Directly navigate to next screen without button using sms_autofill package - flutter

I'm new in flutter, i'm using sms_autofill package to listen otp from my phone.
My question is how to directly navigate to the next screen when otp already filled without making a button ?
Here's my otp screen
Really appreciate for your help, Thanks before...

From the docs i see 2 callbacks you can use. Navigate inside one of the callbacks (prefer onCodeSubmitted)
onCodeSubmitted: //code submitted callback
onCodeChanged: // check if the length is your code length and do the validation

You can use onCodeSubmitted and onCodeChanged Like the example
_navigate(code) {
/* if the code is succ.
Navigate here


How to know if FCM's `onLaunch` callback is gonna be called or not

So my project has the different navigation logic based on how user launch my app: by tap the icon laucher or via FCM's notification's tap. The case is I don't know if the FCM's onLaunch callback is gonna be called or not to decide which logic to use. Is there any good approach to this problem?
You can check how your activitiy is started like this (You can use invoke method of flutter to get this result in flutter)
// By taping the icon launcher
//By other source

Initializing component inside a home page in Ionic4

I have a Home Page, inside that I have created one component RecentlyViewedProductComponent.
My problem is:
when I navigate to /home by using
the ngOnInit() inside RecentlyViewedProductComponent is not working. When I close the app and open it again, that only it is working .
How to solve this problem?
It sounds like you are not using the right lifecycle event.
Have you looked at the documentation here:
It says that ngOnInit() is:
Fired once during component initialization. This event can be used to initialize local members and make calls into services that only need to be done once.
If you want it to be called every time you navigate to the home page then you want to replace this with something like ionViewWillEnter():
Fired when the component routing to is about to animate into view.
There is actually some guidance at the end of the docs page that you might find interesting which explains when to use each life cycle method.

Ionic View is not Updating with Two way Data Binding

I am creating very basic ionic app. I want to show splash, then admob interstitial and on close of interstitial, i want to redirect to home page.
The only problem which I am facing here is updating the view in the home page. In home page, i have very simple text box and button. I am using 2 way data binding here and its not working at all.
I have created repo for this if somebody wants to have a look and let me know why the view is not updating.
Demo Video
if the value is changing in component but not in view(html) then after action in component use this.
import { ChangeDetectorRef } from '#angular/core';
constructor(private changeRef: ChangeDetectorRef){}
i hope it can help.
Possible solutions you can try
you should check the logs for errors
Assign clear type to "input" variable. ( try making it explicitly
public )
"input" may be considered as a keyword, try using a different
variable name ( less likely )

Ionic2: Reload the ion content when back button is pressed

How do I reload the content sitting under <ion-content> tag when back button is pressed?
The answer which is there is correct, however, it is outdated. Here is the updated answer.
Link to the Life Cycle just scroll down and you should see it.
ionViewWillEnter() {
console.log('Runs when the page is about to enter and become the active page.');
Just use a View Lifecycle Hook in the view you are going back you have to use for example:
onPageWillEnter() {
// You can execute what you want here and it will be executed right before you enter the view
Or you use a lifecycle hook on the page you are leaving then just replace onPageWillEnter() with onPageWillLeave()
With ionic beta 8 the lifecylcle events changed their names. Check out the official ionic blog for the full list of the lifecycle events.

Assigning Back button event to form button in android

i have a form button in the form,which i need to perform basic action performed by the back button in the android emulator.
I know the key even is KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK
how to assign this to my button.
thanks in advance.
The question isn't totally clear, but you probably just want to call finish() when your Button is clicked.
I found the solution to it.
call the function moveTaskToBack(true);
to get back to previous task.