gnuplot setup VS Code - visual-studio-code

Can't setup gnuplot in VS Code on Mac ('gnuplot.h' file not found).
Here are what I did:
1) installed gnuplot via brew;
2) also installed Gnuplot extension in VS Code;
3) opened VS Code Settings and searched for Gnuplot;
4) in the Gnuplot: Gnuplot Path specified the path;
5) restarted VS Code;
6) run program but still got an error 'gnuplot.h' file not found.
Could you please advise how to set it up?


Not able to open VS Code from Terminal in my MacBook BigSur11.3.1

Good day community. I have installed VS Code in my MacBook Air M1 chip running on BigSur 11.3.1 but whenever I set the code command in PATH (using Command+Shift+P) it only appears to be working for current session and doesn't work if I restart VSCode. I have to set the code command in PATH again. Please help me in configuring code command permanently so that i can open VSCode from any directory whenever I want. Thanks
I think I have got the solution. After installing VSCode in your Mac (which will be in download folder) move VS Studio file to Application Folder and then again install the code command in PATH from VSCode(using Command+Shift+P) and thats it.

Visual Studio Code Love2D support extension detecting as a directory

I have just started with löve because of an internet course I'm on, and I'm using Visual studio code as my editor. The course recommends that I use the "Love2D Support" extension with Visual Studio. It allows me to run the code directly from VS by pressing Command + L.
Although when I do it, VS outputs me this error:
The setting specified in pixelbyte.love2d.path must be an executable file, not a directory. Check your settings.
The path I have input in the settings is /Users/My_Username/Desktop/
I am 100% sure that it is the correct directory. What is the problem?
Thanks for answering!
The actual executable file in Mac is /Applications/ so put this in your pixelbyte.love2d.path command in vscode and you are good to go.

Need help assigning global settings for Rstudio's pandoc in VSCode to knit pdf_document in a .rmd output format

So I am migrating from RStudio to Visual Studio Code for my future R projects. I have successfully gotten my github aspect all setup and I am trying to write my code in (.rmd) format so that I can knit it to pdf, html and flex_dashboard outputs. When I have tried to knit the it, I get the following error:
Error: pandoc version 1.12.3 or higher is required and was not found (see the help page ?rmarkdown::pandoc_available).>
I found the following solution that once run in the terminal, allows it to knit into a pdf_document successfully.
Code: Sys.setenv(RSTUDIO_PANDOC="--- insert directory here ---")
Reference: pandoc version 1.12.3 or higher is required and was not found (R shiny)
This is great, but everytime I restart VSCode, this setting appears to be reset and I have to run it again. Is there away to set this globally so that I don't have to run it every time I use it? Or is there a better way to do this?
I had a similar problem before in VScode to render R markdown. Now, I found the solutions to it.
Following the steps below to properly set up the pandoc:
Step 1:
Go to your R Studio and go the console, type the following:
If you are using MacOS, you will get the path for "pandoc": "/Applications/"
If you are using Windows, you probably will get the path like:
"/c/Program Files/RStudio/bin/pandoc/" as mentioned in pandoc version 1.12.3 or higher is required and was not found (R shiny)
Step 2:
Paste the path of "pandoc" and put it into your bash or zsh (depends on what command shell that you are using).
On MacOS, I'm using zsh. Therefore, I add the following path into ~/.zshrc:
export RSTUDIO_PANDOC="/Applications/"
As for how to edit ~/.zshrc, one way to do this is presented as follows:
step 2.1
nano ~/.zshrc
It will open your .zshrc file and navigate to the bottom of this file, paste the
export RSTUDIO_PANDOC="/Applications/". Then, control + X to exit. It will ask about "Save modified buffer (ANSWERING "No" WILL DESTROY CHANGES) ?", then type Y and type return bottom.
step 2.2
source ~/.zshrc
Now, it should work fine in VScode. By checking if it works, you could open your console by typing R to invoke the R environment and type Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_PANDOC"). If it returns the path of the "pandoc", it would work fine in VScode as well.
"terminal.integrated.env.osx": {
into settings.json worked for me.
Adding to .zshrc didn't work at all since the System environment wasn't being passed on to the integrated terminal.

How to open Visual Studio Code from the command line on linux?

I know I can use command "code" to open VS code or file, but I don't know what should I do to make it possible after I install VS code in Ubuntu.Thanks.
Launching from the Command Line
You can launch VS Code from the command line to quickly open a file, folder, or project. Typically, you open VS Code within the context of a folder. We find the best way to do this is to simply type:
code .
Tip: We have instructions for Mac users in our Setup topic that enable you to start VS Code from within a terminal. We add the VS Code executable to the PATH environment variable on Windows and Linux automatically during installation.
Sometimes you will want to open or create a file. If the specified files does not exist, VS Code will create them for you:
code index.html style.css
Tip: You can have as many file names as you want separated by spaces.
So, there are a couple of solutions for this.
I've linked a video that shows you how to add vscode to $PATH
(which didn't work for me because I couldn't find the "shell:install path" command)
I uninstalled the vscode from my ubuntu and re-installed using sudo snap install --classic code
(This method worked for me)
Tell me which one works for you... and if you have extensions installed to your vscode then i guess you ought to make a backup or something.
Link to the video:

Can't find launcher in ~/anaconda 2.0 in mac osx

I just did a clean install of ananconda 2.0 (python 3.4) on my mac osx after uninstalling the previous version of anaconda.
I used the graphical installer but the launcher is missing in the ~/anaconda directory.
I tried running spyder and ipython from the terminal but i got long error messages that ended with:
ValueError: unknown locale: UTF-8
I am a newbie to python programming and this is quite unnerving for me. I have gone through related answers but I still need help.
Guys, please kindly point me in the right direction.
You have two problems here:
The Anaconda launcher haven't been ported to Python 3 yet, so that's why you can't find it.
To fix the ValueError: unknown locale: UTF-8 problem, you need to:
Open a terminal
Write this command on it
nano ~/.bashrc (nano is terminal-based editor)
Paste this text in nano:
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
Hit these keys to save: Ctrl+O+Enter, then Ctrl+X to exit.
Close that terminal, open a new one and try to start spyder. Everything should be fixed now.