Scheduling jobs in Kafka - apache-kafka

I am currently working on an application which will schedule a task as a timers. The timers can be run on any day of the week with the configuration by the user. Currently it is implemented with bullqueue and redis for storage. Once the timer will execute it will execute an event and further process the business logic. There can be thousands of queue messages in the redis.
I am looking to replace redis with Kafa as I have read it is easy to scale and guarantee of no message loss.
The question is. Is it a good idea to go with Kafa? If yes then how can we schedule a jobs in kafka with the combination of bullqueue. I am new to Kafka and still trying to understand how can we schedule the jobs in Kafka or is it a good architecture setup to go with.
My current application setup is with nestjs, nodejs

Kafka doesn't have any feature like this built-in, so you'd need to combine it with some other timer/queue system for scheduling a KafkaProducer action.
Similarly, Kafka Consumers are typically always running, although, you can start/pause them periodically as well.


Keeping services in sync in a kafka event driven backbone

Say I am using Kafka as the event-driven backbone for all my microservices in my system design. Many microservices use the events data to populate their internal databases.
Now there is a requirement where I need to create a new service and it uses some events data. The service will only be able to consume events after the time it comes live and hence, won't have a lot of data that it missed. I want a strategy such that I don't have to backfill my internal databases by writing out scripts.
What are some cool strategies I can have which do not create a huge load on Kafka & does not account for a lot of scripting to backfill data in the new services that I ever create?
There are a few strategies you can have here, depending on how you publish data to a kafka topic. Here are a few ideas:
first, you can set the retention of a kafka topic to be forever, meaning that it will store all the data. This is OK as kafka is built for this purpose as well. See this. By doing this, any new service that come alive can start consuming data from the start.
if you are using kafka for latest state publishing for a given entity/aggregate, you can also consider configuring the topic to be a compacted. This will let you store at least the latest state of your entity/aggregate on the topic, and new consumers that starts listening on the topic will have less data to configure. However, your consumers still need to know how to process multiple messages per entity/aggregate as you cannot guarantee it will have exactly one message in the topic.

Pub/Sub and consumer aware publishing. Stop producing when nobody is subscribed

I'm trying to find a messaging system that supports the following use case.
Producer registers topic namespace
client subscribes to topic
first client triggers notification on producer to start producing
new client with subscription to the same topic receives data (potentially conflated, similar to hot/cold observables in RX world)
When the last client goes away, unsubscribe or crash, notify the producer to stop producing to said topic
I am aware that according to the pub/sub pattern A producer is defined to be blissfully unaware of the existence of consumers, meaning that my use-case simply does not fit the pub/sub paradigm.
So far I have looked into Kafka, Redis, and Amazon SQS, but without much success. I've been thinking about a few possible ways to solve this, Haven't however found anything that would satisfy my needs yet.
One option that springs to mind, for bullet 2) is to model a request/reply pattern as amongs others detailed on the NATS page to have the producer listen to clients. A client would then publish a 'subscribe' message into the system that the producer would pick up on a wildcard subscription. This however leaves one big problem, which is unsubscribing. Assuming the consumer stops as it should, publishing an unsubscribe message just like the subscribe would work. But in the case of a crash or similar this won't work.
I'd be grateful for any ideas, references or architectural patterns/best practices that satisfy the above.
I've been doing quite a bit of research over the past week but haven't come across any satisfying Q&A or articles. Either I'm approaching it entirely wrong, or there just doesn't seem to be much out there which would surprise me as to me, this appears to be a fairly common scenario that applies to many domains.
thanks in advance
An actual simple use-case that I have at hand is stock quote distribution.
Quotes come from external source
subscribe to stock A quotes from external system when the first end-user looks at stock A
Stop receiving quotes for stock A from external system when no more end-users look at said stock
RabbitMQ has internal events you can use with the Event Exchange Plugin. Event such as consumer.created or consumer.deleted could be use to trigger some actions at your server level: for example, checking the remaining number of consumers using RabbitMQ Management API and takes action such as closing a topic, based on your use cases.
I don't have any messaging consumer present based publishing in mind. Got ever worst because you'll need kind of heartbeat mechanism to handle consumer crashes.
So here are my two cents, not sue if you're looking for an out of the box solution, but if not, you could wrap your application around a zookeeper cluster to handle all your use cases.
Simply use watchers on ephemeral nodes to check when you have no more consumers ( including crashes) and put some watcher around a 'consumers' path to be advertised when you get consumers.
Consumers side, you would have to register your zk node ID whenever you start it.
It's not so complicated to do, and zk is not the only solution for this, you might use other consensus techs as well.
A start for zookeeper :
( strongly advise to use curator api, which handle lot of recipes in a smooth way)
Unfortunately you haven't specified your use business use case that you try to solve with such requirements. From the sound of it you want not the pub/sub system, but an orchestration one.
I would recommend checking out the Cadence Workflow that is capable of supporting your listed requirements and many more orchestration use cases.
Here is a strawman design that satisfies your requirements:
Any new subscriber sends an event to a workflow with a TopicName as a workflowID to subscribe. If workflow with given ID doesn't exist it is automatically started.
Any subscribe sends another signal to unsubscribe.
When no subscribers are left workflow exits.
Publisher sends an event to the workflow to deliver to subscribers.
Workflow delivers the event to the subscribers using an activity.
If workflow with given TopicName doesn't run the publish event to it is going to fail.
Cadence offers a lot of other advantages over using queues for task processing.
Built it exponential retries with unlimited expiration interval
Failure handling. For example it allows to execute a task that notifies another service if both updates couldn't succeed during a configured interval.
Support for long running heartbeating operations
Ability to implement complex task dependencies. For example to implement chaining of calls or compensation logic in case of unrecoverble failures (SAGA)
Gives complete visibility into current state of the update. For example when using queues all you know if there are some messages in a queue and you need additional DB to track the overall progress. With Cadence every event is recorded.
Ability to cancel an update in flight.
Distributed CRON support
See the presentation that goes over Cadence programming model.

