pytest addopts ignore certain source file - pytest

I am using pytest for unit test and generating code coverage
I have pytest.ini file and the content is as below.
Content of pytest.ini file
addopts =
--cov=config .coveragerc
-p pytest_cov -p pytest_mock -p pytest_html --vv
I am trying to ignore file ./lib/project/utility/ from the coverage report however --ignore-./lib/project/utility/ has no effect on coverage report.
How do I ignore certain files or directories from the coverage report in this case?


pytest coverage output is cut

Running pytest with coverage in a larger project, the output is strangely cut (note the datam at the end, many files are still missed here).
I'm not aware of further configuration—no pytest.ini, no pyproject.toml, no related environment variable.
How can I overcome this, given I want the simple terminal output, not an extra report?
Only if needed: How could I print the results written to .coverage sqlite database to terminal?
> pytest tests/ --cov
---------- coverage: platform win32, python 3.10.4-final-0 -----------
Name Stmts Miss Cover
datamodel\model\gis\topology\ 26 3 88%
datamodel\model\gis\ 0 0 100%
============================== 45 passed in 6.44s ==============================
This looks like a bug of the coverage package, maybe from too many files (>400 in my case), maybe interference with pytest-xdist.
In such a case ignore the pytest output and print the results written to the .coverage sqlite database to terminal, like
> pytest tests --cov -n 12
> coverage report

How to display new Yocto image option after source poky/oe-init-env

let say i have a new yocto image call stargazer-cmd
what file should i edit so that every time i source poky/oe-init-env
it display as a build option to the user?
kj#kj-Aspire-V3-471G:~/stm32Yoctominimal$ source poky/oe-init-build-env build-mp1/
### Shell environment set up for builds. ###
You can now run 'bitbake <target>'
Common targets are:
I wish to add stargazer-cmd on top of core-image-minimal, i am not sure what to google and what is the file i need to change.
Let me explain how to add a custom configuration to the OpenEmbedded build process.
First of all, here is the process that is done when running:
source poky/oe-init-build-env
The oe-init-build-env script initializes OEROOT variable to point to the location of the script itself.
The oe-init-build-env script sources another file $OEROOT/scripts/oe-buildenv-internal which will:
Check if OEROOT is set
Set BUILDDIR to your custom build directory name $1, or just build if you do not provide one
Set BBPATH to the poky/bitbake folder
Adds $BBPATH/bin and OEROOT/scripts to PATH (This will enable commands like bitbake and bitbake-layers ...)
Export BUILDDIR and PATH to the next file
The oe-init-build-env script continues by running the final build script with:
TEMPLATECONF="$TEMPLATECONF" $OEROOT/scripts/oe-setup-builddir
The oe-setup-builddir script will:
Check if BUILDDIR is set
Create the conf directory under $BUILDDIR
Sources a template file that will check if there is a TEMPLATECONF variable is set:
. $OEROOT/.templateconf
That file contains:
# Template settings
it means that if TEMPLATECONF variable is not set, set it to meta-poky/conf, and that is where the default local.conf and bblayers.conf are coming from.
Copy $TEMPLATECONF to $BUILDDIR/conf/templateconf.cfg
Set some variables pointing to custom local.conf and bblayers.conf:
In the oe-setup-builddir there is a comment saying that TEMPLATECONF can point to a directory:
# $TEMPLATECONF can point to a directory for the template local.conf & bblayers.conf
Copy local.conf.sample and bblayers.conf.sample from TEMPLATECONF directory into BUIDDIR/conf:
cp -f $OECORELOCALCONF "$BUILDDIR/conf/local.conf"
sed -e "s|##OEROOT##|$OEROOT|g" \
-e "s|##COREBASE##|$OEROOT|g" \
$OECORELAYERCONF > "$BUILDDIR/conf/bblayers.conf"
Finally it will print what is inside OECORENOTESCONF which points to TEMPLATECONF/conf-notes.txt:
and by default that is located under meta-poky/conf/conf-notes.txt:
### Shell environment set up for builds. ###
You can now run 'bitbake <target>'
Common targets are:
You can also run generated qemu images with a command like 'runqemu qemux86'
Other commonly useful commands are:
- 'devtool' and 'recipetool' handle common recipe tasks
- 'bitbake-layers' handles common layer tasks
- 'oe-pkgdata-util' handles common target package tasks
So, now, after understanding all of that, here is what you can do:
Create a custom template directory for your project, containing:
Do not forget to set the path to poky in bblayers.conf to ##OEROOT## as it will be set automatically by the build script.
Set your custom message in conf-notes.txt
Before any new build, just set TEMPLATECONF:
TEMPLATECONF="<path/to/template-directory>" source poky/oe-init-build-env <build_name>
Then, you will find a build with your custom local.conf and bblayers.conf with additional file conf/templateconf.cfg containing the path of TEMPLATECONF
conf/conf-notes.txt in your layer.
OECORENOTESCONF should point to the file.

