Hide VSCode source control repositories icons - visual-studio-code

Is it posible to hide these icons?
I especially need to hide icons for actions "Synchronize changes", "Commit" and "Refresh".
I tried to use configuration by https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/settings (section "git." or "scm.") but nothing help.

In general, after a recent vscode update, you can right-click on most icons in the UI, including a related ... and select the Hide [commit, refresh, etc.] option to hide it.
Right-clicking on any remaining icon in the same area should give you the option to re-enable those related icons you hid.
The command View: Reset All Menus should bring back all icons across the UI you may have hidden in case you hide them all from the same view!


How To Re-add An Extension To The VSCode Sidebar/Activity Bar

I accidentally removed the MongoDB extension from my sidebar/activity bar in VSCode while adjusting my layout. When I initially installed the extension, It automatically put a MongoDB icon on the sidebar which was convenient.
I tried restarting VSCode, dragging and dropping from the extensions panel, reinstalling the extension, going through all VSCode settings, googling, and SO'ing, but I couldn't find any solution.
If there's no answer, I might just have to try uninstalling VSCode and reinstalling everything again.
In general, if you have moved views around and get messed up, try the
View: Reset View Locations command from the Command Palette.
It will reset all your views but you will have at least refound or relocated any missing views.
Also, if you can't find a view it was probably inside another view - not just in a view container like the Side Bar or Panel at the top level, but within one of the other views within one of the main view containers.
To add an icon that was available from an extension, you can follow the steps below.
Right-click on of the icons on the sidebar/activity bar.
Recheck whichever icon you're missing.
The icon should appear.
If you want to reset all of your icons, then follow the steps below.
Click Ctrl + Shift + P.
Search for View: Reset View Locations
All of your icons should be reset to default.
You can also hide icons a similar way.
Right click on the icon you want to remove.
Check the Hide checkbox.
The icon should disappear.

VSCode SCM tab suddenly disappeared

I must have pressed a wrong combination of keys with my crooked fingers which caused the version control tab to disappear from the sidebar.
Then I found source control tab somewhere in VSCode, dragged it into the sidebar, it shows the changes, however, the icon is completely different and also it doesn't show the number of current changes.
What happened?
In the below screenshot the yellow icon is what I have for SCM now.
Thanks 🤞
I had to use the View: Reset View Locations command to solve this problem in Visual Studio Code version 1.47 (macOS - Catalina).
To do this, just press Cmd+Shift+P (macOS) or Ctrl+Shift+P (Linux/Windows), type workbench.action.resetViewLocations, then press Enter.
Release notes - May 2020 (version 1.46)
As #rioV8 commented - what solved it for me was to right click on the icon and click "Reset Location"
I am not sure what you actually dragged to the activity bar vscode is really modular in this way; hard to say without being there, but you can re-enable SCM button.
Even if you use the short cut to open the source control view (CTRL + SHIFT + G, it will disappear again after you focus out of it (when it's not enabled).
To re-enable it, right-click anywhere on the Activity Bar and select 'Source Control'
From version 1.46 it is now possible to drag and drop panels and views
If a panel/view is not in a spot you want and you want it back in its original place you can Right Click on the panel/view header and choose Reset Location.
Try right clicking on the bar and you should see a menu like the one below
recheck the source control and the icon should appear.
For people who applied the methods above but still could not see the source control panel where you could jump to editted files quickly but only the side bar, here is the way you can fix it:
After you have got the source control panel appeared, right click any available tabs you have inside the panel, such as commits, file history, branches etc. Then make sure you chose the Source Control.
If the "Source Control" panel is not on the side/activity bar or dissapeared for some reason, you check it on the "Explorer" panel. If you don't see it on the Explorer list, you can find it on the top right menu of the explorer panel. You can just check it and then it appears on the Explorer panel list.
Then you can just drag the Source Control panel and drop it on the side/activity bar. It gets back to its original place.
As of vscode v1.75 you can reset all the view locations from the Layout Control button near the upper right:

Option to hide explorer action icons in VSCode

Is it possible to hide explorer action icons? (Other way than using custom-css extension).
Yes, coming to vscode v1.72 will be the ability to hide any of those icons. Deminstrating in the Insiders Build v1.72:
Hide actions from tool bars
You can now hide actions from tool bars. Simply right-click on any
action in a tool bar and select its hide-command or any of the toggle
commands. Hidden actions will be moved to the ... menu and can be
invoked from there. To restore a menu select the "Reset Menu" command,
to store all menus select "F1 > Reset All Menus".
from v1.72 Release Notes: hide actions

VS Code - toggle search icon in Activity Bar, move from panel or back

I accidentally removed search icon in Activity Bar and don't know how to add it there again. If I click on Activity Bar, I don't see this option any more.
Update: v1.44 you can now simply drag many of the views, including "Search" from the sidebar to the panel and back. See https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_44#_increased-view-placement-flexibility and https://stackoverflow.com/a/55981465/836330
Update: v1.42 added a context menu option
Move to Panel/Move to Sidebar
to certain typically sidebar views like Search, Outline and custom views. So you wouldn't have to use a setting to move the Search view back to the sidebar. Here is a demo:
Also notice that you no longer right-click in the empty space below the search inputs in the sidebar but on/near the Search header itself to bring up the toggle option.
As part of the v1.42 release the search.location setting mentioned below will be deprecated.
Your setting should migrate automatically, but you will need to use
the new generalized method to move the Search view going forward. You
do not need to enable the experimental preview setting above in order
to move the Search view with the new context menu entry.
So I don't think there is a setting anymore, you just right-click on the header text "Search" whether it is in the Panel or active in the Sidebar to move it. See the demo below.
Right-click on the "Search" header if you have it in the sidebar to "Move to Panel".
If Search is in the panel, right-click on the word Search to "Move to Sidebar".
To enable moving the Output view at this point, you need to enable workbench.view.experimental.allowMovingToNewContainer.
There is a new unbound command workbench.view.search.moveView which you can use to toggle the search position between the panel and sidebar. But note that in my testing it only works a couple of times because it focuses the panel when you move search to the sidebar - I'll file a bug.
Previous Answer::
You may have modified the setting:
"search.location": "sidebar",
which is the default to the alternative
"search.location": "panel",
which would put the search widget into the terminal panel as another tab.
As of vscode v1.35 or so, you can now right-click in the empty space below the search view (i.e., in the sidebar under the open search inputs) and you will get an option to Toggle Search View Position.
This context menu switch of the search view is persistent. It will automatically add this setting to your settings.json:
"search.location": "panel",
The only way at present (but see edit just below) to move the icon back to the activity bar (and thus the search across files functionality to the sidebar) is to change that setting to the sidebar option. Or look for this setting in the settings editor:
Search: Location
Controls whether the search will be shown as a view
in the sidebar or as a panel in the panel area for more horizontal
EDIT: More recently, vscode added the abilty to right-click in the search area when it is in the panel to toggle it back to the sidebar.
In windows
file--> preferences-->settings
In mac
preferences -> settings
vs-code version 1.30.2
Step 1: Click on Edit from Navbar
Step 2: Find in Files
You can easily search for anything in the side paanel
or else if you want anything to search inside files then
Step 1: Click "Ctrl+F"

Netbeans - How do I hide the vertical bar w/colors?

Haven't found an option in the IDE to hide it, are there any configuration files that would do it? I never use it, and in my effort to optimize screen space with multiple tab groups, this would save me some pixels. :-P
Here's the bar in question:
I believe you are referring to the Diff Sidebar. To remove this use the menu item located at View > Show Diff Sidebar. This menu item is a toggled menu item so when it is active there is a check beside it.