Facing error while trying to deploy a Lightning Message Channel(LMC) from VSCode for LWC superbadge - salesforce-lightning

duplicate value found: duplicates value on record with id:
**XML File:**
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<LightningMessageChannel xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">
<description>This is a sample Lightning Message Channel for the Lightning Web Components Superbadge.</description>
<description>This is the record Id that changed</description>
Getting the error message as "duplicate value found: duplicates value on record with id: " in line 1( )
Not sure about the root cause of the issue and, I tried disabling the field history tracking too, but no use.
I checked whether the related objects are having field history tracking enabled, but its not.


Error: Tag appears more than once (Field=9215)

ICE just updated their service and now my cannot connect to it, I get this error message:
8=FIX.4.49=11335=334=1149=27350=152=20161116-16:15:19.92056=ICE45=1058=Tag appears more than once371=9215372=d373=1310=223
I am using QuickFixn V1.3 and I already set:
I also already added this to my data dictionary:
< field number="9215" name="MiFIDRegulatedMarket" type="STRING"/>
< field number="9216" name="AONAllowed" type="STRING"/>
And no luck, ICE released the new version just last week, before that it was working fine, so, has anyone had this issue in the past 3 days? any way to fix it?
You added the new fields to the set of fields, but you didn't update the message definitions to indicate that a field was added to that message.
Your engine doesn't know that 9215/9216 belong to the repeating group within the SecurityDefinition message. As soon as it sees 9215, it decides the group has just ended and that tag 9215 belongs to the top-level of the message body.
Please take a minute to read (or reread) this doc page:

Workaround for saving / editing a VSTS test case

I have an issue with VSTS manual test cases. When I try to edit one, I got an error message as follows:
An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary
Session Id: 73288d72-580f-42fb-9aeb-f5cadb6b3bc5
I only have this issue if a test step contains parameters. After refreshing the page and reopening the test case, the color code is black and it doesn't display the Save button. Also, the dropdown of the ... is empty.
Existing tests are fine, running them is also possible. Working with bugs, user stories and tasks is fine.
Screenshots can be found here
Is there a way to workaround this?
This is caused by the parameter name "#length", remove it or rename it to others like "#length1" would works.
This seems to be a bug with VSTS, I have help you created a feedback on MS Connect Page, refer to this link for details: "An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary" error occurs when save a test case contains a parameter named as "length".

Orbeon forms editor: "Error at line 32 of oxf:/forms/orbeon/builder/service/toolbox.xsl"

Been successfully using Orbeon 4.4CE for a long time, but today the Form Editor seems to have suddenly broken. Creating a new form (or editing an existing form) shows a partial toolbox missing most of the controls.
Log file reveals this:
INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/custom/orbeon/builder/toolbox - Received request
ERROR XSLTTransformer - Error at line 32 of oxf:/forms/orbeon/builder/service/toolbox.xsl:
An empty sequence is not allowed as the value of variable $resources-property
ERROR PageFlowControllerProcessor - error caught {controller: "oxf:/apps/fr/page-flow.xml", method: "GET", path: "/fr/service/custom/orbeon/builder/toolbox"}
Configuration is Orbeon 4.4, MySQL persistence layer with MySQL 5.6, Java 1.7.67 and Tomcat 7.0.52 on Ubuntu 14.04. This was working fine as of late last week, and now seems broken on several systems all at once. Nothing in the configuration has changed in several months (as verified by a scan looking for files having recent modification times).
UPDATE: The problem is actually worse than I suspected...I copied an existing, working form from the MySQL orbeon_form_definition table to another Orbeon instance, and the form does not run. The Orbeon log file shows: "An empty sequence is not allowed as the value of variable $captcha" (the form does not use Captcha codes in any way).
We also tried installing a copy of Orbeon 4.7.0CE, and it appears to have similar symptoms.
The same problem is now occurring on three completely independent (but similarly configured) systems - we do not have a way to edit or create new forms using Form Builder, or even to move existing forms around between systems by updating the database definitions.
Any suggestion how to fix this, or even to diagnose where the problem might be?
Today I had a very similar problem.
I created a new form and didn't saw the toolbox controls:
Looking in the log there was the following error:
2018-03-16 10:33:26,212 ERROR XSLTTransformer - Error at line 32 of oxf:/forms/orbeon/builder/service/toolbox.xsl:
An empty sequence is not allowed as the value of variable $resources-property
2018-03-16 10:33:26,239 ERROR PageFlowControllerProcessor - error caught {controller: "oxf:/apps/fr/page-flow.xml", method: "GET", path: "/fr/service /custom/orbeon/builder/toolbox"}
2018-03-16 10:33:26,411 ERROR PageFlowControllerProcessor -
The reason was the name I had chosen for the form: reset-password. I changed the name in something else and the problem wasn't any more.
It seems that the form name must not contain the string "password".