gitlab-ci.yml: 'script: -pytest cannot find any tests to check'

I'm having trouble implementing a toy example that runs pytest within .gitlab-ci.yml
gitlab_ci is a repo containing a single file
import pytest
def hello():
def hello_test():
assert hello() == 'hello'
# .gitlab-ci.yml
image: python:3.6
- apt-get update -q -y
- pip install pytest
- pytest # if this is removed, the job outputs 'Success'
CI/CD terminal output
$ pytest
=== test session starts ===
platform linux -- Python 3.6.9, pytest-5.2.0, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.13.0
rootdir: /builds/kunov/gitlab_ci
collected 0 items
=== no tests ran in 0.02s ===
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1
I'm not sure why the test did not run... pytest does not seem to recognize
Put the python file inside the newly creared tests folder:
Modify gitlab-ci.yml in the following manner:
# .gitlab-ci.yml
image: python:3.6
- apt-get update -q -y
- pip install pytest
- pwd
- ls -l
- python -c "import sys;print(sys.path)"
- pytest
And would stay the same as before.
This blog post mentions a similar pipeline, but:
However, this did not work as pytest was unable to find the ‘bild’ module (ie. the source code) to test.
The problem encountered here is that the ‘bild’ module is not able to be found by the test_*.py files, as the top-level directory of the project was not being specified in the system path:
stage: Test
- pwd
- ls -l
- python -c "import sys;print(sys.path)"
- pytest
The OP kunov confirms in the comments:
It works now! I put the single file inside a newly created folder called 'test'
Manipulation of the PYTHONPATH variable is considered by some to be a bad practice (see e.g., this answer on stackoverflow or this Level Up Coding post). While this is possible not a huge issue in the scope of a GitLab CI job, here is a solution based on Alberto Mardegan's comment at the mentioned blog post without the need to fiddle with PYTHONPATH (also somewhat cleaner):
stage: Test
- pwd
- ls -l
- python -m pytest
Why does this work? From the pytest docs:
You can invoke testing through the Python interpreter from the command
python -m pytest [...]
This is almost equivalent to invoking the
command line script pytest [...] directly, except that calling via
python will also add the current directory to sys.path.
def test_hello():#func name must start with "test_",not "hello_test"

Change pytest testsuite name in xml report

Because we started same tests with different interface, then take all reports and send them to jenkins. It's difficult to recognise with what interface we have errors. Before we use nose, it has parameter "--xunit-testsuite-name", has pytest analog?
I want to change name of test suite in reports
testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="pytest" skips="0" tests="12" time="103.702"
testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="inteface1" skips="0" tests="12" time="103.702"
You can add a junit_suite_name attribute to your Pytest config file since pytest 3.1:
junit_suite_name = my_suite
This can also be set in the command line:
pytest ... -o junit_suite_name=my_suite

Doxverilog - not patching when configuring

I have doxygen 1.8.5 and Doxverilog (for doxygen 1.7.0). Following the instructions quoted below I get messages saying that patches have previously been applied. Then some of the HUNKs fail.
If I proceed anyway and set up the verilog.cfg, running doxygen with this cfg produces
"Warning: ignoring unsupported tag `OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VERILOG =' at line 35, file verilog.cfg"
Then blank output.
The instructions I'm using to setup doxverilog are:
install the doxygen-1.7.0 sources
1. copy the Verilog files verilogparser.y verlogscanner.l and the source files to the doxygen-1.7.0\src directory
2. copy the patch file verilog.patch to directory doxygen-1.7.0
3. open a shell in the doxygen-1.7.0 directory
3.1 configure doxygen
sh configure
3.2 make patch # patch -p1 < verilog.patch
4 compile the source files
make all
5 If the compilation was successful create a doxygen configuration file with # doxygen -s -g verilog.cfg
In the configuration file you should see the option OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VERILOG.
The file patterns for the Verilog parser are *.v and *.V