Debian package in Ubuntu - ui-automation

I am using a tool (tagui) to automate the web. The dependency for this are the source file which actually contains the script for the automation, a jdk package, php and python.
Trying to make this as a debian package so that it can be used as an executable file and shared among everyone.


Cross compiling WxWidget application for Debian64 and Debian armhf

I'm building a WxWidget application targetting both Debian 64-bits and Debian armhf (Raspberry). I'm using eclipse as IDE running in a Debian 9.4 Virtualbox. The VB Host is Windows10.
The eclipse workspace is organized as tree projects :
one project set up for Debian 64-bits architecture
one project set up for Debian armhf architecture (using multiarch)
one project with common source files.
In both the 64-bits as the armhf projects, the source code is linked in from the common project.
I installed WxWidgets for 64-bits with the following command:
sudo apt install libwxgtk3.0-dev
Now, the 64-bits project compiles without errors and the executable works fine under Debian64.
Next, I like to cross-compile for armhf, so
sudo apt install libwxgtk3.0-dev:armhf
Now, the armhf project compiles without errors and the executable works fine on the Raspberry Pi.
However, the compilation of the 64-bit project is broken...
Apparently, the platform specific setting for WxWidgets are defined/declared in a file called
this file is located at
where PLATFORM is either x86_64-linux-gnu for Debian64 or arm-linux-gnueabihf for Debian armhf.
My observation is that installing one version of the development package installs the correct setup.h, but also removes the other...
So, how do I setup WxWidgets for multi-arch compilation for both platforms?
Thanks in advance,
You either need to install wxWidgets from the armhf repository or build it yourself with the cross-compiler for that architecture.
I hope that when you try to install from the different repository the installation will happen in a different directory as well. If not you should give the apt-get the directory where you want the script to install the package.
In principle, this is supposed to work using --host option of wx-config, i.e. the idea is to use wx-config --host=x86_64 --cxxflags --libs for one platform and wx-config --host=armhf for the other one. However I don't know if this works with Debian packages.
If you can't make it work with them, you could build your own libraries in different build directories, say ~/build/wx/x86_64-gtk2 and ~/build/wx/armhf-gtk2. Then you could just use ~/build/wx/$arch-gtk2/wx-config without installing the libraries at all.

Autorest.exe 0.7.3 is for 64-bit only?

I'm trying to setup a project which contains a package called Autorest. This was installed via NuGet and inside the packages folder of the project is an executable tool Autorest.exe. Unfortunetly, this version is for 64-bit and I can't run the tool to get my API from my web service. What can i do?

How to install dependencies for IPython Notebook?

I downloaded some notebook but when I try to ru it it prints messages about some libraries not being available, like pandas, pylab etc.
How to install those libraries? And what version of those libraries needs to be installed? I installed it manually, but it still not works, because it seems like it requires different versions.
Is there any automated way to install the proper dependencies for the notebook, with the right versions?

Difference between Chocolatey and NuGet

Is Chocolatey a higher version of NuGet or a different package manager? Where should I put my open source application? NuGet or Chocolatey?
NuGet is designed to allow you to easily add code libraries to your project. Things like JSON.NET, Entity Framework, etc.
Chocolatey is actually built on top of the NuGet package system, but it is designed to fill a different need. Chocolatey wraps up applications and other executables and makes it easy to install them on your computer. For example, tools like Git, Notepad++, etc. can be easily installed with a command like cinst git. has a list of all the applications that can be installed.
If you have an open source project which is a library that is to be used in other developers' projects, then you should submit it to NuGet.
If it is an application that users would normally install, then create a Chocolatey package that users can easily install and update from the command line.

ArUco in Eclipse Ubuntu

I want to compile the augmented reality ArUco library, but this library documentation on the internet is too scarce and I am facing some problems. Could someone give me a little tutorial about how to compile it in the Eclipse? (could be another IDE)
I'm using the Ubuntu 12.10, Eclipse Juno. Thanks!
Look at the README file of the library, you will probably have to use cmake. Open a terminal and install cmake and OpenCv (the requirements for the library) with apt-get. I don't know their exact package names in Ubuntu, but try the obvious cmake and opencv. Once that is done, cd to the directory where you unpackaged the aruco library, and do the following:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make all
make install
You can change the installation prefix by using cmake -i .. or ccmake if it got installed too. As for setting up the library in your IDE, just make a note of which directories the library files (binaries and headers) got installed to, and make sure those are in the compiler's search path.