How to solve validation error on xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation in jdoconfig.xml

Since I updated today to GAE, I'm having validation errors in eclipse in all my jdoconfig.xml files.
I have the default jdoconfig.xml content :
<jdoconfig xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdo/jdoconfig"
And eclipse validation throws:
Referenced file contains errors (http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdo/jdoconfig).
For more information, right click on the message in the Problems View and
select "Show Details..."
When clicking on details I can see a bunch of lines like:
s4s-elt-character: Non-whitespace characters are not allowed in schema elements
other than 'xs:appinfo' and 'xs:documentation'. Saw 'var_U = "undefined";'.
In different lines and different content in "Saw ... "
It occurs in every single project I start using the "New Web Application Project..." from the google plugin.
So does anyone have this problem? Any fix?
Try this:
<jdoconfig xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdo/jdoconfig"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdo/jdoconfig http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdo/jdoconfig_3_0.xsd">
Per the answer here Validating jdoconfig with incorrect url
The xmlns is not a real file/directory, more a namespace, so ought not exist! The version is appended to get the real XSD file, namely http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdo/jdoconfig_3_0.xsd
There are a couple problems here.
The syntactic problem is that the URI you are giving as the value of xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation is redirected to http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index.html and returns an HTML document. The XSD validator you are using is trying without success to parse
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var _U = "undefined";
var g_HttpRelativeWebRoot = "/ocom/";
var SSContributor = false;
as an XSD schema document, and for one reason or another its attempts to explain what went wrong focus on finding the string var_U = "undefined" in a place where it was not expecting to see character data.
Then there are some conceptual problems.
Your document is in a namespace named http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdo/jdoconfig. Why on earth are you pointing the schema validator to a schema without a target namespace (which is that noNamespaceSchemaLocation does), if you want to validate your document? Given that (at least some of) your document's elements are namespace-qualified, you will want (as joncalhoun has already suggested) to use xsi:schemaLocation and provide a pair telling the validator where it can find a schema document for each namespace you want it to know about.
It's possible that a schema document used to be served from the location http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdo/jdoconfig, but since it's apparently the standard namespace named for your vocabulary, that's not actually very likely. Most systems distinguish fairly reliably between namespaces, which are abstract and poorly defined things, and schema documents, which are typically XML documents that define specific XSD schema components for a given namespace. It's not illegal to use the URI for a schema document as the name of a namespace, but it is unusual.
Note that the URL given by joncalhoun for the schema document (http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdo/jdoconfig_3_0.xsd) actually does resolve (after redirection to http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/jsc/xml/ns/jdo/jdoconfig_3_0.xsd) to a schema document, which specifies http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdo/jdoconfig as its target namespace. (This means that even if you did succeed in retrieving this schema document by giving its URI as the value of xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation, you'd then get an error because it's not a schema document for elements and attributes with no namespace.)
This makes me think that you should read joncalhoun's answer again and try it again, carefully. If it didn't work when you tried it, my money says that either you tried something similar but not exactly what he suggested, or it solved this problem but that simply exposed some other problem, which is easy to mistake for failure.
One solution is setting XML Catalog in Eclipse preferences.
Entry element: URI
Location: http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdo/jdoconfig_3_0.xsd
URI: http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdo/jdoconfig_3_0.xsd
Key type: Namespace name
Key: http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdo/jdoconfig
The syntactic and conceptual issues C.M. mentions are a problem with the plugin and Google's settings where both recommend,
I don't specifically use jdo but I still get the validation error with this namespace. It was fine with this namespace until just recently.
I used LuboM's method and it worked for me. Neither LuboM's nor joncalhoun's is the answer though since it ties me in to jdo 3.0
Oracle is going to have to provide the fix. Apparently their intent was to resolve the namespace issues themselves across versions of jdo.
This is what I did to fix it:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jdoconfig xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdo/jdoconfig"
I am success on this:
Right Click Project -> Properties -> Validation -> XML Syntax
Enable Project Specific Settings (If you need)
Under Validating Files, For No grammar Specified Select "Warning"
Click "Ok"
If you ask for Validating the file, Click "Yes"
You can do the same for all the projects by going to Windows -> Preferences.
Make sure you are validating the file (Step 4).
I had the same issue, and excluded just this jdoconfig.xml file from Eclipse's validation. Even though your Eclipse throws an error for it, it in no way affects being able to deploy the project to GAE correctly.
Here is how to exclude just the jdoconfig.xml file to get rid of that pesky error:
Right click on your Eclipse Project, ->Properties->Validation->XML Validator, click on the "..." button for further options.
You should see Include Group and Exclude Group options. Click Exclude Group->Add Rule...->Folder or file name, and browse to your file.
Clean or rebuild your project. The validation error should be gone.
This worked for me in Eclipse Luna.
You might have try this path to solve your problem:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jdoconfig xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jdo/jdoconfig"

