How to describe the derivative of matlab symbolic variable? - matlab

For example, I named the variables x(t), xdot(t) about time: syms t x(t) xdot(t);, and the derivative of x about time is xdot, xdot=diff(x,t).
But when I calculate diff (x, t), the result is not xdot. How can I set the display of diff (x, t) in the calculation result to xdot?
In addition, the time variable in the calculation result is displayed in the form of variable(t). How to set the result to display only variable?
syms t x(t) xdot(t);
the result of y is displayed as , however, I want it to be xdot

Consider the following code:
a = 3;
b = 3;
It appears to me, you would like this to display b = a, instead of b = 3. This is not how MATLAB works. Both a and b are equal to 3, but that doesn't mean a is b.
The same is true for the code:
a = 3;
b = a;
This gives b = 3, not b = a. I won't go into details about why this is the case (and why it has to be the case in MATLAB). It's enough to know that this is how it works.
You have assigned diff(x,t) to two different variables, xdot and y. This means that, while xdot and y have the same value, xdot is not y.
If you do xdot = 3 after your code, then y would still be dx/dt.
Side note: Why do you want this behaviour? Are you sure it's necessary? You can always print the result however you like:
fprintf('xdot = %s', y(t))
xdot = diff(x(t), t)
Ugly workaround to do something I don't understand why you would do:
Create a function:
function res = xdot(t)
syms x(t) res;
res = diff(x,t);
And then define y as a function handle:
y = #xdot
y = function_handle with value:
Now y(t) will still give dx/dt, but y will give xdot
I strongly recommend you don't do this.


How to use matlab to quickly judge whether a function is convex?

For example, FX = x ^ 2 + sin (x)
Just for curiosity, I don't want to use the CVX toolbox to do this.
You can check this within some interval [a,b] by checking if the second derivative is nonnegative. For this you have to define a vector of x-values, find the numerical second derivative and check whether it is not too negative:
a = 0;
b = 1;
margin = 1e-5;
point_count = 100;
f=#(x) x.^2 + sin(x);
x = linspace(a, b, point_count)
is_convex = all(diff(x, 2) > -margin);
Since this is a numerical test, you need to adjust the parameter to the properties of the function, that is if the function does wild things on a small scale we might not be able to pick it up. E.g. with the parameters above the test will falsely report the function f=#(x)sin(99.5*2*pi*x-3) as convex.
syms x real
syms f(x) d(x) d1(x)
f = x^2 + sin(x)
d = diff(f,x,2)==0
d1 = diff(f,x,2)
expSolution = solve(d, x)
if size(expSolution,1) == 0
if eval(subs(d1,x,0))>0
disp("condition 1- the graph is concave upward");
disp("condition 2 - the graph is concave download");
disp("condition 3 -- not certain")

