How to declare unlimited/variadic parameters in DocBlock? - autocomplete

Lets say I have a function (obviously a trivial example):
public function dot(){
return implode('.', func_get_args());
Now I know I could modify this to be
public function dot(array $items){
return implode('.', $array);
but with some functions that is not an option. So, how would you document the first version of the function with a docBlock so an IDE can interpret that it can receive unlimited parameters?
I have seen some methods that use:
* Joins one or more strings together with a . (dot)
* #param string $string1
* #param string $string2
* #param string $_ [optional]
* #return string
public function dot($string1, $string2, $_ = null) {
return implode('.', func_get_args());
Which in an IDE looks like
But that feels like a hack to me, is there no way to do it just with docBlock?

[UPDATED 2015-01-08]
Old way to do this in PHPDoc was:
* #param int $param,...
However, this is no longer supported. As of PHP 5.6 Variadic Method Parameters are a part of the PHP language, and the PHPDoc's have been updated to reflect this as of PHPDoc 2.4 if I recall correctly. This is also in the PhpStorm IDE as of EAP 139.659 (should be in 8.0.2 and up). Not sure about implementation of other IDEs.
In any case, proper syntax for DocBlocks going forward for variadic parameters is:
* #param int ...$param

As Variadics are implemented in PHP 5.6 PHPDocumentor should support the following syntax as of version 2.4.
* #param Type ...$value
* Note: PHP 5.6+ syntax equal to func_get_args()
public function abc(Type ...$value) {}
This should be the correct way to describe such a signature. This will likely be included in PSR-5. Once that is accepted IDE's should follow to support this "official" recommendation.
However, in the mean time some IDE's have an improved understanding of what they consider correct. Hit hard on the IDE vendor to support the offical PHP syntax that is supported as of 5.6 or use whatever works in the meantime.

In php the concept of valist or list of "optional arguments" does not exist.
the $_ variable will just contain, here the third string you give.
The only way to allow an array OR a string is to test the first argument with is_array()
public function dot($arg1){
return implode('.',$arg1);
else if $arg1 instanceof \Traversable){
return implode('.',iterator_to_array($arg1));
return implode('.',func_get_args());
Now that you handled the behaviour you want, you have to document it. In php, as overloading is not allowed, a convention is to use "mixed" as a type if you want to provide multiple types.
*#param mixed $arg1 an array, iterator that will be joined OR first string of the list
*#return string a string with all strings of the list joined with a point
*#example dot("1","2","3"); returns 1.2.3 dot(array(1,2,3)); returns 1.2.3
Moreover, according to phpdocumentor documentation you can declare sort of valist with
*#param string ... list of strings


Writing #value in javadoc brackets remove - Eclipse

I would like to write javadoc in Eclipse.
I have this piece of code:
private int variable;
When I want to add #value parametar in Eclipse above line I get {#value} instead of #value. When I want to add #author, I get output without {} brackets, as I want. How can I get #value without brackets?
Since the #value tag appears in running text, it should be in braces. It is not a tag like #author, which occurs at the end and basically considers the text up to the next (braceless) tag as its parameters.
So Eclipse's suggestion is correct. Why do you want to use that tag without braces?
The Javadoc tool will replace #value tags with the value of the constant it documents (if no parameter is given) or with the value of the constant mentioned in the parameter. For example:
/** The value {#value}. */
public static int aConstant = 1;
* Does something.
* #param aValue should be {#value #aConstant}.
* #return 42
public int aMethod(int aValue) {

How to get #borrows tag working in JSDoc

I have been having a hard time getting the #borrows tag working in JSDoc. I have been trying to get the documentation from one function and us it as documentation for a second function. But I don't seem to be able to even get a simple example working!
* This is the description for funcA
var funcA = function() {};
* #borrows funcA as funcB
var funcB = function() {};
I was expecting this to output documentation for both functions with both exactly the same. However only funcA is only has a description.
The #borrows tag doesn't seem to work directly on a symbol, but only indirectly. For example I had:
/** does amazing things */
function origFunc = function() {};
* #borrows origFunc as exportedFunc
exports.exportedFunc = origFunc;
but I, like you, got nothing useful in the generated doc.
That is because, it seems, that the #borrows tag operates on a container. (If you'll notice in the examples the #borrows tag is on the "util" module/namespace, not the renamed symbol.)
So this worked for me:
/** does amazing things */
function origFunc = function() {};
* #borrows origFunc as exportedFunc
exports = {
exportedFunc: origFunc,
Seems like a bug in #borrows though. (Or at least a bug in the documentation.)
I recently had a usage of it, what I was trying to do is to create a module and add some functions to it. The problem is that I don't have anything directly related to this module, since the export is just a line. Here's how I ended up with using #borrows.
* A typehead with options filtered by user input.
* #module Typehead
* #borrows Typehead
* #borrows TypedOption
* #example
* <Typehead />
export { default } from './Typehead'
In this case, Typehead will be borrowed in either Function or Classes section of module page depending on the kind of Typehead, and it will be displayed under #example render.
Note: However #borrows will add some extra entries to the system, after some experimentation, maybe #see is a better use.