How do you debug problems with local storage? Trouble with "An error occurred while processing this request" in HandleBatchResponse

Cross-posted at MSDN.
I have a list of entity objects I'm trying to insert into a table in the local storage service. Using a data context class derived from the SampleClient TableStorageDataContext class, I create a new context object and add the entities with no issues. When I call context.SaveChanges(), an exception is ultimately thrown, but with sparingly little detail. I've run a profiler trace on SQL Server Express to see if the error originated there, and didn't find anything useful, which leads me to believe there's some issue in the local storage service, which I have no idea how to debug.
Here's the client code (F#):
let cxt0 = new WebRole.Models.TableDataContext()
entityList |> Seq.iter (fun n -> cxt0.AddObject("NutritionData", n))
let results = cxt0.SaveChanges()
I can set a breakpoint on the last of the above lines and stop execution and see that the cxt0 object contains all the entities to be added (>500K). After then continuing execution, the following exception is thrown:
"An error occurred while processing
this request."
options) at
pf, String blobName) in
The InnerException (pardon the brackets as I avoid the html tag scrubber):
" [?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"
standalone="yes"?] [error
[code][/code] [message
xml:lang="en-US"]An error occurred
while processing this
request.[/message] [/error] "
In the HandleBatchResponse method, it appears that this error may be reported as it enumerates through the responses. Any ideas what might be calling this? The only thing left I've thought to check but haven't is to ensure that none of my entities have string properties that go past 1000 characters.
Update: Now I have, and it doesn't look like there are any. The following snippet produced an empty sequence:
let longEntities =
nutData |> Seq.choose (fun nd -> if HasLongStringProperties(nd)
then Some(nd) else None)
Also, more generally, how does one debug issues like this? Is there any way to get some introspection into the local storage service?
Update 2: I've since discovered that the "exception of origin", so to speak, is actually a System.WebException reporting an "Internal Server Error (500)", with no further detail. I've done everything I know to do to ensure that the data I'm trying to insert is compatible with the schema and data types in the tables in the SQL Server Express database backing the table service, and still I don't know what the issue is. The TableDataService just won't accept the object I'm inserting. See the MSDN thread for more details. I've also opened a bug on connect.
I was trying to do an extremely simple demo and I had the same problem but I was finally able to figure it out. By running against the development storage with logging turned on:
After starting the DevelopmentStorage, running my app, and then stopping the development storage and looking in the log folder I see:
9/17/2010 1:30:47 PM [Error] Caught exception during performing table operation and rethrow: System.Exception: c:\Users\Scott\AppData\Local\Temp\jvcl5gjz.0.cs(14,23) : error CS0542: 'Number': member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type
at Microsoft.Cis.Services.Nephos.Table.Service.Protocols.Rest.TableManager.EndPerformOperation(IAsyncResult ar) in x:\rd\rd_store_stable\services\xstore\XFE\table\service\Protocols\REST\src\TableManager.cs:line 184
at Microsoft.Cis.Services.Nephos.Table.Service.Protocols.Rest.TableProtocolHead.d__3e.MoveNext() in x:\rd\rd_store_stable\services\xstore\XFE\table\service\Protocols\REST\src\TableProtocolHead.cs:line 732
It turns out that my demo was too simple, because I had created a table called Number with a single column called Number...