Python stacktrace without sitepackages? - python-3.7

I was wondering if there is a way to get a 'simplified' version of the exception stacktrace.
one that does not contain the trace of functions that are sourced in outside site-packages.
kind of like Justmycode. but for python with pycharm..
I have tried looking around but haven't found anything yet,
i'm aware that I can take the Stacktrace and filter out rows that are from outside sources,
but I really thought there would already be a solution for it?
Thanks in advance!

The tbvaccine Python package shows relevant lines highlighted, which is like a visual filter of irrelevant lines.
The package doesn't seem to be under active development btw.


How to import all files at once pointed out by Dart Analysis?

I just put some of my code from a/b.dart to a/b1.dart file and now I started getting lot of errors on importing.
Is there any command or any other fix to import all a/b1.dart file in these files instead of manually opening each file and importing one by one.
I understand that a function or a property can be defined in more than two files and Dart can't make the right choice but if a function or property is defined in just one place, I think there must be some way to import it except searching for a/b.dart and replacing it with a/b.dart + a/b1.dart and then optimizing all imports.
As much as I am aware, Plugins/Extensions for your specific IDE (for dart) can be found that will help you with this problem.
I would recommend using dartdev tools - dartfix

breeze mongo manager.saveChanges() error

I'm learning from breeze-zza-mongodb sample.
I get some problems when i try to use the saveChanges() function from breeze.
This is the error i get:
"TypeError: Cannot read property 'update' of null at... node_modules\breeze-mongodb\mongoSaveHandler.js : 229:20 at Array.forEach"
Any of you tried and got this error? I searched Google for a bit longer but i can't find this issue. And if i try to manager.getChanges() and put the changes in array, i get my entity with modified state.
The guys from breeze didn't covered this part and i'm completly blind in this. Thank you for your time guys.
I solved my problem. I included the modules in VS so i can debug and i noticed that breeze misnamed my collection name for some reason adding an s at the end.
Anyway.. for now i just removed that, and it works. I will dig deeper to see where and why is breeze adding an s at the end of my collection name because i want to treat the cause, not the effect. Thanks.

System.err.println shows no output

I am using STS 3.4 and working on a web application based on Grails framework.
When i try to use System.err.println in groovy classes it does not print anything on standard eclipse console(STS console).
Actually there are times when in print things but that is like 1 in 10, I couldn't understand this random behavior.
I am using some library that uses System.err.println for debugging purposes but i could not get any debugging info. All i need to know is where and how to get System.err.println output?
Please help me, Thanks in advance
If it is a random behaviour, it may be not-flush-ed buffered stream. Especially, that can happen when output comes from different thread.
As a solution, you can hook in into System.err dispatching (it's a stream, that you can set from outside), and overload functions, to get desired output anywhere you want. Or simply force flush it. But be careful, as it may lead to performance problems.
Consider using logging instead for more standard and configurable output. This should help you to set it up:

When writing an Eclipse's quick fix processor plug-in, what is the method "hasCorrections" for?

In order to write a quick fix processor plug-in for Eclipse, ones have to write a class that implements the IQuickFixProcessor interface and overrides its two method: getCorrections and hasCorrections.
I have successfully written the codes in getCorrections and got the quick fix utility to work, but I have no clue what should I write in hasCorrections.
My prior guess is that if it return false, it indicates that the processor have no proposal to fix the current problem and otherwise if true. And consequently, I expected that upon setting it to return false, my quick fix proposal will not be shown when the problem occurs, but it is not the case: there is no different no matter it return true or false.
The source code is a bit hard to read but it looks like it is used when the quick fix code wants to know if anything has corrections, if something does have corrections it calls everything to get the corrections. If nothing has corrections it does not ask for the corrections.
Source is org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.correction.JavaCorrectionProcessor

Scala SBT - modifying output to be more informative

i would like to change the way SBT for Scala presents informations. Any ideas for modification are wellcome but I am most interested in few thing.
How could be done this?
Remowe parts of information that does not interest you
Color certain piece of information for example test errors in red
Show full error stack trace, asserted object values, place where are differences in compared strings ect
Try to set the log level to info by typing info