Add metadata via REST API Call in Alfresco Community - rest

Is it possible to add different metadata to a document via rest call?
thank you
I tried to upload a document to alfresco using rest call but now i want to add some metadata to that document and search for it by its properties.


How to get actual document from Clio API?

I want to create a webhook that is notified whenever a document is uploaded or changed, so that I can analyze that document for the user.
I have looked at the APIs for documents, but I don't see how to get the actual document itself.
I'm new to the API and probably missing something, do you download a document after it has been uploaded to Clio?
According to the API Documentation
The API can download a document using the following address, using the ID that was provided from your webhook:

Is there a way in Camunda REST API to retrieve task’s form field property?

Camunda Modeler can let us set form field properties for tasks. I would like to use this feature to store some information for frontend input field rendering, e.g. inputtype=file for file upload selector.
Unfortunately, I found that the REST API /task/{taskid}/form-variables is not returing me such information and I have no other way to retrieve these information.
Any advice on how to get back these properties of task? Or any suggestion on how to store information for task that can let me retrieve them back through REST API?
Thanks in advance

SharePoint Rest API across subsites

I am trying to make a single rest api call from a top level site to get results from multiple picture libraries on multiple subsites. Is this possible and if not, what is the best way of approaching this.
I do have a rest api call to retrieve all subsites but I need to retrive results from libraries on a single request.
Unfortunately it is not possible to query multiple lists using a single SharePoint REST API call, as to fetch data from a list you have to specify its parent web and title/ID. Usually for these kinds of queries the best choice is to utilize SharePoint Search REST API (Reference) or, if you can utilize some server side code, you can use the SPSiteDataQuery class to make fetch data from across whole sites or site collections (have a look at this article about SPSiteDataQuery).
Also, have a look at this SO question: Fetch data from multiple list sharepoint REST API in one Ajax call

SharePoint Online Workflow using REST API to copy List Item w/attachment to another list

I'm new to using SharePoint's REST API and using it in a SharePoint Online Workflow - web services.
I have a custom list (we'll call this, list A) that users sometimes attached documents (mostly word, excel, image files, and pdfs).
What I need to do, is copy the custom list item and its attachment to another custom list (we'll call this, list B) in the SAME site, NOT to a Document Library. Basically, recreate the option "Copy List Item" that is available in SharePoint 2010 workflows, and was removed from SharePoint Online workflows.
I want to avoid creating and using a SharePoint 2010 workflow for this functionality. I'm sure at some point Microsoft will be discontinued SharePoint 2010 workflows, and I'm using REST API (web services) to perform the other tasks, associated with this SharePoint Online workflow.
I found this REST API information on Microsoft's site:
url: http://site url/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('list title')/items(item id)/AttachmentFiles('file name')/$value
method: GET
Authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken
accept: "application/json;odata=verbose" or "application/atom+xml"***
I use Fiddler 4 to test my REST API endpoints, and once I have them working, I'm able to then create a web service call in my workflow.
I was successful at getting the REST API endpoint to work in Fiddler, but I was confused with the results. Normally, when I test my REST API endpoints in Fiddler, and click on the Inspectors tab in Fiddler, what is normally returned, is a tree like structure:
But I don't see that. If I click on the Inspectors Tab, then on the HEXView subtab, I see the contents of the file. The raw data. I don't know how to grab this in my SharePoint Online workflow and then copy it to the target custom list (in the same site), after I have first created the list item in the target list (which I have successfully created and tested that code in my SharePoint Online workflow, using REST API - web services).
I have been able to copy a custom list attachment to a document library, and I have been able to create folders in a document library.
Stuck on copying a custom list attachment to another custom list item in the same site.

How to grab all the issues inside a jira structureboard using REST api

I have been researching Jira REST api in order to grab all the test cases inside my structures but I haven't had any luck. The closes I have been to getting inside a structure is using the URL $baseUrl/rest/structure/2.0/structure. From there I tried to manipulate the url into giving me all the information about a specific structure.
For example, I used $baseUrl/rest/structure/2.0/structure/$id but I only got back
{"id":135,"name":"TEST PLAN 1","description":""}
There is hardly any information in this REST api call. IS there a way to have it list out all the issue keys(test cases) in the structure i pick?
Information Regarding JIRA Structure REST API is posted here