How to make BodyDef smooth movement - flame

I tried to use the method setTransform like this:
void update(double dt) {
if (side == 3) {
body.setTransform(Vector2(0, gameRef.increasedHeight), 0);
But the item looks like it is flashing from point A to point B, and the Items above this body are falling. I just want this body and the items above to move smoothly in a direction , how to achieve this? Thanks, I found some methods like using MouseJoint, but I guess it is too complicated for my topic?
Hi spydon, thanks for reply, I checked your answer, sry I didnt describe my question clearly.
The item I want to keep moving upward is like a wall/ground so it is a static body, therefore applyLinearImpulse/applyForce does not work right (since these both works only for dynamic body?).
Therefore I found setTransform, which works for static body,
increasedHeight++; //<= in update method
body.setTransform(Vector2(0, increasedHeight), 0);
works fine which make my ground move upward in 1 unit, but if the distance is larger than 1 unit, like
increasedHeight = increasedHeight + 10;,
the ground will be beamed to top and balls on this ground will be falling, which I don't want to, I tried to make balls and ground move together upward, is it possible?
Thanks for your time!
Hi Spydon, thanks again for your help! Plz check the example I created, since this Ground didn't move upward as I expected and just stuck in the position ...
class Ground extends SpriteBodyComponent {
Vector2 groundPosition;
bool removed = false;
final velocity = Vector2(0, 1000);
Ground({Sprite sprite, Vector2 size, this.groundPosition}) : super(sprite, size);
Body createBody() {
final shape = CircleShape()..radius = size.x / 4;
var position = groundPosition.clone();
var worldPosition = viewport.getScreenToWorld(position);
final fixtureDef = FixtureDef()
..shape = shape
..restitution = 0.1
..density = 0.1
..friction = 0.1;
final bodyDef = BodyDef()
..userData = this
..angularDamping = 0.1
..position = worldPosition
..type = BodyType.STATIC;
return world.createBody(bodyDef)..createFixture(fixtureDef);
void update(double dt) {
body.setTransform(velocity * dt, 0);
print('body position == ${body.position.y}'); //<= body position == 16.667

You should almost never use setTransform on dynamic bodies, since this disturbs the physics calculations. If you are not certain that you need the physics simulation you most likely want to go with pure Flame and use one of the MoveEffects instead.
If you do need Forge2D, you should either use body.applyLinearImpulse or body.applyForce, depending on how you want to affect your bodies movement.
You can read more about it here and you can check out the flame_forge2d examples here, you can get to the code for each example by pressing < > in the upper right corner.
Reply to updated question:
You should change these things in your update method which gives you a delta time dt, this delta time you use together with the velocity that you want to the body to change with, for example:
final velocity = Vector2(0, 100); // Will move with 100px/s
void update(double dt) {
if(!velocity.isZero) {
// Here you have to multiply with dt, to make the transform become px/s
body.setTransform(velocity * dt, 0);


how to make rigidbody slide on diagonal wall collision

I'm struggling a lot with moving Rigidbodies, currently I have this method to move player:
private void SimpleMove()
var scaledMovementSpeed = movementSpeed;
_isRunning = false;
if (Run)
scaledMovementSpeed *= runMultiplier;
_isRunning = true;
var trans = transform;
var forward = trans.forward;
var newDirection = Vector3.RotateTowards(forward, SimpleMoveVector, Time.fixedDeltaTime * rotationSpeed, 0.0f);
trans.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(newDirection, trans.up);
var velocity = _rigidbody.velocity;
var velocityChange = new Vector3(forward.x * scaledMovementSpeed, velocity.y, forward.z * scaledMovementSpeed) - velocity;
_rigidbody.AddForce(velocityChange, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
_isMoving = true;
Map is build out of simple cubes right now and the player has capsule collider on him with freeze rotation on all axes.
By tweaking force values a little bit I managed to get it to work properly without the need to check for collisions myself but
expected behavior of player going diagonally into wall is to slide perpendicular to its surface. When I get close to cube's corner character slides across but when I'm going diagonally into a wall character just stops. Haven't tried it with analog input yet.
Is there a way to properly make character slide (fe. put proper physics material on him, or the wall?) or do I need to explicitly check and manage these collisions myself for that?
I thought that my turn-and-then-go-forward method might be messing with proper colliding, but I made the turn instant and the behavior was exactly the same.

Is there a max speed in Forge2D

When I try to do applyForce or applyLinearImpulse, I can only get a slow (but stable) speed regardless of how much force I add. Is there a max speed that is applied and restricting my bodies from going faster? I want to be able to have a bullet shooting effect.
I have checked some tutorial, but the velocity still seems too slow, even if I set body.linearVelocity = Vector2(5000, -5000); it moves slow.
bool onTapDown(TapDownInfo info) {
body.applyLinearImpulse(Vector2(5, -1) * 1000000000);
return false;
gravity is zero, and here is body data:
Body createBody() {
final Shape shape = CircleShape()..radius = 30;
final bodyDef = BodyDef(
userData: this,
angularDamping: 0,
position: Vector2(100, 500),
type: BodyType.dynamic,
final fixtureDef = FixtureDef(shape)
..shape = shape
..restitution = 1
..density = 0.0001
..friction = 0;
return world.createBody(bodyDef)..createFixture(fixtureDef);
thank you!
This is due to that you have set the zoom level to 1, instead of 10 which is the default. This makes the bodies hit the top speed very quickly, so instead you should just make the bodies smaller and zoom in on them. This is not only Forge2D specific, but applies to pretty much all ports of box2d and box2d itself. You can read more about it here.

