Close a card typescript mui material card - material-ui

I'm new to typescript and I have a problem with my app.
I have a CardActions and a button in it. When we click on the button, a function is called.
I would like the card to disappear when the action is finished...
Is there a way to do that ?
Thank you for your help !
I tried to add a boolean : if the function is not done, you can show the CardActions else don't show it. But it didn't work ...


Directly navigate to next screen without button using sms_autofill package

I'm new in flutter, i'm using sms_autofill package to listen otp from my phone.
My question is how to directly navigate to the next screen when otp already filled without making a button ?
Here's my otp screen
Really appreciate for your help, Thanks before...
From the docs i see 2 callbacks you can use. Navigate inside one of the callbacks (prefer onCodeSubmitted)
onCodeSubmitted: //code submitted callback
onCodeChanged: // check if the length is your code length and do the validation
You can use onCodeSubmitted and onCodeChanged Like the example
_navigate(code) {
/* if the code is succ.
Navigate here

My click trigger always fire in google tag manager

I'm having difficulties using the Click trigger in google tag manager.
I want to setup a trigger to fire on a click event, only when the element class contain "scrollto".
But the thing is, it keeps firing up even when the "scrollto" class isn't part of the element I clicked on.
Here are a few screenshot I hope will help you understand the problem:
Thank you for your help,
Ones you set up any click trigger you will get these events everytime a user makes a click but that doesnt mean the trigger it self is being fired. You can append the trigger to any tag and you ll see that if you click anywhere else the tag wont fire even when you see the event.
Hope it helps!
Instead of click classes contains scrollto,
Give click classes equals scrollto

How to call a Dialogue box from Menu using Matlab?

I want to Make a Help Dialogue Box. When we Press Help Menu then Dialogue box will appear.
Current code is
h_opt3 = uimenu('Label','&Help');
uimenu(h_opt3,'Label','How to Use','Callback','dialog','separator','on');
It only show empty dialog.
In place of dialog i want to put a dialogbox which will describe how to use my software.
How to code this all. Please help.
Requirements: How to Add stuff in DialogBox and how to call it in above mention scenario.
Try writing an additional callback function, and look at helpdlg instead of dialog.
I can't test any code now, but something like the following should work.
function help_callback
h = helpdlg('Directions','title');
Then change your uimenu call to this code
uimenu(h_opt3,'Label','How to Use','Callback',#help_callback,'separator','on');

WWW::Selenium to capture component refresh

I am writing a perl script using WWW::Selenium module to automate a website.
I am not at all a web development guy and have no idea about web technologies.
Let me try to explain the issue in layman terms.
I am dealing with a webpage, which has an order form with a button.
When I click the button, there is no page submit, but the button label changes.
Say for eg, the button goes through these changes when clicked multiple times.
Get Quote --> Order --> Confirm Order
Each time I click the button, there is no page refresh, but the button label keeps changing as above.
The id of the button is the same throughout, only the class changes.
How can I do this in WWW::Selenium?
Presently I am using wait_for_page_to_load(5000) after each click.
But the click is not having any effect on the label and I get error that timed out after 5000s.
Should I be using some other function to wait?
You could do something like this
$sel->wait_for_text_present_ok("Your text","time to wait","The message to display if this fails");
and an example below-
$sel->wait_for_text_present_ok("Order Confirmed","9000","The order was successfully placed");
Seems like you could use
$class = $sel->get_attribute($attribute_locator)
where the $attribute_locator is the button#class with button being the element locator that you clicked. Check if $class is the class you expect.

Assigning Back button event to form button in android

i have a form button in the form,which i need to perform basic action performed by the back button in the android emulator.
I know the key even is KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK
how to assign this to my button.
thanks in advance.
The question isn't totally clear, but you probably just want to call finish() when your Button is clicked.
I found the solution to it.
call the function moveTaskToBack(true);
to get back to previous task.