RestorableBool vs bool in Flutter - flutter

According to documentation, RestorableBool class is a RestorableProperty that knows how to store and restore a bool. One example of RestorableBool is given by flutter itself in the flutter gallery project.
The same result can be achieved by using simple boolean. Click here to get the code of same screen using simple bool.
Is there any special benefits for RestorableBool over usual bool or is there any special context at which we have to use RestorableBool?
Anyone to help?Thanks in advance.

Mobile operating systems fool you into thinking all the apps you have open are actually running. But they are not. The topmost is running, all others are killed. Their last screenshot is kept to uphold the illusion of being able to hold multiple apps open.
When you "switch apps", what happens is that the app that wasn't in the foreground is opened and it's state is restored from memory.
If you don't do anything, your app cannot handle this and will just start as if it was started from scratch.
In Flutter, the Restoration Manager can help you store your state and restore your state. Other options are available, I think hydrated_bloc is probably useful if you are working with bloc patterns.

The example in your code doesn't do the same thing, well it does in your code, but it wouldn't in all cases.
The difference is that RestorableBool is reset to it's initial state, even if it is already in that state, meanwhile your code flips the bool to the opposite value.


Maneuver issues in Turn By Turn Navigation with HERE maps in Flutter

Thanks in advance.
We have to use HERE map's Turn by turn navigation feature in one of our Flutter application, we have added billing in the developer account and have created the necessary keys.
When we try HERE map examples they have provided, we get everything except maneuver instructions that shows the user when to turn right/left/go straight for some distance etc.
I'm new to this and I have no idea how to get this, we never get events on the listener and it only shows updating there, am I missing something ?
this is how it looks right now, Updating...
I think we should be getting the progress here, but we are not getting it here...
_visualNavigator.routeProgressListener = Navigation.RouteProgressListener((routeProgress) { }
Please look into the provided example app. It shows here how to get the maneuver actions.
Your screenshot shows a different app, so make sure everything works with the example app, at first. The app offers to run a simulation mode. This should work. If you run the example app with real GPS updates, you may need to go outside and move to get location updates. This should also work.
If this still does not work, it could either mean that your device has an issue with getting GPS locations. Some iPads, for example, lack support. Or that you have disabled getting location updates. You can cross-check this when trying the positioning_app example from the same repository that shows how to get location updates.
A last point may be to clarify what events you get and what you miss: There are multiple event listeners providing real-time information during guidance - if you have only an issue with maneuvers, then most likely you can solve your issue by following strictly the code of the example app.
Note that previous HERE SDK versions, prior to HERE SDK 4.13.0, only provided empty maneuver instruction texts during guidance when they have been taken from the route instance. Make sure to take this information from the VisualNavigator instead.

reuse result of initialize method from video_player flutter package

Is there option to reuse result of initialize method for video_player package? It takes time for complete - it would be great to cache it (eg. memory level) and reuse it when you back to before used video - and simple use cached data instead of wait for initialize result. I need it for intensive switching between videos.
There is a package called cached_video_player which may help resolve your problem. Check it out here.
I think you are asking about having the screen/page/widget pre-render. That is not currently supported by flutter according to this issue filed on github:
Sure, but this is not very scalable and will quickly turn into a mess. It's much simpler and more flexible to just give MyRoute someway it can cache the next route, and then show that cached route when it needs. But flutter doesn't support this as everything needs to be 'on-stage' before it can be initialized. In AIR, or Unity, I could simply construct my new page, and it would begin loading data, I could then toss it on stage whenever I want.
PS. You probably already know you can pre-cache the video data/file itself.

How to clear/invalidate ambient cache on iOS app

When I update tilesets on mapbox, changes don't appear in the iOS app unless I re-install it. There is seemingly documentation on this here: but I can't figure out how exactly to implement it. I don't have an MGLOfflineStorage object because I am not worried about offline map storage right now, I just want to refresh the cache in the app. There are good examples of how to do this in android, but not on iOS. Any help is appreciated (preferably in swift)
It appears to be correct to call the methods on the shared MGLOfflineStorage object. The method parameter should be a closure containing any code you want to execute upon completion.
MGLOfflineStorage.shared.invalidateAmbientCache { error in
Naturally you should check the error in the usual 'safe' way.

