Visual Studio Code - Where is the terminal output history saved? - visual-studio-code

I ran a python script that had important timings inside the script but I accidently killed the terminal.
Is there a way to see terminal history outputs somewhere?
I tried to find an answer to my question but only thing I could find is how to find the history of commands I have ran.


VS Code Integrated terminal does not execute commands from extensions

Ideally, the integrated VS Code terminal, depending on the context, the type of the folder and the extension, executes some commands. For example, when opening a folder containing a Python virtual environment in VS code, the environment is recognized and activated (by the python extension) by default when opening a new integrated terminal instance (situation 1). This is done by running some command similar to source /path/to/venv/bin/activate.
Or, when using the ROS extension to debug nodes, selecting "Start Debugging (F5)" uses the launch.json file to start some nodes and finally starts debugging the desired code. To do so also, there is some command that is executed (also by he ROS extension, I assume) in the integrated terminal (situation 2) to start the debugging process. In case of debugging ROS nodes, the command usually looks something like /usr/bin/env /bin/sh /tmp/someFileName.
But, unfortunately, both of the above mentioned situations fail. I believe this happens because while the extension tries to run these two commands within their respective integrated terminals, the commands do not actually get executed in either situation. Instead, these commands are printed on the top of the terminal, but the state of the terminal is unchanged (as opposed to when the commands would have been executed, in which case depending on the commands some actions are performed). Here are two images to show what I mean. Top, situation 1 and bottom, situation 2.
The fact that these two commands are printed on top of the terminal as soon as the a new terminal instance is opened tells me that the extension tries to execute them, but they do not work for some unknown reasons.
Just to be clear, both of them are run in a seperate VC Code window, they have nothing to do with each other. When I manually run both the commands in their respective terminals I do get the desired results.
Now, I am unsure exactly how to name this issue. But I think this is surely an issue with the integrated terminal, and not a problem of the extensions. I am not sure how one could reproduce this problem.
I did a clean reinstall of VS code by deleting %APPDATA%\Code and %USERPROFILE%\.vscode. Because I am using this on WSL, there is only ~/.vscode-server on the ubuntu side. I manually uninstalled all extensions on WSL but did not delete this folder, in fear of breaking something. The problem still persisted. I have also created an issue on the VS Code GitHub page with nearly the same information.
I am unsure if this is a bug or is there something wrong with my settings. Does anyone know how I could fix this? For smaller use-cases I can still manually enter the command in the terminal. But I am trying to debug a ROS application with nearly 10 different terminals opening up and I cannot be manually entering the command each time to restart the process.
Please let me know if you need any more information. Many thanks in advance.
Edit: both edits to frame the question properly.
Although not related to WSL, I dug a little deeper today as to why in my case the extension commands were not being executed or were being chopped.
I'm an iTerm2 user. iTerm2 has something called Shell Integrations, which allow iTerm to behave differently under certain circumstances, for example, adding markers to each prompt or coloring output with certain text (e.g. WARNING or ERROR)
From time to time, I also use the VSCode Integrated Terminal, which recently added support for reporting whether the previous command errored out with an indicator on the gutter of the Integrated Terminal panel using the exit code.
iTerm can do something similar but the shell integrations mess up completely the VSCode functionality and therefore I changed my .bashrc file to detect if the terminal emulator was iTerm2 or not (which can be done with the it2check utility of iTerm2) so that it only sourced the shell integrations if I was using iTerm2.
The problem is that it2check "eats" some STDIN bytes using dd, specifically, until it finds an n so that it can obtain the name of the emulator. This of course chops the commands on the STDIN until the first n and makes VSCode Extension Terminal commands unusable
The workaround I came up with is to use the value of "$TERM_PROGRAM" as means to distinguish between the different programs. The only caveat is that the value won't be passed if you're inside of a tmux session or similar, but I can live with that.
In your case, I'd check for any process that is either not passing the STDIN to the WSL process or any dot files or shell profile scripts eating up the STDIN they receive.
I suspect that the real problem is that the local process doesn't relay the STDIN contents to the WSL and as a workaround you may try to create a VSCode Integrated Terminal profile that uses SSH to connect to the WSL host so that the STDIN is preserved

