Unity 3D fps view - objects placing at center point - unity3d

I've searched around and can't seem to find a write up on the calculations I might need for placing an object onto another one without them placing halfway inside of eachother.
private void MovePlaceableObject()
Ray ray = new Ray(Camera.main.transform.position, Camera.main.transform.forward);
Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction * 20f);
RaycastHit hit;
if(Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 15f))
Vector3 newPosition = hit.point;
currentPlaceableObject.transform.position = newPosition; //move object to where we have the mouse
currentPlaceableObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hit.normal); //rotation equal to the current rotation of our hitinfo, then up
private void HandeNewObjectHotkey()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(newObjectHotkey))
if(currentPlaceableObject == null)
currentPlaceableObject = Instantiate(placeableObjectPrefab);
//currentPlaceableObject.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().enabled = false;
Destroy(currentPlaceableObject); //pressing the button again will destroy current object
I've tried storing the object I'm looking at's size to floats for x,y,z and a vector3 for it's position, and tried fiddling around with adding those to the newPosition with the hit.point to no avail.
I've wracked my brains for about a day now, i'm terrible at math, however I know that you must need to get the current object your looking ats position or size, then factor that into your placement right?

Get the size of the object that you are looking at by accessing its collider component. You can use the bounds property of the collider to get its size.
Bounds objectBounds = hit.collider.bounds;
Calculate the center point of the object by adding half of its size to its position.
Vector3 objectCenter = hit.collider.transform.position + objectBounds.extents;
Calculate the position of the new object by adding the size of the new object to the center point of the object that you are looking at. This will place the new object on top of the other object.
Bounds newObjectBounds = currentPlaceableObject.GetComponent<Collider>().bounds;
Vector3 newObjectPosition = objectCenter + new Vector3(0, newObjectBounds.extents.y, 0);
Set the position of the new object to the calculated position.
currentPlaceableObject.transform.position = newObjectPosition;
You can also set the rotation of the new object to match the normal of the surface that it is being placed on, as you are already doing in your code.
currentPlaceableObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hit.normal);


Unity3D - Move camera perpendicular to where it's facing

I'm adding the option for players to move the camera to the sides. I also want to limit how far they can move the camera to the sides.
If the camera was aligned with the axis, I could simply move around X/Z axis and set a limit on each axis as to how far it can go. But my problem is that the camera is rotated, so I'm stuck figuring out how to move it and set a limit. How could I implement this?
using UnityEngine;
public class CameraController : MonoBehaviour
Camera cam;
Vector3 dragOrigin;
bool drag = false;
void Awake()
cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
void LateUpdate()
// Camera movement with mouse
Vector3 diff = (cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition)) - cam.transform.position;
if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
if (drag == false)
drag = true;
dragOrigin = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
drag = false;
if (drag)
// Here I want to set a constraint in a rectangular plane perpendicular to camera view
transform.position = dragOrigin - diff;
Transform in Unity comes with a handy Transform.right property, which regards the object's rotation. To move your camera sideways you could further utilize Lerp to make the movement smooth.
transform.position += transform.right * factor
moves an object to the right.
Use factor to adjust the desired distance and by doing so you can also set limits. Negative factor would mean moving left by the way:) Hope that helps!
It can be tricky to deal with constraints on rotated objects. The math behind this includes some vector/rotation math to figure out the correct limits relative to the object's orientation, and whether you've exceeded them.
Luckily though, Unity gives you some shortcuts to skip this math: Transform.InverseTransformPoint() and Transform.TransformPoint()! These two methods allow you to transform a point in world space into a point in local space, and vice versa.
That means that no matter how your camera is oriented, you can interpret a position from the orientation of the camera - and with just a couple extra steps, your X/Z constraints are usable because you can calculate X/Z from the camera's point of view.
Let's try to adapt your current script to use this:
using UnityEngine;
public class CameraController : MonoBehaviour
// Set the X and Z values in the editor to define the rectangle within
// which your camera can move
public Vector3 maxConstraints;
public Vector3 minConstraints;
Camera cam;
Vector3 dragOrigin;
bool drag = false;
Vector3 cameraStart;
void Awake()
cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
// Here, we record the start since we'll need a reference to determine
// how far the camera has moved within the allowed rectangle
cameraStart = transform.position;
void LateUpdate()
// Camera movement with mouse
Vector3 diff = (cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition)) - cam.transform.position;
if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
if (drag == false)
drag = true;
dragOrigin = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
drag = false;
if (drag)
// Now, rather than setting the position directly, let's make sure it's
// within the valid rectangle first
Vector3 newPosition = dragOrigin - diff;
// First, we get into the local space of the camera and determine the delta
// between the start and possible new position
Vector3 localStart = transform.InverseTransformPoint(cameraStart);
Vector3 localNewPosition = transform.InverseTransformPoint(newPosition);
Vector3 localDelta = localNewPosition - localStart;
// Now, we calculate constrained values for the X and Z coordinates
float clampedDeltaX = Mathf.Clamp(localDelta.x, minConstraint.x, maxConstraint.x);
float clampedDeltaZ = Mathf.Clamp(localDelta.z, minConstraint.z, maxConstraint.z);
// Then, we can use the constrained values to determine the constrained position
// within local space
Vector3 localClampedPosition = new Vector3(clampedDeltaX, localDelta.y, clampedDeltaZ)
+ localStart;
// Finally, we can convert the local position back to world space and use it
transform.position = transform.TransformPoint(localConstrainedPosition);
Note that I'm somewhat assuming dragOrigin - diff moves your camera correctly in its present state. If it doesn't do what you want, please include details on the unwanted behaviour and we can sort that out too.