Cocoa invoke Service, do not overwrite Pasteboard

I have created a Service in Cocoa which grabs the selected Text and sends the result back to my Main App, so i can handle it there ( Couldn't find any other way to get current selection), now that the Service works and appears in the Service Menu, i tried to invoke the Service from my parent App to get current selection, after some goggling around i found this snippet:
NSPasteboard *pboard = [NSPasteboard pasteboardWithUniqueName];
[pboard declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSStringPboardType] owner:nil];
NSPerformService(#"PCB", pboard);
This one works as far as it triggers my Service, the Problem here is it redefines the NSPasteboard, so my service doesn't get the selected text, but a NIL Value Pasteboard which is blank, how can i prevent this?
And does someone know how to convert a .service bundle into an .app bundle that performs itself and sends the data and kills itself after finish?
thx for help
You want to get the text that is selected in another application, right? Probably in the front application, while your app is in the background.
For this to work, you'd have to have the Service be invoked by the front application. If you invoke it from your app in the background, it can't access the front app's text field that contains the selected text. Instead, it'll try to find a text field in your own app's responder chain (I believe – someone correct me if I'm wrong on this detail).
But for your code to run in the app's process, you'll have to inject it somehow, which is - out of security concerns - mostly prohibited by OS X, and especially with sandboxed apps.
There are ways to accomplish code injection, one that 1Password and other popular tools use it through an osax extension. But that's an entirely different topic.
Once you have your code running inside the other app's process, you should be able to copy the selected text (provided it's a Cocoa app) with [NSTextView writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:]. I haven't tested this myself, though, so this is just an assumption.

SDL.NET (VB/C#): What should the startup object and application type be?

I eventually couldn't get any further with my program due to the various shortcomings of VB.NET (bad audio support, no reading events in the middle of execution, very weak keyboard input, etc). So I tried SDL.NET 6.1.
Despite its terrible documentation, I was able to fix my code to use it and I love it!
But there's a problem. I don't know how to set up my application settings for it. The Startup Object definitely should be a class (the examples always are in classes, never modules), but a startup class specifically has to be a form! This is bad because SDL makes its own window via SetVideoMode; you don't need a form. So when the form constructor New() finishes, a useless form is created and you have two windows.
I tried placing a call to the game engine loop within New() so that the game starts up without New() ever finishing. The game runs normally, and this solves the "second window" problem... but it can't be closed! X button does nothing, calls to Events.QuitApplication or Me.Close are blatantly ignored, etc.
I'm stumped. It seems I need to set a non-form class as the startup object, but it won't let me.
Oh, by the way, it seems that there are two things called "SDL NET". To clarify, I'm using this one, which exists in the SdlDotNet namespace.
Oh, I forgot to mention, I also noticed that a lot of the examples have a line that says "[STAThread]". Is this is important?
I've already received and accepted an answer for my question, but I want to tell other people what the problem is with exiting/closing the app, even though that wasn't my question:
While SDL.NET allows you to receive input and run other events without having to stop running logic, the application still cannot quit while logic is being run. So I find the best way to tell your SDL.NET application to Quit in the middle of running logic is to use the following TWO lines:
Place these in the handler for the SdlDotNet.Core.Events.Quit event, as well as anywhere else you want your program to quit.
The Startup Object definitely should be a class (the examples always are in classes, never modules)
Here's your mistake. There's no real difference between a class and a VB module from CLR perspective. So just make it a module with Main and go on. There is no need for a class. I suspect you're looking at C# examples, which use classes - but that's because there is no such thing as a module in C#.
[STAThread] probably won't make any difference for SDL. It is important for UI applications (both WinForms and WPF require it), but I don't think that SDL does any COM calls, so it shouldn't care whether your thread is STA or not. It's just something that Visual Studio puts on Main in new projects by default.
