Bluemix Embedded Reports REST architecture - rest

When one wishes to use the Bluemix Embedded Reports one first creates a package and then a report definition. After that, one is supposed to use the REST APIs that are documented using Swagger here:
Unfortunately, I am unable to find any architectural definitions for these APIs. To elaborate on this notion, there are APIs to get connections, packages, definitions, reports, models, datasources and visualizations ... however I unable to find any documentation describing when I would use what. In addition, some fundamental APIs such as those relating to operations for "reports" seem to want a "reportId" and I am lost on how to retrieve or obtain one of those. Other mysteries are the concept of "What are report links?" and what is the semantics of obtaining a "report instance"? For a report "rendered in a format" ... what are the allowable formats and when would I use vs another?
Again ... the REST API isn't bad and Swagger provides useful syntax documentation but without the associated semantic comprehension, it leaves the reader cold on quite how to use the technology.
I am hoping that there is additional documentation either existing somewhere or else planned for release as soon as practicable. If anyone knows where to find such or has additional information on how to interpret the semantics of the APIs, that would be a fantastic answer to the question.

Some information around the REST API, particularly around running of reports, is available on the documentation page for the service, found here:
Though the full API is provided in swagger, users are expected to use only 3 resources: connection, definitions, and reports. The other endpoints deal with the management of report artifacts and their related resources (datasources, models, packages)
The first step in using ERS is to define datasources and report specifications (definitions) within the admin dashboard. Then, each definition will be given an ID that you can copy/paste into your RESTful calls.
Connect to ERS using basic auth and the /connection endpoint. This sends back cookies (include a JSESSIONID) that you are expected to send with all other calls.
POST /connection
with an empty json body {} and basic auth headers
Run a report in a particular format (2 flavours)
2.1 For 'vanilla' reports with no special options or parameters, you can use the shortcut call, which both creates a report resource and runs it in the format you choose:
GET /definitions/{definition_id}/reports/{format}
where definition_id is taken from the admin dashboard, and format is one of html, phtml (partial html, for embedding. Most common), pdf, json, xml, csv
2.2 For more complex cases, you need to first create a report instance (this holds state for the report that is being run. You can do a next-page or check parameter values and options). Then you can run the report in a format.
POST /definitions/{definition_id}/reports
with a body with your options/parameters. You can also send an empty json body ({}) for all the defaults. This returns a json payload with a reportId and location to run the report from
GET /reports/{report_id}/{format}
You might also want to look at the sample that is included in the documentation (in javascript, java and node) to see how to do this in an app. The documentation mentioned above also has curl examples.


How to get complete metadata of dataset in Palantir Foundry through API call?

I want to fetch complete metadata of the given dataset through API call. Can anyone please suggest how to fetch metadata
You actually already manipulate and interact with various forms of metadata inside your Transforms Python builds today, but in a way that is structured to be safe when reading and writing.
While not all forms of metadata are possible to access today, this generally is because of the desire to ensure product stability and good version controls of your builds.
That said, if there's a certain interaction with metadata you'd like to see in the product, I'd recommend reaching out to your support engineers with a feature request so they can understand your request more specifically and discuss with our product teams.

How to design endpoints for data not considered as a resource in a REST API

User context:
An school administrator logs into a dashboard. The page displays a block of data at the top of the page:
Number of students who used the service over the past week
The aggregate feedback (positive, negative, neutral) left by the students over the past week in percentages.
Other aggregate data
Underneath is a bunch of charts and graphs representing usage of the service broken down by month, daily usage broken down by hour, etc.
My problem:
I'm trying to build an API following REST principals where endpoints should define a resource and HTTP verbs as the action to take on those resources. My problem is going about building endpoints for this more 'analytical' and aggregate data that doesn't really seem to fit anywhere in my resources. Ideally, each graph or chart could be one request to an endpoint, and the block of aggregate data at the top would also be its own request, rather than 3 requests (1 for each piece of data). Can someone guide me in the right direction on how to go about building the endpoints for these specific scenarios?
Can someone guide me in the right direction on how to go about building the endpoints for these specific scenarios?
TL;DR: How would you build a web site to support those scenarios? Do that.
If you were using something like a document store, then you would take the URI, say /feedbackReports/lastWeek, and use that as a key, and pull from the document store a representation of that report, and return it to the client (along with various bits of metadata).
If you were using something like a file system, then you would take the URI, and construct some reference to a file, like /www_root/feedbackReports/lastWeek, and read the representation of that report from disk, and return it to the client (along with various bits of metadata).
Is you were using something like a relational database, then you would take the URI, and see that the "last week" report was being asked for, and from that you would inject a bunch of "-7 days" parameters into prepared statements, and run them, then reshape the data in memory into some representation of that report, and return it to the client (along with various bits of metadata).
I'm trying to build an API following REST principals where endpoints should define a resource and HTTP verbs as the action to take on those resources
The REST principle in question is that the API isolates the clients (and intermediary components) from all of the implementation details. The API is the mask that your application wears so that web integrations just work.
My problem is going about building endpoints for this more 'analytical' and aggregate data that doesn't really seem to fit anywhere in my resources.
So create more resources.
Note: these are integration resources; which is to say that they produce the representations that web clients need to interact with your domain.
Jim Webber, in 2008
URIs do NOT map onto domain objects - that violates encapsulation.
Work (ex: issuing commands to the domain model) is a side effect of
managing resources. In other words, the resources are part of the
anti-corruption layer. You should expect to have many many more
resources in your integration domain than you do business objects
in your business domain.

