How to resolve 'The method observe(Viewer) is ambiguous for the type IViewerValueProperty<Viewer,Object>' compiler error - eclipse

I was trying to use the org.eclipse.core.databinding plugin to bind my TableViewer input change.
When I tried to add the binding by below code:
1. TableViewer tableViewer = new TableViewer(parent);
2. IViewerObservableValue<Target> target = ViewerProperties.input(TableViewer.class).observe(tableViewer);
3. UpdateValueStrategy<String, Target> updateValueStrategy = new UpdateValueStrategy<>();
4. this.bindingContext.bindValue(target, source, new UpdateValueStrategy<>(UpdateValueStrategy.POLICY_NEVER),
But, at line number 2, I'm getting an compiler error that 'The method observe(Viewer) is ambiguous for the type IViewerValueProperty<Viewer,Object>' compiler error.
When I look into the source of IViewerObservableValue, There are 2 methods similar, I tried type casting with Viewer or Object for tableViewer variable passed, but, I'm still getting the error.
* Returns an {#link IViewerObservableValue} observing this value property
* on the given viewer
* #param viewer
* the source viewer
* #return an observable value observing this value property on the given
* viewer
public IViewerObservableValue<T> observe(Viewer viewer);
* This method is redeclared to trigger ambiguous method errors that are hidden
* by a suspected Eclipse compiler bug 536911. By triggering the bug in this way
* clients avoid a change of behavior when the bug is fixed. When the bug is
* fixed this redeclaration should be removed.
public IObservableValue<T> observe(S viewer);`
what I'm doing wrong?

Sorry Everyone, I have figured it out, We can do by following:
IViewerValueProperty<TableViewer, Target> target = ViewerProperties.<TableViewer, Target>input();
IObservableValue<Target> observe = target.observe(tableViewer);
I had forgot to add generic classes to the input() method call, which would have identified the specific observer(viewer) method.
Previously, as I had not provided the generics, the compiler was unable to distinguish between the observe(viewerType) and observe(S).


Symfony 4: Where is the logic of the CollectionType's "allow_delete" option?

So, I'm trying to understand Symfony forms. I'm searching the core code for "allow_delete" option to see how it works under the hood, but the only place where it can be found is in the CollectionType class and I cannot find any logic there.
Documentation states:
If set to true, then if an existing item is not contained in the
submitted data, it will be correctly absent from the final array of
Where in the code exactly it influences the submitted data?
You can find the function in MergeCollectionListener.php beginning on line 91:
// Remove deleted items before adding to free keys that are to be
// replaced
if ($this->allowDelete) {
foreach ($itemsToDelete as $key) {
$dataToMergeInto is set as $dataToMergeInto = $event->getForm()->getNormData();
which refers to a function in which is explained in FormInterface.php:
* Returns the normalized data of the field.
* #return mixed When the field is not submitted, the default data is returned.
* When the field is submitted, the normalized submitted data is
* returned if the field is valid, null otherwise.
public function getNormData();

Symfony 3 - Form collection field error displaying outside the field

Could anyone tell me why error related to form collection is displaying outside the particular field and how to move it to place like you see in image included below?
Code of this field:
* #Assert\Valid
* #ORM\OneToMany(
* targetEntity="PageFile",
* mappedBy="page",
* cascade={"persist","remove"},
* orphanRemoval=true
* )
* #var PageFile[]
* #Assert\Count(max="1")
private $pageFiles;
- property: 'pageFiles'
type: 'collection'
entry_type: 'Notimeo\PageBundle\Form\Type\MyFileType'
by_reference: false
error_bubbling: false
I'm using EasyAdminBundle and here's my whole project: Problem applies to "Notimeo\PageBundle".
I see other errors are places above the input fields, so unless this is somehow positioned using CSS (which is very unlikely) it looks like the error is related to the form itself and not the input field. That's the same type of error like invalid CSRF token for example.
Your issue is probably related to Form Collection error bubbling where poster asks basically the same question as you.
The recommendation is to set:
cascade_validation' => true
Or, if you are using Symfony 3:
error_bubbling => false

