Is there a way in Camunda REST API to retrieve task’s form field property? - rest

Camunda Modeler can let us set form field properties for tasks. I would like to use this feature to store some information for frontend input field rendering, e.g. inputtype=file for file upload selector.
Unfortunately, I found that the REST API /task/{taskid}/form-variables is not returing me such information and I have no other way to retrieve these information.
Any advice on how to get back these properties of task? Or any suggestion on how to store information for task that can let me retrieve them back through REST API?
Thanks in advance


Clio API Filter data based on nested resource

Filtering data based on a top level resource is straightforward, but what is the proper syntax for the url when attempting to filter based on a nested resource? For example, if I want to return all tasks but only for open matters, how should I enter that into the URL endpoint since the Matter Status is a nested resource under Tasks?
I do not see the method for filtering based on nested resources covered in the Clio API documentation.
As far as I understand, you can only filter by the options Clio's API provides. For example when querying a Matter, you can filter by an originating_attorney_id but not a user_id as the API doesn't provide a way to do that. You'll just have to pull in all the data and filter it in your code logic.
You can reach out to the Clio API team and ask them to add a specific filter option and see if they'll do that for you. I've found that they are at least willing to have a dialog.

How can enable the filter on managed metadata fields on REST API direct?

How can enable the filter on managed metadata fields label on REST API direct and fetch all the fields using the filtering of the MMS field using direct REST API?
I got the same situation on this i have enable the filtering using the Managed Metadata fields on a list using the below API:
_api/Web/Lists/GetByTitle('List-name')/Items/?$select=*,TaxCatchAll/Term&$filter=TaxCatchAll/Term eq '${Managed-Metadata-field-value}'&$expand=TaxCatchAll
'Managed-Metadata-field-value' means: Country is the MMS field and US is the value put US on here
But the API have limitation i think this filter enable only on a single MMS field.
its not possible out of the box, but there are some workarounds for this.

General question about SmartSheet API and creating a user interface

My company keeps individual employee schedules. Each employee manages their own schedule. Admin,supervisors and project manager have to go to each sheet and look for the information.
I need to create a system that allows someone to select a date range and skill set then produce a sheet with the information that matches the criteria. I have installed the Python API and worked through a few tutorials.
Now I need to know how to make command buttons, date pickers . . .
A quick read of my search results indicates that this is not part of the Smartsheet API!
Is there a way to do this through the SmartSheet API? Or how would you approach this?
The Smartsheet API enables you to programmatically access data in Smartsheet (i.e., create, read, update, delete data in Smartsheet). This is true for all APIs -- they simply provide a means for you to programmatically access data. You'll need to build the web app's user interface (UI) yourself by using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.
Alternatively -- instead of building a custom web application like you've described -- I'd suggest that you look into the possibility of creating Smartsheet Reports that can provide the data you've described. You can create Smartsheet Reports via the Smartsheet UI -- so you wouldn't need to do any programming at all.

Magento 2 - receive XML in post data (API)

In my store, I need to build Soap API, which accepts XML data from 3rd party solution, parses it and creates new customer based on provided data.
My questions is how can I get XML from post body data?
Just don't. Create separate service that is going to do that using Magento framework (check Customer or Catalog module for guidance). Because your request at the moment looks like you're going wrong way.
Just capture the XML in Controller's execute function.

Regarding REST API

I'm new to REST APIs and trying to understand the basics of them. So lets begin by saying that I have created a simple CMS web application using PHP (You create an user, you post an entry and assign some categories maybe, etc...).
That being said, if I wanted to create a mobile app that would do the same, I'll have to create some PHP functions in order to send data as JSON or XML and also in order to process a POST or PUT request.
is a REST API the collection of those functions I'd use to handle the mobile app POST, PUT and GET request using JSON or XML as the data format? if not, can I get an example, not a definition, please.
To answer your question,yes, the REST API is a collection of those functions for any client you wish to expose it to for creating an user, posting an entry etc. The accepted data format is something you decide for your API. It may be JSON, XML or even both.
Some examples: