How do I change the app name for a .Net MAUI app? - maui

I'm using Blazor hybrid to build a .Net Maui App. The Solution and project name don't contain any spaces and I'd like to keep it that way, however I'd like there to be a space in the app name separating the two words. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to do this. I've heard in VS to right click the project, select General, and then change the Assembly Name, but this broke the app even though nowhere else was referencing that assembly from what I'm aware.
How would I change the app name for a .Net maui app?

You can change the name in the .csproj file. In the file you can find the method below. Then you can change the application name.
<!-- Display name -->

Can you try this;
Right click to your project > MAUI Shared > Application Title > Your title With spaces.
Your project will still have the same name, but when people run your app they will see a name separated by spaces.


How to add language icons in liferay DXP

How to add the Language icon image in liferay 7(liferay-ce-portal-7.0-ga4).
I have followed the steps mentioned in following article,
After the language configuration I can be able to see the languages but not the flags on web content forms.
So I created the custom theme to add the language file and added th_TH.png file in theme\src\images\language\th_TH.png. But din't work.
Then I tried the implementing the lexicon-icon approach mention in,
how can i add a new language in liferay 7?
Still I am not able to see the language images.
Please refer the screenshot for details,
Theme-layout and file location
To add a custom icon that is not supported yet you need to add 2 artefacts into the theme. Liferay using 2 things for displaying icons. Somewhere it uses png flag and somewhere svg you need to adjust both.
Have a look at this sample project.
It takes the admin theme of Liferay (it is a copy so it needs to be kept in sync with updates) and adds a new flag to the admin theme. The magic is in adding the flag into the lexicon. Under the hood, it takes the added flag svg files and recompiles the icons.svg files to include it.
To anyone who still have issue showing the flag, I just want to point out that this helped me:
As described, open the icons.svg and add your flag's svg code in as a symbol with the id "xx-yy" (your language and country code, in lowercase).
The flag does not magically generate just from putting the flags-xx-YY.svg file into lexicon folder, not for me at least.

Creating an IPA, "contains multiple products"

I am working on an email client based on ReMail. Basically, I reused the ReMail project so that the MailCore etc dependencies would be all set up out of the box so I could build a new app on top of them. I'm trying to give the app to some beta testers via ad hoc, but when I try to create an IPA, I receive this error:
xxxx does not contain a single–bundle application or contains multiple products. Please select another archive, or adjust your scheme to create a single–bundle application.
I have set Skip Install to YES for all dependencies, and moved all files under Copy Header to the "project" section, but I am still unable to build a single APP file.
I don't know if this is significant, but when I open up the xcarchive file, within the products directory, I find a the APP file under Applications, and then a file structure mirroring the absolute path to the header files for MailCore.
Any ideas as to what might be going on? I'm very near the tearing-out-chunks-of-hair-in-frustration stage, and I don't think the unnaturally bald crazy person look would suit me.
Try removing the “Copy Headers” phase entirely. It's only supposed to be used for frameworks, not static libraries. The Xcode static library template that includes a “Copy Headers” phase is wrong.
Check out the “Working with Schemes and Projects in Xcode” video from WWDC 2012, starting at 45m10s.

where in an XCode project does it set "InfoPlist.strings" as the filename to use for locationalization?

where in an XCode project does it set "InfoPlist.strings" as the filename to use for locationalization?
Just trying to understand how XCode pulls things together here. For example to set the app name specifically I can change this in "AppName_plist-Info.plist", however if I go localization it seems it then has to be set via the "InfoPlist.strings" files.
I can see in XCode where it specifies the "AppName_plist-Info.plist" file name, in the Target/BuildSettings/Packaging information area, but I don't see mention of "InfoPlist.strings", so how does Xcode/IOS know to override what is in "AppName_plist-Info.plist" based on what's in "InfoPlist.strings"?
Xcode doesn't really override the name, it creates localizations in your apps bundle. iOS will look for the name of the app in de localization folder to which the language of the system is set.
These files have pre-determent names, thus you can not set them.
All the localized files will be for example in\en.lproj for english or\nl.lprojfor dutch.

How to build a iPhone/Ipad application builder

What is the approach/methodology to build a iPhone app builder so that end users can develop apps without using code like they are doing in Mobile Roadie. How will the xcodeproj/ipa file will be generated from the website when we create our own app in websites like Mobile Roadie? Thanks in advance.
Well.. Its a Big Question -
First what you need is to crate a fully featured project that mobile roadie gives you when you select all the modules. You need to build this project keeping a settings.xml file in your resource this file should control the modules in your poject like if you want to disable a module in the app then you can disable that from this xml. You can also configure your other parts of the app using this xml like color theme and other settings like mobile roadie provide in there web interface.
Now you need to build a web interface to generate this settings.xml file. User choose modules, color theme, Images etc. and they get entered in the xml file. and finally a settings.xml file gets generated.
Third - now you have to manually download this xml file and drag in your project file and build the app.
Fourth - upload the app on appstore manually. (There is no automatic process for step 3 and 4 you have to do it manually)
Well the above approach is not very precise we your question if very very broad.

Change a localized InfoPlist.strings using an Xcode target

Here's an obscure problem. I'm using an InfoPlist.strings to localize my app name. It's only got one value: CFBundleDisplayName = "Mon App". The strings file is localized (putting it in a directory for that localization).
I've just made an extra target, where I change things like the non-localized app name (different Info.plists), and the icon. I'm also changing the Default.png using a run script build phase (copying different files depending on the app type I'm building).
I've tried using the script to copy different versions of my InfoPlist.strings, but I couldn't make it work. Here's what I used:
if($TARGET_NAME == "MonApp")then
cp fr.lproj/MonApp_InfoPlist.strings fr.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
I've seen a post suggesting wincent strings util for processing strings, but wanted to see if there's an easy way to do this. Any help greatly appreciated.
You don't need to do this.
If you have fr.lprog/InfoPlist.strings and en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings in your project, you should see just one InfoPlist.strings entry, with two subitems fr and en. If you drag and drop the InfoPlist.strings file into a Copy Bundle Resources build phase, all localized versions will be copied into the appropriate .lproj files at build time. You don't need to create a separate target or write a script to do this; the right thing happens.