Yii RBAC make Users update profile by himself

I'm trying to do this with mongodbauthmanager. I'm follow step by step in Usage section but finally i'm getting PHP warning: Illegal offset type. I had posted this question at Yii Extension before clone to SO:
Please tell me what is wrong?
1// Config
'class' =>'CMongoDbAuthManager',
'showErrors' => true,
2// Create auth items in db
$auth = new CMongoDbAuthManager();
$bizRule = 'return Yii::app()->user->id==$params["User"]->_id;';
$auth->createTask('updateSelf', 'update own information', $bizRule);
//I had tried with $auth->createOperation() but they has the same error
$role = $auth->createRole('user');
and here is result in db
result in db
**3// Checking access in controller ** - UPDATE CODE AND ERROR
public function actionUpdate($id)
$params = array('User'=>$model);
if (!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('updateSelf', Yii::app()->user->id,$params) )
throw new CHttpException(403, 'You are not authorized to perform this action');
//another statement ...
4// Getting error:
Fatal error : Cannot use object of type MongoId as array in F:\Data\03. Lab\www\yii\framework\web\auth\CAuthManager.php(150) : eval()'d code on line 1
Base-on the answer of #Willem Renzema, I resolve my problem. Now, I update here and hope it useful for someone have this error.
0// First, config authManager with defaultRoles
'showErrors' => true,
'defaultRoles'=> array('user'),//important, this line help we don't need assign role for every user manually
1// Fix save id in UserIdentity class
class UserIdentity extends CUserIdentity
private $_id;
public function authenticate()
$this->_id = (string)$user->_id;//force $this save _id by string, not MongoId object
2// Fix $bizrule in authe items
($bizrule will run by eval() in checkAccess)
//use _id as string, not MongoId object
$bizRule = 'return Yii::app()->user->id==(string)$params["User"]->_id;';
3// And user checkAccess to authorization
public function actionUpdate($id){
* #var User $model
$params = array('User'=>$model);
if (!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('updateSelf', $params) )
throw new CHttpException(403, 'You are not authorized to perform this action');
4// Done, now we can use checkAccess :D
First off, your original use of checkAccess was correct. Using Yii::app()->user->checkAccess() you are using the following definition:
Now, CWebUser's implementation of checkAccess calls CPHPAuthManager's implementation, which is where you encountered your problem with an illegal offset type.
An Illegal offset type means you are attempting to access an array element by specifying its key (also known as: offset) with a value that doesn't work as a key. This could be another array, an object, null, or possibly something else.
Your stack trace posted on the extensions page reveals that the following line gives the problem:
So we have two possibilities for the illegal offset: $userId and $itemName.
Since $itemName is clearly a string, the problem must be with $userId.
(As a side note, the fact that your stack trace revealed surrounding code of this error also revealed that, at least for CPHPAuthManager, you are using a version of Yii that is prior to 1.1.11. Observe that lines 73 and 74 of do not exist in your file's code.)
At this point I would have guessed that the problem is that the specified user is not logged in, and so Yii::app()->user->id is returning null. However, the new error you encountered when placing Yii::app()->user->id as the 2nd parameter of checkAccess reveals something else.
Since the 2nd parameter is in fact what should be the $params array that appears in your bizRule. Based on the error message, this means that Yii::app()->user->id is returning a mondoId type object.
I was unfamiliar with this type of object, so looked it up:
Long story short, you need to force Yii::app()->user->id to return the string value equivalent of this mondoId object. This likely set in your UserIdentity class in the components folder. To force it to be a string, simply place (string) to force a type conversion.
$this->_id = (string)$User->_id;
Your exact code will vary, based on what is in your UserIdentity class.
Then, restore your checkAccess to the signature you had before, and it should eliminate the Illegal offset error you encountered originally.
Note however that I have not used this extension, and while performing the following actions should fix this issue, it may cause new issues if the extension relies on the fact that Yii::app()->user->id is a mondoId object, and not a string.

