Clingo cannot access certain files - clingo

I am working with Clingo for the first time and followed the given installation instructions using miniconda. I do have a working environment, but it only works in a single folder and I am not sure why. I am ultimately trying to get it to work in my local GitHub repository, but any file I try to run outside of a specific folder on my computer returns an error. Below is an screenshot; the first command was an attempt in a new folder while the second attempt is in the only folder that works.
I am investigating the best I can, but I am a novice. My best guess is the folder it works in is the only working directory. How to change my working directory I cannot find though.


uploaded an existing pycharm project into github and now it doesnt run

newb alert. I'm new to GitHub so this might be a dumb question. I was creating a web scraper with scrapy on PyCharm & asked my friend for some help so I uploaded it into GitHub. Everything went fine until I realized that 1. the entire file was moved into a local file (previously was inside of pycharm & 2. it wouldn't run. When I inspected both files I came to find that there was only one key thing missing. There was a 'scrapy.cgf' file that was the only file not moved into the new local file.
What can I do to fix this?

Changed Starting Path with PowerShell Profile But Cannot Change it Back

While learning Anaconda I had a problem with "cd" not working in Anaconda PowerShell, so I did what is recommended here, manually created a profile and set the path to a specific folder. It worked.
But today somehow I found "cd" is working for me again, so I was going to delete that ps1 file. But the folder together with the file in that was no loner there, completely gone. Now I am stuck with my temporary path on every PowerShell start-up.
According to Microsoft documentation, $profile should return my profile variables, which it did:
But first, this is not the file name I gave it; second, this path is also non-existent, both folder and file.
I tried notepad $profile, then Notepad told me "The system cannot find the path specified." But it is exactly the path the system told me.
Some answer I saw here says that is because my profile is non-existent, I need to create one first. That is not the case here. I definitely overwrote my starting path, but I cannot find the actual profile file to edit that back.
I also tried doing it the same way again but changing "YOUR_FILE_PATH" into "%Home" hoping to "overwrite" it back, yet somehow this time it did not work and the file did not disappear as it did the first time.
I am really confused on this.
If you want to reset PowerShell to the original settings when PowerShell was installed.
Uninstall PowerShell from the Add or Remove Programs.
Restart your computer.
Reinstall PowerShell.

Change simulink rtwbuild output folder

I'm automating my build process, but I wasn't able to change the model_target_rtw folder to something different.
I'm not talking about CodegenFolder, but about the folder that's created inside it during compilation.
I'm currently working this around by renaming the folder after compilation, but it would be grate to remove that step.
The folder you are referring to is the RTW (Real Time Workshop) BuildDirectory.
You can get the value of BuildDirectory by running the command:
Also look at this question:
Save generated code in a special folder in "rtwbuild"
If you run this command in MATLAB:
set_param(0, 'CodeGenFolder', 'C:\MyBuildDir')
and then run the RTW.getBuildDir command again you will see that the BuildDirectory has changed.

Can I get MatLab to not call functions in a specific directory?

A little background
I'm working on a project that requires me to use an old (from 2006) large system of MatLab scripts. The script exists in an archive folder on a cluster but I need it to run fully from my cluster folder. I've got it mostly running from my personal folder but not entirely. It runs perfectly but there is a Python script that is called somewhere that doesn't exist in my personal directory.
What I want to do
Since the MatLab code I'm running includes many different script files, which themselves call even more script files, poring through them to find information about the Python script would be very very time consuming.
Therefore, I would like to be able to tell MatLab to not go to specific folders when calling a script, but instead, return an error. For example, if a scripted is called in the directory /notmyfolder, I want it to return an error.
Is this possible?

pydev directory django shell

I'm using PyDev in a django project of mine.
When I start the django sheel, the os.getcwd() command returns my home folder.
This is bad, since my code points to some resources by relative paths, assuming as current directory the directory containing the
In this post ( someone recommended to use absolute paths to avoid this problem.
But I think it is a very bad practice, since things will not work when other people checkout the code into their computers.
The closest hint I found here:
It seems we can use "Run/Debug Settings" to set the current directory associated to a "runnable module". However, in this way we cannot associate the setting to the django console. I have tried to associate it with the, but it did not work.
So, the question: how to define the working directory of django shell?
Thank you,