How to schedule kafka consumer properly in apache nifi?

I'm trying to use one consumer continuously read data from kafka. How should I set the scheduling options?
I have read the User Guide, but I can not figure out how to set the run schedule and run duration if I need the consumer run continuously.
A Timer Driven Run Schedule of 0 seconds means run as fast as possible continuously.

How do I implement a delayed topic in Kafka?

I have a use case similar to the one described here
which is that I would like to put the failed messages in a place where they can be retried at a pre-configured time interval (probably several minutes). Since I am not using Storm, the Kafka Spout is not an option as described in the accepted solution there. Is there another feature of Kafka that makes the message invisible to the consumers until the time period expires?
One of the goals of this project is to not write a scheduler (Cron or Java).
Without the scheduler, the only other option is using JMS style messaging brokers. However, if Kafka has this functionality built-in I would like to use Kafka as we already have the infrastructure built for it.

How to model topics and partitions for Kafka when used to store all business events?

We're considering using Kafka as a way to store all our business events forever. The purpose is to be able to spin up new "microservices" that we haven't yet thought of that will be able to leverage on all previous events to build up their projections/state. Another use case might be an existing service where we'd like to "replay" all events that is of interest to this service to recreate its state.
Note that we're not planning to use Kafka as an "event store" in the sense that events will be projected/loaded into an aggregate on "every request".
Also (as far as I can tell) we don't know how consumers will consume the events. A new microservice might need all sorts of different events in order to create its internal projection/state.
Is Kafka suitable for this or is there a better alternative?
If so, what's a good way to model this (topics/partitions)?
We're currently using RabbitMQ for messaging (business events are sent to RabbitMQ). It would be great if we could migrate away from RabbitMQ in the future and move entirely to Kafka. I assume that this could change the way topics and partitions are modelled since now we have a better understanding of how consumers will consume the events. Would this be compatible with the other use case (infinite retention and replay)?
This is very good that you are switching to KAFKA and Yes it is possible to keep data in KAFKA BROKERs but i would suggest rather than keeping all the data in KAFKA-BROKERs for all time why can't you dump this data into HDFS or S3(AWS) it will be cheaper and you will have all the features of HDFS available with your data.
Storing all data in Brokers will increase overhead on Zookeeper as well.