GameObject is vibrating throughout the movement

I have a GameObject that takes position coordinates from a file. This GameObject moves with vibration rather than smoothly. (as if moving back and forth.)
Here is the code that provides the movement:
int counter = 0;
void Update()
var maxDistance = speed_* Time.deltaTime;
var oldPosition = transform.position;
var newPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, positions[counter], maxDistance);
var actualDistance = Vector3.Distance(newPosition, oldPosition);
var distanceRemainder = maxDistance - actualDistance;
if (distanceRemainder > 0.0001)
newPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards(newPosition, positions[counter], distanceRemainder);
transform.localPosition = newPosition;
NOTE: The data read from the file is in the "positions" array (x,y,z coordinates).
When I lower the 300f value in the variable maxDistance, the vibration stops and the motion becomes more fluid. However, Gameobject speed is also slowing down. How can I ensure a fast and smooth movement?
While looking for a solution of the problem, I came across the this topic. It helped me learn the source of the problem.
I have observed that the GameObject is not vibrating in Scene view, it was moving smoothly. But the object seemed to be vibrating in GameView. The problem is not the moving object, it's the camera function I write to follow it.
The camera function that was written to follow the object has been updated and the problem has disappeared.
One can see more of the solution by going to Post #13 in the link above.
Thanks to everyone trying to help.
This is caused cause you are using your distanceRemainder as your maxDistanceDelta, which I think is incorrect, if you want a smooth movement, you should multiply it for the Time.deltaTime, try:
newPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards(newPosition, positions[counter], distanceRemainder*Time.deltaTime);
Or simply declare speed variable and do:
newPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards(newPosition, positions[counter], speed*Time.deltaTime);
I assume what you want is your object moving with a constant speed to the first position. Once it reaches it, move to the next one.
I would do it in a simple Coroutine which is better to understand and maintain than doing stuff in Update:
private void Start()
// todo assign positions
private IEnumerator RunPositions()
foreach(var position in positions)
while(!Mathf.Approximately(Vector3.Distance(transform.position, position), 0))
var maxDistance = speed_* Time.deltaTime;
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, positions[counter], maxDistance);
// render and continue in the next frame
yield return null;
If you are fine with a precision of 0.00001 you can also simply use
while(transform.position != position)