CCDA to FHIR xml

Is it Possible to convert a complete CCDA xml to a FHIR based xml? I would like to convert an complete CCDA xml to a FHIR compatible XML through Mirthconnect interface.
I like to have sample messages that shows how a complete CCDA is been transformed to FHIR based XML, I googled and ended up with no answers. It would be great if you guys help me.
Strictly speaking, C-CDA is consolidated CDA. It is an IG - Implementation Guide.
In simple terms, there are various IG for generating a CDA document HITSP/C83 for one is an example and there are several others. The main problem with all these seperate IG is that they are not uniform. C-CDA was created to bring uniformity of data. This presentation here is a good place to start. Basically, it says you got to have at least 4 mandatory section in your CCD, and rest optional sections. It entirely depends on your use case.
Secondly, You need to download a copy of a valid C-CDA file from this site. Let's take inpatient summary document.
So that would be your target document, and consider it as a template.
Third, You got to tell your engineering team or if you are the developer yourself, then you need to build logic to extract and place information into that template. This is an iterative process, and everytime you need to validate your developed document, against the validator (site given above).
Until and unless the validator says 0 errors present, your document is not ready.
So, There does not exist a ready made code or logic that you can just plug and play and start developing C-CDA documents.

Google Fusion Table REST Api vs Advanced Services Fusion Table Services in app scripts

I am very confused about the correct or recommended mechanism to use for accessing google fusion tables APIs in app scripts. There seem to be two methods with examples but no discussion about which is preferred or why. Is one of these interfaces newer and preferred while the other is dying? Is one obsolete or more restricted in what it can do?
Method 1 is the REST API described here
Method 2 is a set of library functions sort of described here under the Apps Script/Google Advanced Services:
For example, using the REST api to do a dql query, we end up with something like this:
function runSQL(sql){
var getDataURL = ''+sql;
var dataResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(getDataURL,getUrlFetchOptions()).getContentText();
return dataResponse;
And using the advanced API we use something like this:
result = FusionTables.Query.sql(sql, { hdrs: false });
The REST API seems much harder to use, requireing complex oAuth and developer keys to be configured in advance and coded into the application while the Advanced Services API harvests all this behind the scenes and makes for simple API calls like I show here.
I have seen numerous examples using each of the above with no hint as to why one author chose her mechanism instead of the other.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
The service within app-script is a work in progress, so the full functionality of the API might not be fully supported at the moment. As you mentioned though, the big advantage of the service over the REST API is that you do not have to handle the OAuth flow, as you only need to enable it on your script (as stated here).
The Apps Script "advanced service" implementation still lacks some advanced functionality (like alt=media format queries or multipart / resumable uploads) -- if it actually has those features, it lacks extremely basic documentation of them, to the point that the Apps Script editor autocomplete is unaware of them. The tradeoff of these functionality gaps is that you don't need to handle keys, request building, etc.
So, if you're doing simple sql select / importRows work, the Advanced Service should be able to cover almost all your needs. If you need to delete from your FusionTables, you might want to consider setting up the REST API - because deleting is 1 record per query, the better way to delete is to instead "download what you want to keep, then re-upload it back via replaceRows."
(This worked for me for a while, but eventually what I was keeping outgrew the Apps Script service's limitations and I began receiving Empty Response errors from the call to replaceRows. My remedy was to perform my record maintenance tasks via the REST API, where I can specify resumable uploads, timeouts, etc., while more "normal" interactions are done through the Advanced Service.)

Jira RPC/SOAP GetCustomFields() can only be used by an administrator?

I'm currently using the Jira SOAP interface within a C# (I suppose the language used here isn't terribly important).
Basically, I'm creating an API and a Winform that wraps some of the functionality of the soap service so that our Devs can programmaticly add bugs when something goes wrong in our application.
As part of this, I need to know the custom field IDs that are in use in Jira, rather than hardcoding them (as they are still prone to the occasional change) I used the GetCustomFields() method in the jira-rpc api then filtered it, so that all the developer needs to know is the name of the field, then the ID is filled in for them automagically.
This all works fine, but with one quite important proviso: that you login to the SOAP/RPC service as a user with administrative privaliges.
The Jira documentation indicates that the soap/rpc service follows the usual workflows and security schemes, however I can't find anything anywhere that would appear to remove this restriction on enumerating custom fields (and quite why in any instance you would want someone to HAVE to be an administrator to gain this access, especially as the custom field id's tend to be in Jira's HTML source is beyond me)
Does anyone know if I've missed a setting somewhere? Or if there is some sort of work-around for this, short of hardcoding the custom field id's?
Or is this a case of having to delve in to Jira's RPC plugin and modifying the source for it in order to give me the functionality I require?
Edit for the sake of google/posterity
Wow, all this time on, and it looks like Atlassian still haven't changed this behavior.
Worked around this by creating a custom dictionary that logs in as an administrative user, grabs the custom fields and then logs out. Not ideal, but it should work 'til atlassian change things
You're not missing anything - there's no way to get custom fields via standard SOAP API.
In JIRA Client, we learn about custom fields in two ways:
We download issues via RSS view of the issue navigator, or via XML representation of a specific issue. If a custom field is set for an issue, the XML will have its id, class and value (values).
From time to time we inspect the content of IssueNavigator search page - looking for searchers for the custom fields. Screen-scraping the HTML gives us not only ids of the custom fields but also possible values for enum fields.
This is hackery, of course, and it may go wrong, so a good API would have been a lot better.
In your case, I can suggest two solutions:
Create your own SOAP (or REST) remote API plugin that will give you just that info that you miss from the standard API. Since you're seemingly in control of your JIRA, you can install anything there.
Screen-scrape the "New Bug" page for the project and type of issue you need to submit. You'll get all the info - fields, options, default values, which field is required.