SIR model using fsolve and Euler 3BDF

Hi i've been asked to solve SIR model using fsolve command in MATLAB, and Euler 3 point backward. I'm really confused on how to proceed, please help. This is what i have so far. I created a function for 3BDF scheme but i'm not sure how to proceed with fsolve and solve the system of nonlinear ODEs. The SIR model is shown as and 3BDF scheme is formulated as
clear all
ode1= #(R,S,I) -(beta*I*S)/(S+I+R);
ode2= #(R,S,I) (beta*I*S)/(S+I+R)-I*gamma;
ode3= #(I) gamma*I;
f(t,[S,I,R]) = [-(beta*I*S)/(S+I+R); (beta*I*S)/(S+I+R)-I*gamma; gamma*I];
fun = #root2d;
x0 = [0,0];
x = fsolve(fun,x0)
function [xs,yb] = ThreePointBDF(f,x0, xmax, h, y0)
% This function should return the numerical solution of y at x = xmax.
% (It should not return the entire time history of y.)
for i=1:length(xs)-1
R =R0;
y1(i+1,:) = fsolve(#(u) u-2*h/3*f(t(i+1),u) - R, y1(i-1,:)+2*h*F(i,:))
S = S0;
y2(i+1,:) = fsolve(#(u) u-2*h/3*f(t(i+1),u) - S, y2(i-1,:)+2*h*F(i,:))
I= I0;
y3(i+1,:) = fsolve(#(u) u-2*h/3*f(t(i+1),u) - I, y3(i-1,:)+2*h*F(i,:))
You have an implicit equation
y(i+1) - 2*h/3*f(t(i+1),y(i+1)) = G = (4*y(i) - y(i-1))/3
where the right-side term G is constant in the call to fsolve, that is, during the solution of the implicit step equation.
Note that this is for the vector valued system y'(t)=f(t,y(t)) where
f(t,[S,I,R]) = [-(beta*I*S)/(S+I+R); (beta*I*S)/(S+I+R)-I*gamma; gamma*I];
To solve this write
G = (4*y(i,:) - y(i-1,:))/3
y(i+1,:) = fsolve(#(u) u-2*h/3*f(t(i+1),u) - G, y(i-1,:)+2*h*F(i,:))
where a midpoint step is used to get an order 2 approximation as initial guess, F(i,:)=f(t(i),y(i,:)). Add solver options for error tolerances as necessary, you want the error in the implicit equation smaller than the truncation error O(h^3) of the step. One can also keep only a short array of function values, then one has to be careful for the correspondence of the position in the short array to the time index.
Using all that and a reference solution by a higher order standard solver produces the following error graphs for the components
where one can see that the first order error of the constant first step results in a first order global error, while with a second order error in the first step using the Euler method results in a clear second order global error.
Implement the method in general terms
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
def BDF2(f,t,y0,y1):
N, h = len(t)-1, t[1]-t[0];
y = (N+1)*[np.asarray(y0)];
y[1] = y1;
for i in range(1,N):
t1, G = t[i+1], (4*y[i]-y[i-1])/3
y[i+1] = fsolve(lambda u: u-2*h/3*f(t1,u)-G, y[i-1]+2*h*f(t[i],y[i]), xtol=1e-3*h**3)
return np.vstack(y)
Set up the model to be solved
print beta, gamma
y0 = np.array([8e6, 10, 0])
P = sum(y0); y0 = y0/P
def f(t,y): S,I,R = y; trns = beta*S*I/(S+I+R); recv=gamma*I; return np.array([-trns, trns-recv, recv])
Compute a reference solution and method solutions for the two initialization variants
from scipy.integrate import odeint
tg = np.linspace(0,120,25*128)
yg = odeint(f,y0,tg,atol=1e-12, rtol=1e-14, tfirst=True)
M = 16; # 8,4
t = tg[::M];
h = t[1]-t[0];
y1 = BDF2(f,t,y0,y0)
e1 = y1-yg[::M]
y2 = BDF2(f,t,y0,y0+h*f(0,y0))
e2 = y2-yg[::M]
Plot the errors, computation as above, but embedded in the plot commands, could be separated in principle by first computing a list of solutions
fig,ax = plt.subplots(3,2,figsize=(12,6))
for M in [16, 8, 4]:
t = tg[::M];
h = t[1]-t[0];
y = BDF2(f,t,y0,y0)
e = (y-yg[::M])
for k in range(3): ax[k,0].plot(t,e[:,k],'-o', ms=1, lw=0.5, label = "h=%.3f"%h)
y = BDF2(f,t,y0,y0+h*f(0,y0))
e = (y-yg[::M])
for k in range(3): ax[k,1].plot(t,e[:,k],'-o', ms=1, lw=0.5, label = "h=%.3f"%h)
for k in range(3):
for j in range(2): ax[k,j].set_ylabel(["$e_S$","$e_I$","$e_R$"][k]); ax[k,j].legend(); ax[k,j].grid()
ax[0,0].set_title("Errors: first step constant");
ax[0,1].set_title("Errors: first step Euler")

How to fix never ending runtimes in MATLAB

So I have three seperate function in MATLAB where each have its designated purpose.
The first one calculates the partial derivative
The second finds the roots for a system of two equations and two variables.
The third is supposed to find the critical point.
I have tried doing everything separately and it worked. However when I do this through my CriticalPoint function it just keeps running(it says "busy" in the lower left corner).
I have tried solving this manually. Meaning that I've used each function as intended, saved the values in my workspace and used for the next function.
The only thing different is how I treated my partials.
I have a function which takes evaluates the partial derivative at a point [x,y].
derivative = Pderiv(f, a, b, i)
%The i denotes if the partial derivative is take with respect to x or y
%where if i == 1, then it means that partial derivative is with respect to
%x and if i == 2 then it is with respect to y
The thing I did differently was that I found the partial derivative for f(x,y) manually using pen and paper.
df/dx and df/dy (these are partials, sorry for not using the proper symbol)
And then I inserted it into my function:
[x0,y0] = MyNewton(f, g, a, b)
Where df/dx is the argument for "f" and df/dy is the argument for "g".
This gives me the correct x & y values when df/dx=df/dy=0.
What I want to have it do is for a given function f(x,y)
I want to find the partial derivative where the input values are still represented by x and y.
I was told by my teacher that the following expression:
would be sufficent. Is it though? Since it works when I do it manually but the program runs forever when I define my function g as above.
I'm not sure if it is relevant but here is my code for the partial derivative:
function derivative = NPderiv(f, a, b, i)
h = 0.0000001;
if i == 1
fn(i) = (f(a+h,b)-f(a,b))/h;
elseif i==2
fn(i) = (f(a,b+h)-f(a,b))/h;
derivative = fn(i);
function for my critical point function:
function [x,y] = CriticalPoint(f, a, b)
g=#(x,y)NPderiv(f,x,y,1); %partial derivative for f(x,y) with respect to x
z=#(x,y)NPderiv(f,x,y,2);%partial derivative for f(x,y) with respect to y
MyNewton function:
function [x0,y0] = MyNewton(f, g, a, b)
y0 = b;
x0 = a;
tol = 1e-18;
resf = tol + 1;
resg = tol + 1;
while resf > tol && resg > tol
dfdx = NPderiv(f, x0, y0, 1);
dfdy = NPderiv(f, x0, y0, 2);
dgdx = NPderiv(g, x0, y0, 1);
dgdy = NPderiv(g, x0, y0, 2);
jf1 = [f(x0,y0) dfdy; ...
g(x0,y0) dgdy];
jg1 = [dfdx f(x0,y0); ...
dgdx g(x0,y0)];
j2 = [dfdx dfdy; ...
dgdx dgdy];
jx = det(jf1)./det(j2);
jy = det(jg1)./det(j2);
x0 = x0 - jx;
y0 = y0 - jy;
resf = abs(f(x0,y0));
resg = abs(g(x0,y0));

