Is there any way to fix Terrain in Unity3d? - unity3d

Terrain doesn't have a texture and can't edit it's height
Terrain must look as an untextured object, but instead it looks like that:

this is the default texture for a terrain.
click on the terrain and a menu should open up at the inspector, where you have a few options.
in the Project window, go to the assets folder and right click + pick create a new terrain layer.
than, you can drag this layer to the terrain and have a texture on it.
you can even drag more than one layers to have multiple textures on it.
on the height problem:
try installing the unity terrain tools package or checking if the terrain is read only.


How do you export a project from Blender to Unity?

This is what it looks like in blender:
and this is what it looks like after being exported to unity:
The above is what results after only dragging the .blend file into the unity Assets folder, that's all I did. In Blender all the objects have only one Material with a single color or a single texture, so there's no complicated Materials. And in Unity I tried the "Extract Materials" option and it does nothing; and the "Extract Textures" option is greyed out.
I want it to look the same in Blender and Unity. Can someone point me in the right direction? I don't even know what to google anymore.
It's quite easy to recreate that in Unity.
ShaderGraph also has a "Voronoi" Node, which is very similar. Instead of a Color-Ramp (Blender) I sampled a Gradient.
For the fidget popper, I used a HDRP/Lit Shader on a new Material and just set Color, Metallic and Smoothness.

Unity C# Imported PNG won't show up in sprite source image

In my unity C# project I want to assign an important PNG image to a sprite. However the images I have important don't show up in the sprite selection menu.
You probably just need to select the right import setting. Namely Sprite instead of Default.
in your Project tab find your imported PNG and select it. Inspector will display the import settings for your PNG. Change Texture Type (the very first dropdown in inspector) from Default to Sprite 2D and UI. Now the image will behave like a sprite.

How to use free particles available in the unity store after importing?

I wanted some particle textures for my particle system. I looked up in the unity store and there were some free ones, so I imported them. But when I go inside their textures folder, the textures are full block like images and not like the single transparent texture.
I researched before asking this question but couldn't find anything related to it. My scene is bright so I can't use black background block like textures.
Do I need to edit them further like cropping and removing background? Or am I doing something wrong?
Try this two ways.
(1) Can you try it by creating new material. Just assign a material to the image you want to use.
To create a material==> Assets -> Create -> Material
give name it, adjust it.
"Create a new material and the apply the texture by clicking the blank box next to albido, then selecting the desired texture."from here
done! Assign it to particle system.
(2) Just assign your texture to particle system. In particle import setting try Alpha Is Transparent (In Inspector) checked/unchecked.

2D sprite in Unity is not displaying the picture I assigned to it

So, I just got started with Unity3D and I don't really know what I'm doing.
I'm following an online tutorial and so far I've downloaded an image, imported it as an asset, and dragged this asset onto the "sprite" box(under sprite renderer) where, apparently, we are supposed to drag a texture onto a sprite. When the tutorial does it...their image shows up in the scene. Mine, however doesn't.
When I click the little circle to the right of this, and go to the 'scene' tab, there is only an option that says 'none', while in the tutorial the image that is desired is also an option. I feel like fixing this will fix the problem.
If image is not showing up when you're browsing for it Unity3D it means it has not been imported to project as asset.
To do so, from Unity3D editor go to folder Assets, right click and choose Import New Asset:
Also you need to browse in Assets, no idea why you're browsing in Scene.
Fellow Unity noob here: I had the same problem and realized I was dragging the sprite onto the scene window onto my GUI....which was not the same XY coordinates my main camera was looking at.
Double click on your main camera object to see what it sees in scene view. Is your sprite in view? If its not, you will need to adjust the XY coordinates of your sprite.

Texture being dragged has no Sprites. Unity 2d

Using standard 2d mode in Unity. After I drop an already imported asset to the scene I get message:
Texture being dragged has no Sprites.
Asset has Texture Type set to Sprite.
Tried different image formats(png, jpg), also restarting unity and re importing images.
Using Mac Os 10.9
After set the texture type to sprite we have to make it a sprite using Sprite Editor.
for that click Sprite Editor. Select that sprite and set the pivot of that sprite as custom. click apply.
after doing this i was able to drop a asset in to the scene.(even if the format is Set to Compressed).