How do I align text that span over multiple lines to after the punctuation in a markdown unordered list in visual studio code? - visual-studio-code

The current behavior as follow:
- List item 1
- List item 1.1 that span over
multiple line
- List item 2
I want it to look like this:
- List item 1
- List item 1.1 that span over
multiple lines
- List item 2
The main reason I want to improve this is readability. I already searched everywhere and couldn't find an answer to that, I hope someone will be able to help me, if it's even possible.
I tried to search in google and looked at the settings of visual studio code but I couldn't find any solution. Referring to the textMateRules didn't help as well.

I found a solution; adding the following lines to the settings.json file will change the wrapping indent to what I described above.
"[markdown]": {
"editor.tabSize": 1,
"editor.wrappingIndent": "deepIndent"


Force GitHub pages to render numerical lists sequentially instead of restarting?

I noticed that when GitHub pages with mkdocs have text or images in between numbers it ignores the numbering in the source document and instead restarts numbering. See here for an example of this.
Is there a way to force mkdocs to render the numbers in the original document instead of inventing its own?
If you add them all as 1. space and text, then sub item as image with a tab, it should work. As an example:
1. Option 1
imgage or next text
1. Option 2
You can check this documentation built using mkdocs as an example.
As Zoran mentioned above that was part of it. Things I figured out:
Code must be double tabbed - you cannot use ```
Indented lists must also be double tabbed - I wasn't able to get a single tab to work
Images do not have to be tabbed - they can be in line with the above text
There should not be an empty line when an image follows a numbered list item BUT FOR CODE there must.
I still haven't completely figured out. mkdoc's behavior is not as predictable as regular markdown

Wrap off just some markdown blocks

Right now, when writing markdown in visual studio I have the configuration to wrap words according to the view port, and this is just fine, but sometimes I have to insert some base64 codes that have more than 200000 characters.
The base64 lines fill pages and pages with "useless" information.
Ideally, I want to achieve something similar to this in an automatic way or something close to it:
As you can see, the objective is to have "wrap on" for the information and the "wrap off" for the base 64 information.
So the point is to understand if there is a way to wrap off just some blocks and keep the wrap on viewport for the rest of the information
I thought in some workarounds
Wrap off lines starting with XXXXX ( in this case wrap off lines that start with:
![ ](
Wrap off just just selected lines using some specific plugin (tried the rewrap plugin)
Mess with the editor properties in settings json to wrap on lines with length 0 till 100 (for example)
but enable to get some success with it.
Right now, I have a pretty straight configurations in my settings.json (nothing is overriding the markdown section)
"[markdown]": {
"editor.wordWrap": "on",
"editor.defaultFormatter": "darkriszty.markdown-table-prettify",
Let me know if someone had the same problem and managed to workaround this situation
Feel free to ask for further information
Thanks in advance,
I suggest you wrap it in
<div> ... </div>, since it does not have any effect on your document, and then fold it. You can fold the text in VSCode with
Ctrl + Shift + [
or by pressing F1 and typing fold, selecting it while having your line cursor inside the div.
Here's a very nice answer as well.

Multiple authors delimiter

How can I change the delimiter in case of multiple authors (preferably) in the visual CSL editor.
Currently, the inline citation is as follows:
(Hawking 1966; Nußholz & Whalen 2019)
What I want is to replace & with ,:
(Hawking 1966; Nußholz, Whalen 2019)
I cannot find the respective field in the visual code editor. When searching through the code in the code editor, I found &only four times and I think none of the instances is related to what I want to change.
I've also tried to place the following code (as explained here) into my style but it is not working:
<names variable="author">
<name form="short" delimiter="/"/>
It's a little hard to answer this without seeing the style in questions, but in basic terms what you need to do is to completely remove and="symbol" from the name element for the in text citation.
In the visual editor, you'd click on the names of the in-text citation at the top right, then click on "Name" at the top left, and then in the bottom right find "and" (the second from the top under "Name" and set it from symbol to empty.

How to remove extra line space on GitHub markdown bullets/lists?

The GitHub markdown code:
1. First item
* subitem
1. Second item
Generates a big space between the First, Second and the subitem:
How to make the subitem close to the first item, instead of exactly on the middle of them?
This is a Photoshop I did to illustrate the correct output:
Related questions:
Multi paragraph list items, OR preventing numbered list auto formatting
Markdown: Problems with numbered list paragraphs containing code element
You need to indent the sublist with at least 4 spaces:
1. First item
* subitem
2. Second item
You cannot do this going from a primary to secondary item. It is possible from a secondary to tertiary list, however. This is due to GitHub's styling of the markdown, not an inherent issue with the markdown itself.
See this document for details on what is possible regarding different layout styles.
An admittably "hacky" but still working solution:
Choose any character from here.
Copy it and paste it as bullet point:
1. First item [< two spaces for the linebreak]
◦ subitem1 [< two spaces for the linebreak]
◦ subitem2
2. Second item
Don't forget the two spaces for the linebreak.

bullet point indenting not working - word 2007

Adjust List Indents function in Microsoft Word 2007 not working once the list goes past 10.
For heading 09 I open the Adjust List Indents function (By right clicking) and set the "Text Indent at" value to .05. This works. However for every heading after 10 following the exact same steps does not work.
This is not an indent issue, its the alignment in your numbering style. Take some time to study this:
A related MS Word skill which will leverage your efforts by an order of magnitude is to learn how to define custom List Styles and assign them to custom Paragraph Styles. There is a very good tutorial here:
and the analagous bullet list version:
I would add one level of efficiency to those tutorials:
You don't need to create a Paragraph Style for each list/bullet level. You only need to assign a Paragraph Style to the first level. When the Paragraph Style is applied to text, the List Style will be applied correctly to all levels based on the indentation of the list items.