Make Doxygen document a struct/class defined inside a macro call

I have this PACKED macro, that receives a struct definition and returns it with a compiler annotation to make it packed.
For example:
* ...
PACKED(struct A {
* ...
int x;
I have tried several Doxygen options to include that documentation, but I've had no success so far. Closest I've come up with is this:
But that messes up the struct and members' documentation (confirmed via doxygen -d Preprocessor).
Turns out it's a bug in Doxygen.
One possible workaround is to use #class, and so on.

doxygen function parameter documentation (//!< vs #param)

If I use "after the member" documentation for function parameters, for example, use //!< after each parameter, instead of #param in the header, the "Parameters" section is always placed after "Return" in the generated output file.
Is is possible to define the order so that "Parameters" will be placed before "Return"?
* #brief Test API
* #usage This API can be called at any time
* #return 0 if successful; or 1 if failed
int TestAPI(
int argument1, //!< first argument
int argument2 //!< second argument
I've just tried out your code with Doxygen, and confirmed that with your code, the Parameter list in the output comes after the description of Return.
This is a shame, as the //!< style is much nicer than having to re-state the names of all the parameters with #param:
* #brief Test API
* #usage This API can be called at any time
* #param argument1 first argument
* #param argument2 second argument
* #return 0 if successful; or 1 if failed
int TestAPI2(
int argument1,
int argument2
I had a look in the Doxygen Bugzilla bug database, to see if it was a relatively recent bug (as then you could try reverting to an older installation).
I believe you've found Doxygen Bug 316311: 'parameter documentation after return documentation by using inline comments', which was reported in September 2005, and hasn't been fixed.
So, sadly, I'm afraid the answer to your question Is is possible to define the order so that "Parameters" will be placed before "Return"? is almost certainly No.
I've just added a note to Doxygen Bug 316311, asking for it to be changed to Status=CONFIRMED.

Does exist Zend Filter similar to Zend Validator Identical?

Does exist Zend Filter similar to Zend Validator Identical?
The case I should filter input=='test'
The problem that such filter not exist.
I'm not sure how this filter should work, since it is not clear from your question. Anyway, I made some custom filter that will check if a value of input filed is equal to some $token. If they are equal than the input value will be empty string.
The filter looks as follows:
// file: APPLICATION_PATH/filters/Identical.php
class My_Filter_Identical implements Zend_Filter_Interface {
* Token with witch input is compared
* #var string
protected $_token;
* Set token
* #param string
* #return void
public function __construct($token = '') {
$this->_token = $token;
* Filtering method
* #param string $value value of input filed
* #return string
public function filter($value) {
if ($value !== $this->_token) {
return $value;
return '';
To apply it to a given form element:
require_once (APPLICATION_PATH . '/filters/Identical.php');
$el1->addFilter(new My_Filter_Identical('test'));
Off course instead of require_once it could be added to your resource autoloader, but as an example I think it is not needed right now.
Forgot to mention pregReplace filter.
The same what the custom filter above does could be done using pregReplace filter:
But, as I said, I'm not sure how you want your filter to work. If you provide more info maybe I could help more.
Your question isn't all that clear - do you want a filter which removes the word test? Or are you talking about filtering a form input? So taking your example you want to remove from the el input what the test input contains?
If you want to remove test from your input, you could use Zend_Filter_PregReplace
$filter = new Zend_Filter_PregReplace(array('match' => '/test/', 'replace' => ''));
$input = 'What is this test about!';
Should give you What is this about!
There isn't a filter which would filter identical form input if its been entered into another input I don't think. You could try to create your own input filter and perform your own logic on the input.
It is not that clear what you are trying to do. If you give more explanation that would be good.
I need to remove all input, soo its not good to use regex.
If you just want to clear the data in form elements you can use one of the following:
Clear an element value by setting the value of the element to nothing.
or reset all form elements