points. */);
firstSeries.setYAxis(0); // Not required since 0 is the default Y axis.
YAxis secondYAxis = chart.getYAxis(1);
secondAxis.setOpposite(true); // *Should* put the axis on the right side.
secondYAxis.setAxisTitleText("Second Y axis");
Series secondSeries = chart.createSeries();
secondSeries.setPoints(/* Imagine lots of points. */);
secondSeries.setYAxis(1); // *Should* add the series to the second Y axis.
// Somehow the second series ends up being in the navigator...
chart.setOption("navigator/enabled", true);
chart.setOption("scrollbar/enabled", true);
The second Y axis does not even render. If I don't add the second series to the second Y axis, it shows up (as expected) as values on the first Y axis.
Has anyone successfully added multiple Y axes on a StockChart, that can tell me what I'm doing wrong here? Thanks a lot in advance!
I had the same problem and it seems that GWT-HighCharts is the problem. You must create YAxises manually via native calls. Here is the solution;
HighCharts Stock Chart error code 18