Google Analytics Data API (GA4) - Assisted Conversion Paths - google-analytics-api

Using the API, is there an equivalent way to pull data from GA4 for assisted conversion paths?
I know that GA4 has this information: Advertising > Attribution > Conversion paths
Similar to how the Multi-Channel Funnels Reporting API for UA worked.
With MCF API, you would call mcf:assistedConversions and mcf:assistedValue (
So far it appears that I would have to come up with another way to create the same kind of data?
EDIT 1/10/23: I have found this article, explaining we are limited to "first user source" and "session source" in GA4. I may have to look into the funnel exploration report.


How to get complete metadata of dataset in Palantir Foundry through API call?

I want to fetch complete metadata of the given dataset through API call. Can anyone please suggest how to fetch metadata
You actually already manipulate and interact with various forms of metadata inside your Transforms Python builds today, but in a way that is structured to be safe when reading and writing.
While not all forms of metadata are possible to access today, this generally is because of the desire to ensure product stability and good version controls of your builds.
That said, if there's a certain interaction with metadata you'd like to see in the product, I'd recommend reaching out to your support engineers with a feature request so they can understand your request more specifically and discuss with our product teams.

Trying to create a schema in IBM Watson IoT gives me 'Internal Error' - why..?

I'm trying to follow this guide:
But as soon as I hit "Manage Schemas" in the device type section I get an "Internal Error", saying I should contact the Admin... I'm not able to create schemas. What's going wrong?
Thanks in advance!
It is not entirely clear what you are trying to achieve. If you are simply trying to retrieve the raw events that have been published by your device, then you need to use a URL for the form:
This is documented in the Watson IoT Platform API reference.
It is worth noting that, if this is all you are trying to achieve, you do not need to follow the guide that you referenced. It is possible to retrieve the raw events using the REST API simply by defining the Device Type and registering your device.
The guide that you referenced describes the Data Management capabilities of the Watson IoT Platform. These capabilities allow you to process the raw events in order to generate/compute state for the device. This is more involved than simply retrieving the raw events because you need to configure schemas for the events and the state and then define the mappings that tell the platform how to compute the properties on the state when an event is received. The computed state for a device is a different resource and needs to be retrieved using a different URL:
GET /api/v0002/device/types/{typeId}/devices/{deviceId}/state/{logicalInterfaceId}
This is documented here
It's a little confusing, but that Manage Schemas section of the UI is not related to the feature you're looking at as part of the guide you referred to.
The guide you're looking at outlines how to configure event schemas and logical interface schemas for a Device Type using REST API calls. If you wish to create this configuration using the web UI, this is possible too but you need to get to the Interfaces section from the Device Types view: see this image
In this case, I clicked on the Humidity Sensor Device Type and then, in the expanded view, clicked on the Interface tab. From there you can use the Simple or Advanced flows to create the configuration.
The reason for the error is because the component that provides the function on that page (Real time insights) is not present in the eu-de region. The page should not be present but for some reason is.
If you are planning on following that guide then this is a different part of the UI from the “manage schemas” page, and is located under the “interfaces” section in “device types”. The function defined in that guide is available in eu-de.

exporting data from Bluemix Presence Insights

I'm trying to export data from Presence Insights on Bluemix, I followed the following documentation:
however I can't seem to find export button mentioned inside the document.
Data can be exported from the IBM Presence Insights Dashboard if you have data available. There are also REST APIs for exporting data. They are documented in the Floors, Sites, and Zones sections of the API Reference.
There were REST APIs in the product some time ago, but they were found to have limitations that made them less useful in production. In particular, the amount of data that builds up forces the response time on the API to grow beyond what the Bluemix infrastructure allowed. The API requests would timeout. To that end, the APIs were backed out, but it appears the documentation was left. That will be removed shortly.
Presence Insights still understands the value of exporting the data, so a new scheme is under investigation. For example, it would be ideal if the data could be exported under the covers to a production data storage facility, on a regular time frame.
In the interim, an alternative solution would be to use a Subscription to gather the backend enter/exit/dwell/timeout events directly and roll your own solution to store only what you need in whatever facility works for your application.

Bluemix Embedded Reports REST architecture

When one wishes to use the Bluemix Embedded Reports one first creates a package and then a report definition. After that, one is supposed to use the REST APIs that are documented using Swagger here:
Unfortunately, I am unable to find any architectural definitions for these APIs. To elaborate on this notion, there are APIs to get connections, packages, definitions, reports, models, datasources and visualizations ... however I unable to find any documentation describing when I would use what. In addition, some fundamental APIs such as those relating to operations for "reports" seem to want a "reportId" and I am lost on how to retrieve or obtain one of those. Other mysteries are the concept of "What are report links?" and what is the semantics of obtaining a "report instance"? For a report "rendered in a format" ... what are the allowable formats and when would I use vs another?
Again ... the REST API isn't bad and Swagger provides useful syntax documentation but without the associated semantic comprehension, it leaves the reader cold on quite how to use the technology.
I am hoping that there is additional documentation either existing somewhere or else planned for release as soon as practicable. If anyone knows where to find such or has additional information on how to interpret the semantics of the APIs, that would be a fantastic answer to the question.
Some information around the REST API, particularly around running of reports, is available on the documentation page for the service, found here:
Though the full API is provided in swagger, users are expected to use only 3 resources: connection, definitions, and reports. The other endpoints deal with the management of report artifacts and their related resources (datasources, models, packages)
The first step in using ERS is to define datasources and report specifications (definitions) within the admin dashboard. Then, each definition will be given an ID that you can copy/paste into your RESTful calls.
Connect to ERS using basic auth and the /connection endpoint. This sends back cookies (include a JSESSIONID) that you are expected to send with all other calls.
POST /connection
with an empty json body {} and basic auth headers
Run a report in a particular format (2 flavours)
2.1 For 'vanilla' reports with no special options or parameters, you can use the shortcut call, which both creates a report resource and runs it in the format you choose:
GET /definitions/{definition_id}/reports/{format}
where definition_id is taken from the admin dashboard, and format is one of html, phtml (partial html, for embedding. Most common), pdf, json, xml, csv
2.2 For more complex cases, you need to first create a report instance (this holds state for the report that is being run. You can do a next-page or check parameter values and options). Then you can run the report in a format.
POST /definitions/{definition_id}/reports
with a body with your options/parameters. You can also send an empty json body ({}) for all the defaults. This returns a json payload with a reportId and location to run the report from
GET /reports/{report_id}/{format}
You might also want to look at the sample that is included in the documentation (in javascript, java and node) to see how to do this in an app. The documentation mentioned above also has curl examples.

Analytics API shortcuts

Regarding Google Analytics API: Is it possible to consume data from defined shortcuts in GA?
You can't get data directly from a Shortcut, unfortunately. However, you can definitely get the data - you just have to build a query that gets the same info as the shortcut.
Check out the API Explorer if you haven't before: This is a good way to quickly learn the capabilities of the Core Reporting API v3. It basically comes down to a date range, metrics, dimensions, filters, segments, and sorting.