Algorithm to find a value that gives the minimum output for two or equations

Suppose I have two equations with only one variable (free parameter) x and that k1 and k2 are constants. I would like to solve for:
f(x) + k1 = 0
g(x) + k2 = 0
h(x) + kn = 0
Of course there is no value of x that satisfies all of these equations. I basically would like the value of x that minimizes the output of each of these equations.
'solve' in matlab looks for an exact answer and returns an error, here's an example to demonstrate:
syms x
solution = solve(0.5*(x-k1)/sqrt(2) == 0, 0.5*(x-k2)/sqrt(2) == 0);
You can try using Unconstrained Optimization method such as fminsearch, for example:
h=#(x) x^2;
g=#(x) x^3;
f = #(x) sum(abs([h(x)+k1; g(x)+k2]));
[x,fval] = fminsearch(f,inital_guess)
Note that I represent both eq in matrix form, and the minimization is by looking at the sum of their absolute values.
For the values I entered the value of x that minmize these eq is given by the output x = -1.5874

Using inline function with constant arguments in MATLAB

This is a part of my code.
clear all;
p = 50;
t = [-6 : 0.01 : 6];
f = inline('(t+2).*sin(t)', 't')
v = inline('3*f(p*t+2)','t','f','p')
Here I have two questions.
Why I have to pass p into the function v even though p is a constant which has already declared ?
How I can get an expression for v completely in terms of t as 3*[(50*t+2)*sin(50*t+2)] or in its simplified form ?
This is an update for the second question
f(x) = 1 + x - x^2
g(x) = sin(x)
If I give f(g(x)), I wanna get the output in words, like this
f(g(x)) = (cos(X))^2 + sin(x)
not in numerical value. Is there any function capable to do that?
1) Why do I have to pass p to v even though p is a constant which has already been declared?
Well, a MATLAB's inline function object has an eval wrapper, so the only variables in its scope are those which were automatically captured from the expression or explicitly specified.
In other words, if you want v to recognize p, you have no other option but declaring it when creating the inline object and passing it to v explicitly. The same goes for f as well!
2) How I can get an expression for v completely in terms of t as 3*[(50*t+2)*sin(50*t+2)] or in its simplified form?
Use anonymous functions, like Shai suggested. They are more powerful, more elegant and much faster. For instance:
v = #(t)(3*(50*t+2)*sin(50*t+2))
Note that if you use a name, which is already in use by a variable, as an argument, the anonymous function will treat it as an argument first. It does see other variables in the scope, so doing something like g = #(x)(x + p) is also possible.
EDIT #1:
Here's another example, this time a function of a function:
x = 1:5;
f = #(x)(x .^ 3); %// Here x is a local variable, not as defined above
g = #(x)(x + 2); %// Here x is also a local variable
result = f(g(x));
or alternatively define yet another function that implements that:
h = #(x)f(g(x)); %// Same result as h = #(x)((x + 2) .^ 3)
result = h(x);
The output should be the same.
EDIT #2:
If you want to make an anonymous function out of the expression string, concatenate the '#(x)' (or the correct anonymous header, as you see fit) to the beginning and apply eval, for example:
expr = '(x + 2) .^ 3';
f = eval(['#(x)', expr]) %// Same result as f = #(x)((x + 2) .^ 3)
Note that you can also do char(f) to convert it back into a string, but you'll have to manually get rid of the '#(...)' part.
EDIT #3:
If you're looking for a different solution, you can explore the Symbolic Toolbox. For example, try:
syms x
f(x) = x + 2
g(x) = x ^ 3
or can also use sym, like so:
f(x) = sym('x + 2');
g(x) = sym('x ^ 3');
Use subs to substitute values and evaluate the symbolic expression.
How about using anonymous functions:
p = 50;
t = -6:0.01:6;
f = #(x) (x+2).*sin(x);
v = #(x) 3*f(p*x+2);
subplot(1,2,1); plot( t, f(t) ); title('f(t)');
subplot(1,2,2); plot( t, v(t) ); title('v(t)');
Is this what you wanted?
Adding a constant into an inline can be done during its definition.
Instead of
p = 50;
v = inline('3*f(p*t+2)','t','f','p')
You can write
p = 50;
v = inline( sprintf('3*f(%f*t+2)', p), 't','f')