How to declare unlimited/variadic parameters in DocBlock?

Lets say I have a function (obviously a trivial example):
public function dot(){
return implode('.', func_get_args());
Now I know I could modify this to be
public function dot(array $items){
return implode('.', $array);
but with some functions that is not an option. So, how would you document the first version of the function with a docBlock so an IDE can interpret that it can receive unlimited parameters?
I have seen some methods that use:
* Joins one or more strings together with a . (dot)
* #param string $string1
* #param string $string2
* #param string $_ [optional]
* #return string
public function dot($string1, $string2, $_ = null) {
return implode('.', func_get_args());
Which in an IDE looks like
But that feels like a hack to me, is there no way to do it just with docBlock?
[UPDATED 2015-01-08]
Old way to do this in PHPDoc was:
* #param int $param,...
However, this is no longer supported. As of PHP 5.6 Variadic Method Parameters are a part of the PHP language, and the PHPDoc's have been updated to reflect this as of PHPDoc 2.4 if I recall correctly. This is also in the PhpStorm IDE as of EAP 139.659 (should be in 8.0.2 and up). Not sure about implementation of other IDEs.
In any case, proper syntax for DocBlocks going forward for variadic parameters is:
* #param int ...$param
As Variadics are implemented in PHP 5.6 PHPDocumentor should support the following syntax as of version 2.4.
* #param Type ...$value
* Note: PHP 5.6+ syntax equal to func_get_args()
public function abc(Type ...$value) {}
This should be the correct way to describe such a signature. This will likely be included in PSR-5. Once that is accepted IDE's should follow to support this "official" recommendation.
However, in the mean time some IDE's have an improved understanding of what they consider correct. Hit hard on the IDE vendor to support the offical PHP syntax that is supported as of 5.6 or use whatever works in the meantime.
In php the concept of valist or list of "optional arguments" does not exist.
the $_ variable will just contain, here the third string you give.
The only way to allow an array OR a string is to test the first argument with is_array()
public function dot($arg1){
return implode('.',$arg1);
else if $arg1 instanceof \Traversable){
return implode('.',iterator_to_array($arg1));
return implode('.',func_get_args());
Now that you handled the behaviour you want, you have to document it. In php, as overloading is not allowed, a convention is to use "mixed" as a type if you want to provide multiple types.
*#param mixed $arg1 an array, iterator that will be joined OR first string of the list
*#return string a string with all strings of the list joined with a point
*#example dot("1","2","3"); returns 1.2.3 dot(array(1,2,3)); returns 1.2.3
Moreover, according to phpdocumentor documentation you can declare sort of valist with
*#param string ... list of strings

doxygen function parameter documentation (//!< vs #param)

If I use "after the member" documentation for function parameters, for example, use //!< after each parameter, instead of #param in the header, the "Parameters" section is always placed after "Return" in the generated output file.
Is is possible to define the order so that "Parameters" will be placed before "Return"?
* #brief Test API
* #usage This API can be called at any time
* #return 0 if successful; or 1 if failed
int TestAPI(
int argument1, //!< first argument
int argument2 //!< second argument
I've just tried out your code with Doxygen, and confirmed that with your code, the Parameter list in the output comes after the description of Return.
This is a shame, as the //!< style is much nicer than having to re-state the names of all the parameters with #param:
* #brief Test API
* #usage This API can be called at any time
* #param argument1 first argument
* #param argument2 second argument
* #return 0 if successful; or 1 if failed
int TestAPI2(
int argument1,
int argument2
I had a look in the Doxygen Bugzilla bug database, to see if it was a relatively recent bug (as then you could try reverting to an older installation).
I believe you've found Doxygen Bug 316311: 'parameter documentation after return documentation by using inline comments', which was reported in September 2005, and hasn't been fixed.
So, sadly, I'm afraid the answer to your question Is is possible to define the order so that "Parameters" will be placed before "Return"? is almost certainly No.
I've just added a note to Doxygen Bug 316311, asking for it to be changed to Status=CONFIRMED.