Cannot resolve symbol 'Hub' - plugins

I am getting this Cannot resolve symbol 'Hub' when trying to make a bungeecord plugin How can i fix it?
I tried using small H and big and nothing helps


unit.variable not found as numeric variable in foo Synth Package

I am trying to run the Synthetic Control Method in R. I tried to prepare my data according to Abadie, Diamond and Hainmueller (2011) (
But when running the dataprep.out function I get the error message that my unit.variables are not nurmeric variables in foo. I don't understand the problem here because my table purely consists of numeric values. The table is also classified as a data.frame. I have attached some pictures to underline my problem. If anyone could help me that would be greatly appreciated!
My code (
My table (
I have tried to reimport my data over and over again. But nothing seems to help.

Flutter: Dart FFI can't find symbol

I have included libavcodec.dylib in a Flutter project following the standard Flutter FFI instructions.
Calling'libavcodec.59.dylib') executes without issue, and returns a non-negative handle address, which (I think) indicates a successful load.
When I try to lookup any symbol, Flutter throws an error:
"[ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: Invalid argument(s): Failed to lookup symbol...".
When I call providesSymbol() with various symbol names, it always returns false.
Does anyone know why this might be happening? Are there additional steps needed to bootstrap such a library? how I can debug the root cause of the issue?
I think this is the root header file. This is the lib's documentation.
It looks like the names in the dylib don't quite match the names in the C code. When I lookup the symbols by the names in the dylib, they resolve as expected.
The tool that I used to figure this out was the following:
nm -gU mylib.dylib

Python stacktrace without sitepackages?

I was wondering if there is a way to get a 'simplified' version of the exception stacktrace.
one that does not contain the trace of functions that are sourced in outside site-packages.
kind of like Justmycode. but for python with pycharm..
I have tried looking around but haven't found anything yet,
i'm aware that I can take the Stacktrace and filter out rows that are from outside sources,
but I really thought there would already be a solution for it?
Thanks in advance!
The tbvaccine Python package shows relevant lines highlighted, which is like a visual filter of irrelevant lines.
The package doesn't seem to be under active development btw.

How do I fix this duplicate symbol error?

From the error I am getting:
ld: duplicate symbol _main in /Users/wostler/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/UIPageViewControllerDemo-hjsgatcuhsxeokdnubifybpivzum/Build/Intermediates/ and /Users/wostler/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/UIPageViewControllerDemo-hjsgatcuhsxeokdnubifybpivzum/Build/Intermediates/ for architecture i386
I can't figure out why this error is occurring. I simply changed some framework files in my project and now this error won't go away! It obviously says _main is being duplicated, but I dont know where, or why?
What is causing this?
You need to look at the main.m/.h and fmdb.m/.h files. What is most likely is that they are both importing something that defines _main, perhaps at a global level. Usually thats the sort of thing that generates this error for me.
You have two main function in your code. Do a global search for main and remove the one you don't want.
It happens when you add some other project's files to your project without remove the main function.
Sounds like you have multiple entries under Targets/Compiled Sources. Check and remove them.

Problem using SmartTabs in Emacs

I'm trying to use smarttabs.el from in latest emacs-dev (bzr). When trying to compile or load it I get the error:
smarttabs.el:54:1:Error: Don't know how to make a localized variable an alias
which is completely new to me. How do I correct this?
Also see for package explanation.
The error message is trying to say that defvaralias (used in the smart-tabs-advice macro) doesn't do what jacius thinks it does. But I'm not quite sure what he thinks it does, so I'm not sure how to fix it. Try reporting the error to him.