How to mount a Windows network dirve to container - docker-compose

I am new to Docker and want to bind an existing network folder of a Windows Server to a container using docker compose. Please help.
I tried below command to created a volume already.
docker volume create `
--driver local `
--opt type=cifs `
--opt device=\\MyServer\Folder `
--opt o=user=login,domain=my_domain,password=my_passowrd `
The above command is successfully run, but can't be used in docker compose up command.
How can I use this volume or how to define this volume in docker compose.


Two Volumes are created when I run a docker container with volume mapping

I am creating postgreSQL container using following command
sudo docker run -d --name=pg -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret -e PGDATA=/pgdata -v pg:/pgdata postgres
After running this container when I check volumes by running following command
sudo docker volume ls
local 6d283475c6fe923155018c847f2c607c464244cb6767dd37a579824cf8c7e612
local pg
I get two volumes. pg volume is created in the command but what the second volume is??
If you look at the Docker Hub decomposition of the postgres image you will notice it has a declaration
VOLUME ["/var/lib/postgresql/data"]
If you don't explicitly mount something else on that directory, Docker will create an anonymous volume and mount it there for you. This behaves identically to a named volume except that it doesn't have a specific name.
docker inspect mostly dumps out low-level diagnostic information, but it should include the mount information, and you should see two volume mounts, one with the anonymous volume on the default PostgreSQL data directory and a second matching the explicit mount on /pgdata.

Is there a way to choose the path of named volumes with the default volume drives in docker?

Is there a way to choose the path of named volumes with the default volume drives in docker?
I know I can bind mount volumes in each service. I know I can create named volumes outside of services and them share them by mounting them in each service. But I can't find out a way to get the data (to be shared) on a path that I select instead of docker's /var/lib/docker/volumes/.
Anyone tried to share a volume as a mount point in two different containers of the same docker-compose file where the volume is a location at your choosing?
You cannot do that with the built-in docker volume plugin. You need to install a thirdparty plugin like below
curl -fsSL | sudo bash
docker volume create -d local-persist -o mountpoint=/data/images --name=images
docker run -d -v images:/path/to/images/on/one/ one
docker run -d -v images:/path/to/images/on/two/ two

docker-compose mounted volume remain

I'm using docker-compose in one of my projects. During development i mount my source directory to a volume in one of my docker services for easy development. At the same time, I have a db service (psql) that mounts a named volume for persistent data storage.
I start by solution and everything is working fine
$ docker-compose up -d
When I check my volumes I see the named and "unnamed" (source volume).
$ docker volume ls
local 226ba7af9689c511cb5e6c06ceb36e6c26a75dd9d619360882a1012cdcd25b72
local myproject_data
The problem I experience is that, when I do
$ docker-compose down
$ docker volume ls
local 226ba7af9689c511cb5e6c06ceb36e6c26a75dd9d619360882a1012cdcd25b72
local myproject_data
both volumes remain. Every time I run
$ docker-compose down
$ docker-compose up -d
a new volume is created for my source mount
$ docker volume ls
local 19181286b19c0c3f5b67d7d1f0e3f237c83317816acbdf4223328fdf46046518
local 226ba7af9689c511cb5e6c06ceb36e6c26a75dd9d619360882a1012cdcd25b72
local myproject_data
I know that this will not happen on my deployment server, since it will not mount the source, but is there a way to not make the mounted source persistent?
You can use the --rm option in docker run. To use it with docker-compose you can use
docker-compose rm -v after stopping your containers with docker-compose stop
If you go through the docs about Data volumes , its mentioned that
Data volumes persist even if the container itself is deleted.
So that means, stopping a container will not remove the volumes it created, whether named or anonymous.
Now if you read further down to Removing volumes
A Docker data volume persists after a container is deleted. You can
create named or anonymous volumes. Named volumes have a specific
source form outside the container, for example awesome:/bar. Anonymous
volumes have no specific source. When the container is deleted, you
should instruct the Docker Engine daemon to clean up anonymous
volumes. To do this, use the --rm option, for example:
$ docker run --rm -v /foo -v awesome:/bar busybox top
This command creates an anonymous /foo volume. When the container is
removed, the Docker Engine removes the /foo volume but not the awesome
Just remove volumes with the down command:
docker-compose down -v

docker postgres, fail to map volume in windows

I wish to store my persists data in my local D:\dockerData\postgres9.6. Below is my docker command
docker pull postgres
docker run -d -v /d/dockerData/postgres9.6:/var/lib/postgresql/data -p 5432:5432 postgres
It successful create a container and I can use pgAdmin to access and create database.
But I found out that there is no file in my D:\dockerData\postgres9.6. I exec bash into the container, there is at least 20+ files inside /var/lib/postgresql/data.
Anyone can point out which part goes wrong?
It depends what kind of Docker you are using on Windows:
Docker Toolbox with VirtualBox: only C:\Users\mylogin is shared by default. D:\ is not mounted.
Docker for Windows with HyperV: only C:\ is mounted by default. Make sure D:\ is a shared drive: see image

Docker volume details for Windows

I am learning docker and deploying some sample images from the docker hub. One of them requires postgresql. When I deploy without specifying a volume, it works beautifully. When I specify the volume 'path on host', it fails with inability to fsync properly. My question is when I inspect the volumes, I cannot find where docker is storing those volumes. I'd like to be able to specify a volume so I can move the data if/when needed. Where does Docker store this on a windows machine? I tried enabling volume through Kinematic but the container became unusable.
> docker volume inspect 0622ff3e0de10e2159fa4fe6b7cd7407c6149067f138b72380a5bbe337df8f62
"Driver": "local",
"Labels": null,
"Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/0622ff3e0de10e2159fa4fe6b7cd7407c6149067f138b72380a5bbe337df8f62/_data",
"Name": "0622ff3e0de10e2159fa4fe6b7cd7407c6149067f138b72380a5bbe337df8f62",
"Options": {},
"Scope": "local"
I can create a volume through docker but am not sure where it is stored on the harddisk.
If you're on windows 10 and use Docker For Windows, docker will create a VM and run it on your local hyper-v, the volumes you create are then located inside of this VM which is stored in something called MobyLinuxVM.vhdx (you can check it in the settings of docker).
One way to have your data on your host computer for now is to share a drive on docker settings and then map your postgres data folder to your windows hard drive.
Something like docker run -it -v /c/mypgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres
Another way would be to create a volume with a specific driver, take a look at existing volume drivers if one can do what you want.
This one could be of interest for you :
You can also enter the MobyLinux VM with this "kind of" hack
#get a privileged container with access to Docker daemon
docker run --privileged -it --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker alpine sh
#run a container with full root access to MobyLinuxVM and no seccomp profile (so you can mount stuff)
docker run --net=host --ipc=host --uts=host --pid=host -it --security-opt=seccomp=unconfined --privileged --rm -v /:/host alpine /bin/sh
#switch to host FS
chroot /host
#and then go to the volume you asked for
cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/0622ff3e0de10e2159fa4fe6b7cd7407c6149067f138b72380a5bbe337df8f62/_data
Found here :