Unity: Adding impulse to a ball from a certain position

I'm making a 3d pool game and I stuck with this problem.
I can't find the needed function to add an impulse to a ball which will make the ball to spin.
In other words, how to set the AIM point from where I want to add the impulse?
If I use AddForce or AddTorque, it seems that it calculates it from the Center of the Ball.
But how to specify the aim point (Left english, Right english, etc...)?
And how to route the ball to the camera direction after a cue hit the ball?
At first look I think you should check Rigidbody.AddForceAtPosition. You should calculate the aim points somehow in world coordinates also.
I am relatively new on Unity but the main idea came to my mind first rotate the cue vector by y axis by a small amount angle, then calculate the hit point for each regions by casting physics ray then finally apply impulse by using Rigidbody.AddForceAtPosition. I tried to write a sample code:
public class SphereController : MonoBehaviour {
private Vector3 cueStartPoint;
void Start () {
cueStartPoint = new Vector3(0, 0.5f, -13f);
void Update () {
//direction from cue to center
var direction = transform.position - cueStartPoint;
//rotate cue to aim right english
var angleForRightEnglish = 5f;
var directionForRight = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angleForRightEnglish, Vector3.up) * direction;
Debug.DrawRay(cueStartPoint, directionForRight, Color.red, 10f);
//rotate cue to aim right english
var angleForLeftEnglish = -5f;
var directionForLeft = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angleForLeftEnglish, Vector3.up) * direction;
Debug.DrawRay(cueStartPoint, directionForLeft, Color.blue, 10f);
//try a sample hit from right
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow)) {
var forceMagnitude = 1f;
var hitForce = forceMagnitude * directionForRight.normalized;
//calculate right hit point on sphere surface
RaycastHit hitInfo;
if (Physics.Raycast(cueStartPoint, directionForRight, out hitInfo)) {
var rightHitPoint = hitInfo.point;
gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForceAtPosition(hitForce, rightHitPoint, ForceMode.Impulse);
//try a sample hit from left
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow)) {
var forceMagnitude = 1f;
var hitForce = forceMagnitude * directionForLeft.normalized;
//calculate left hit point on sphere surface
RaycastHit hitInfo;
if (Physics.Raycast(cueStartPoint, directionForLeft, out hitInfo)) {
var leftHitPoint = hitInfo.point;
gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForceAtPosition(hitForce, leftHitPoint, ForceMode.Impulse);
this script should be added to ball as component of course, hope this helps.

Rotating a 3D object in a 2d scene

I'm making a 2.5D plataform game and I can't get the rotation of the player right. I just want it to rotate on the X-axis while the player move towards left and right. My movement script is this:
if (isWalking)
transform.Rotate(0, facingDir, 0);
isWalking = false;
else { }
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space))
GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = new Vector2(GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.x, jumpHeight);
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)){
GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = new Vector2(-speedHeight, GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.y);
facingDir = 180;
isWalking = true;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D))
GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = new Vector2(speedHeight, GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.y);
facingDir = 0 ;
isWalking = true;
The best way I could rotate it was by transform.rotate(0,180,0) and (0,0,0), but then it keeps rotating non stop, how can I tell what direction the player is moving on the X-axis so I can transform.rotate properly?
This should give you the direction the player is moving in. You can use
to orient the player in a specific direction. The main issue is that you are trying to update the direction in the GetKey function which returns true while the key is held down. This results in the character rotating constantly, you have avoided this by using an additional check. You could use Lookat instead in the following manner:
GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = new Vector2(-speedHeight, GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.y);
transform.LookAt(transform.position+new Vector3(GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.x,0,GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity.y));
There are better ways to do this but this should solve your problem.

Unity - Limit Camera Movement XY axis

I have the following code which works really well for scrolling map using the draggable mouse. I am trying to define limits so that I cannot scroll too far in either the x or y co-ordinates. I've seen various examples of code, such as:
"transform.position.x = Mathf.Clamp(-100, 100);" though have not been able to incorporate it into the code. I am a bit of a beginner to all this and have just done a 2D tutorial animating zombies and have a camera that can scroll, but would like to add limits to how far it can scroll in any given directions.
Thanks heaps
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ViewDrag : MonoBehaviour {
Vector3 hit_position = Vector3.zero;
Vector3 current_position = Vector3.zero;
Vector3 camera_position = Vector3.zero;
float z = 0.0f;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
void Update(){
hit_position = Input.mousePosition;
camera_position = transform.position;
current_position = Input.mousePosition;
void LeftMouseDrag(){
// From the Unity3D docs: "The z position is in world units from the camera." In my case I'm using the y-axis as height
// with my camera facing back down the y-axis. You can ignore this when the camera is orthograhic.
current_position.z = hit_position.z = camera_position.y;
// Get direction of movement. (Note: Don't normalize, the magnitude of change is going to be Vector3.Distance(current_position-hit_position)
// anyways.
Vector3 direction = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(current_position) - Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(hit_position);
// Invert direction to that terrain appears to move with the mouse.
direction = direction * -1;
Vector3 position = camera_position + direction;
transform.position = position;
What exactly is the error you are getting? I imagine it is something along the lines of being unable to modify the return value of position because it is not a variable.
If this is the case, you should however be able to set the whole position vector at once. So try something along the lines of this:
var pos = transform.position;
transform.position = new Vector3(
Math.clampf(pos.x, -100, 100),
Math.clampf(pos.y, -100, 100),
You may need to swap around clamping Y and Z, depending on how you are using them.