PowerBI Error : Details: "PostgreSQL: 28001: Cannot connect to the server company.onmicrosoft.com" - postgresql

I was working on a PowerBI report which I initially connected with the PostgreSQL on the Azure Cloud.
I was able to import the data and work on it till recently. I had whitelisted my earlier IP and hence connection was smooth. Today When I tried to connect from new IP (I have whitelisted this New IP as well) but it is not working. I am getting the following error. Not sure what should be done to continue working with the same report.
Details: "PostgreSQL: 28001: Cannot connect to the server company.onmicrosoft.com"
When I go to edit settings I am not able to change anything there as well. Not sure what should be done. Can Anybody please help on this.
I tried the following but nothing worked
Searched for Answers on PowerBI Community
Searched for Answers on Stack over Flow
Tried to change Internet connection
Whitelisted all possible IP on Azure PostgreSQL
Restarted the server on Azure PostgreSQL

Hi I finally figured out the solution to this problem so thought of posting it here so that it may help others who are stuck with similar problem
So this is what I did,
I checked the credentials it was all fine but I re-entered the server name and added :5432 its Port number in front of the server name.
Then it again asked for username and password, that I provided and it got connected to the data source very well.
Finally after hours of trial and error the issue got resolved


VSCode Remote Server stuck on initializing server

I'm currently trying to access a remote server using VS Code's Remote SSH extension. I haven't had a problem when using it before (that was around a month ago) but today when I tried to access the server I ran into some trouble.
I have the hostname and everything configured in a config file, and so I just click on that option and type in the password. However, VS Code seems to be stuck on "Opening Remote..." for the past hour or so. The dialogue I get in the terminal is as follows:
username#host's password:
Running remote connection script
Acquiring lock on /home/username/.vscode-server/bin/abcdefghijklmnop1234567989/
Installing to /home/username/.vscode-server/bin/abcdefghijklmnop1234567989...
Downloading with wget
Does anybody know what the problem might be? Is this normal?
As soon as I posted this the connection was successfully made. However, I would also like to still know what the problem was and if it normally takes around an hour, and what this process might be doing. I also believe it would be helpful to the community overall.
Thank you.
I've faced the same issue just now and realized that firewall protection has something to do with it.
As soon as I disabled it, the remote connection was established and I managed to see my code again.

Cloud Foundry on Bluemix: No network connection when starting new app with binary-buildpack

First, I've finaly found out what the problem was but still, I decided to write this question+answer for others (because I spent 6 hours with this issue).
So, what's the problem...
I have a Cloud Foundry app (on public Bluemix) based on binary-buildpack. Two days ago, everything was OK. But not since yesterday. My app crashed (probably during restaging or something similar) and never started again. I tried to push the app again and still the same result. Really frustrating...
Something about the backend... There is a shell script in my instance that runs one binary application. Generaly, the application should connect to database server (also on public Bluemix).
The problem: Everytime I tried to start the app, it crashed immediately. This is what I found in logs: dial tcp: lookup databaseserverdomain.com on server misbehaving.
There are a couple of similar problems on StackOverflow but no answer that would be helpful for me.
So, the error means that something went wrong with TCP connection. Ok, but what exactly? That's the question I'm going to answer myself...
Sounds like your binary isn't capable in properly handling connection problems. I would rather fix that part since I guess it will crash anyway when there is a connection issue.
The solution was actually simple...
I edited my shell script and add ping google.com -count 3 before launching the application to test if there is a stable network connection. This worked.
The application got 2 more seconds and it was enough for network/router/whatever to establish the connection.
Hmm.. It seems that there is something wrong with network routing on Cloud Foundry/Bluemix since yesterday.

Connection to google cloud sql fails on dev

I'm trying to connect to the Dev SQL server on Google's cloud platform.
I used to have no problem at all connecting a few weeks ago but I wanted to upgrade some stuff and suddenly a connection cannot be established..
I've tried connecting via MySQL Workbench first and it keeps getting a connection error 10060. When I test the parameters it goes fine but the connection never succeeds.
So I also tried using code in Java using a code similar to Google's example and this arbitrarily works but mostly doesn't and throws connection link fail exception.
So I know the code and setup is fine since it sometimes succeeds. so the question is: why? When is it fine and when does it fail and why? Also why does it never work via the workbench although it did work in the past?
Is this familiar to anyone?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
I'm having the same problem.
I read that it might be the ISP blocking outbound port 3306.
is your IPS is Bezeq International-Ltd by any chance?
when I use my cell phone network it works fine.
It looks like Google are currently having issues with Cloud SQL. See Twitter for example

Problems with postgreSQL on ubuntu 12.10

I am a new postgresql user and I am trying to open an new account on this
database technology. As I was trying to open a new server I cannot create a database within this server. It says an error when I try to open that up.
Could you please tell whats wrong with this.
I do the following steps.
I create an account as this:
Despite this the server does not get created.
Is there something wrong with configuration of this server.
This is the error which says
Thank you in advance
The service is not the IP address of the server: http://www.pgadmin.org/docs/dev/connect.html
I'm no expert, but I believe the service is a shorthand for specifying other connection parameters. It's most simple to establish connections at first by specifying the values directly, so just leave that blank.

Business Object XI 3.0 error

In Business Object XI 3.0, while logging in publishing wizard I am getting following error. Any Help please
Logon Error
Transport error: Communication failure.(FWM 00001)
Even CMC option is also not working. Yesterday also it was giving same problem. I had reinstalled the software. then it started working. Now today it is again giving same error. This happen second time. Please help
make sure your hosts file is right,eg serverdomain.ping the server make sure the network is working.
It's possible that your firewall is blocking it, also double check your credentials within the cmc are correct and that there is connectivity between your database and your server. Also try connecting through the Administrative account.