Dedicated Command History panel in VS Code

I'd find it convenient to be able to quickly recall past commands issued in the terminal. In Matlab one can simply select any number of those from the Command HIstory panel, and reissue them in the Terminal all at once:
In VS Code (on Windows), I know there is a command to pull up the log text file:
But I find this extremely cumbersome as a solution to call up multiple lines at a time. Is there an VS Code addon that creates a Matlab-like Command History panel with timestamped commands (didn't find any searching myself)? Or is such feedback taken into consideration by Microsoft?
See v1.70 release notes:
Triggering the Terminal: Run Recent Command... will bring up a QuickPick panel of recent terminal commands in which you can search, fuzzy or not, through the recent commands.
There are some examples of commands for going to the next item in the list, for example.
See the supported shells and OS's mentioned below. I believe it is still accurate. Git Bash on Windows doesn't work with this new recent command functionality, but powershell does. Support for MacOS and linux is stronger: bash, powershell and zsh.
And see v1.69 release notes: run recent command:
Some other functionality of the command:
In the current session section, there is a clipboard icon in the right
of the Quick Pick that will open the command output in an editor. Alt
can be held to write the text to the terminal without running it. The
amount of history stored in the previous session section is determined
by the terminal.integrated.shellIntegration.history setting.
There is currently no keybinding assigned by default but it can be
hooked up to Ctrl+Space for example with the
following keybinding:
"key": "ctrl+space", // whatever keybinding you want
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.runRecentCommand",
"when": "terminalFocus"
This might help (coming to v1.64):
Terminal shell integration
The terminal now features experimental opt-in shell integration which
allows VS Code to gain insights on what is going on within the
terminal as it was previously a black box. When enabled using
"terminal.integrated.enableShellIntegration": true, arguments to run
a shell integration script will be injected into your terminal profile
if possible. The script itself mostly just injects invisible sequences
into your prompt, providing us with information like where the prompt,
command and command output is, what the current working directory
(cwd) is for each command and the exit code of each command.
Shell integration enables the following new features:
Run recent command: Since we know what commands are run, we have
exposed a command that allows you to view and run them again in a
quick pick.
Developer: Run Recent Command run this command from the Command Palette
The current shells supported are pwsh for Windows and pwsh, bash and
zsh for Linux and macOS.
from release notes: terminal shell integration
Although I switched to powerShell on W11 to test this feature - which should be supported - I can't get it to work just now. I wanted to see if you could pick multiple command entries in the QuickPick to run a series of them, but I doubt you can. But at least you get a nice list of recent commands.

Visual Studio Code terminal commands deletion

I was messing around in python and ran a few programs from terminal and noticed that using the up arrow you could backtrack to previously ran program. I thought this was a nice feature but I'm wondering where and which file I have to edit to delete past commands?
Note: Restarting VS Code doesn't remove these commands from terminal history

Change to case in folders are not reflected in intellisense

When I rename folders in VSCode intellisense gets confused. Is there a way to reset intellisense?
If you run the Reload Window command from the VS Command Palette it will restart the analysis server, which will reanalyse and should fix things up.
However, this seems like a nasty bug. Would you mind running the Dart: Capture Logs command, reproducing the issue and then opening an issue on GitHub with the log (please review it for anything sensitive) and detailed steps so we can investigate?

VSCode Powershell integrated terminal hangs when starting

I am using VSCode version 1.12.2 in Windows 10 x64 build 16193. I am trying to debug Powershell in VSCode, but I cannot get the PowerShell Integrated Terminal working. Every time I started the terminal, here's what I see:
And then it hangs in that stage. I can still debug, start, step in, step out..., but I cannot view my variable or run any expression.
My VSCode is using powershell x64 here:
"": "C:\\WINDOWS\\Sysnative\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe"
So this is a known issue with this version of windows 10. Workaround here:
It's possible it's getting stuck on something while loading your profile(s). Try adding this to your settings to skip this:
"powershell.enableProfileLoading": false
I have had a similar problem, it seems. I cannot be sure it is the same, but when I would "load a file with VSCode" (user installer confirmed, system installer unconfirmed), it would hang. The following avenues tested:
Double-clicking on a PS1 file (the association to Code being made)
Starting VsCode empty and then loading the file
Starting VsCode from the command-line with a file-designation parameter
Using the --verbose switch, I got a listing which lead me to believe that VsCode seemed to be checking on updates using NPM (I could be wrong here).
Whatever the underlying problem, I did a lot of prodding and probing, and the cure I found was this.
Delete the directory called C:\Users\YourUserId\.vscode.
This directory is rather large, is not wiped by software removal, and may be corrupted apparently. After deleting it, the problem disappeared.