GameObject is vibrating throughout the movement

I have a GameObject that takes position coordinates from a file. This GameObject moves with vibration rather than smoothly. (as if moving back and forth.)
Here is the code that provides the movement:
int counter = 0;
void Update()
var maxDistance = speed_* Time.deltaTime;
var oldPosition = transform.position;
var newPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, positions[counter], maxDistance);
var actualDistance = Vector3.Distance(newPosition, oldPosition);
var distanceRemainder = maxDistance - actualDistance;
if (distanceRemainder > 0.0001)
newPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards(newPosition, positions[counter], distanceRemainder);
transform.localPosition = newPosition;
NOTE: The data read from the file is in the "positions" array (x,y,z coordinates).
When I lower the 300f value in the variable maxDistance, the vibration stops and the motion becomes more fluid. However, Gameobject speed is also slowing down. How can I ensure a fast and smooth movement?
While looking for a solution of the problem, I came across the this topic. It helped me learn the source of the problem.
I have observed that the GameObject is not vibrating in Scene view, it was moving smoothly. But the object seemed to be vibrating in GameView. The problem is not the moving object, it's the camera function I write to follow it.
The camera function that was written to follow the object has been updated and the problem has disappeared.
One can see more of the solution by going to Post #13 in the link above.
Thanks to everyone trying to help.
This is caused cause you are using your distanceRemainder as your maxDistanceDelta, which I think is incorrect, if you want a smooth movement, you should multiply it for the Time.deltaTime, try:
newPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards(newPosition, positions[counter], distanceRemainder*Time.deltaTime);
Or simply declare speed variable and do:
newPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards(newPosition, positions[counter], speed*Time.deltaTime);
I assume what you want is your object moving with a constant speed to the first position. Once it reaches it, move to the next one.
I would do it in a simple Coroutine which is better to understand and maintain than doing stuff in Update:
private void Start()
// todo assign positions
private IEnumerator RunPositions()
foreach(var position in positions)
while(!Mathf.Approximately(Vector3.Distance(transform.position, position), 0))
var maxDistance = speed_* Time.deltaTime;
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, positions[counter], maxDistance);
// render and continue in the next frame
yield return null;
If you are fine with a precision of 0.00001 you can also simply use
while(transform.position != position)

Remove delay between lerps

I made a simple script that goes to one waypoint and then to the next.
My problem is that it seems to be a delay while going from waypoint1 to waypoint2 and i don't know why:
¿Why is that delay happening and how can i remove it?
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Missile : MonoBehaviour
public Vector3 finalTarget;
public Transform forwardObject;
public GameObject impactAreaPrefab;
float smoothingDelay = 0.1f;
bool fired = false;
bool powerPhase = true;
Vector3 currentTarget;
private void OnEnable() {
fire(new Vector3(-25.29f, 0.5f, -10.638f));
void fire(Vector3 coords) {
currentTarget = forwardObject.position;
finalTarget = coords;
Instantiate(impactAreaPrefab, finalTarget, Quaternion.identity);
fired = true;
void Update() {
if (!fired) {
if (powerPhase && transform.position == currentTarget) {
powerPhase = false;
currentTarget = finalTarget;
smoothingDelay = 0.05f;
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, currentTarget, Time.deltaTime / smoothingDelay);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.RotateTowards(transform.forward, currentTarget, 1, 0.0f)), Time.deltaTime / smoothingDelay);
That's happening, because you're using lerp not exactly properly. If you want to get linear movement you should cache your first argument (position/rotation on beginning) and provide increasing third parameter. This delay is happening because if your bullet is very close to final position and it's still trying to get there, but your current distance |finalPos - transform.position| is so small that your step Time.deltaTime/smoothingDelay is almost not moving it.
Vector3 startPos;
Vector3 finalPos;
float currentT = 0.0f;
void Update()
currentT += Time.deltaTime;
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, finalPos, currentT);
Checking if Vector3 == Vector3 is also not a good idea. Use pattern from above and check if currentT is larger or equal to 1. If it's true then you're on final position. You get also some control over movement duration by dividing currentT.
So First thing read these post to get better understanding of Lerp function-
You should have a better understanding of lerp now.
In summary lerp does a really simple thing. Say u have two values X and Y. For this example let us give them some value, X = 0, Y = 1, Now you want to get a value some percent between them, like u want to get a value which is 50% from X and Y. You can guess the answer is 0.5. The lerp equation for this would be
Mathf.Lerp(0, 1, 0.5f);
So simply- given two values, x and y, Mathf.Lerp returns a value that is t percent between them.
Now to properly use Lerp you need to cache the position before starting the lerp. Most times I use a coroutine to get this effect works pretty well and then u can use animation curve to change the third parameter to create some crazy good effects. For example on using a animation curve just comment i will write it.
For this problem of yours you have two options-
1) Lerp like a pro using Animation curve to manipulate the speed. Remember u can create animation curves in runtime too.
IENumerator Move(Transform toMove, Vector3 end, float duration){
Vector3 startPos = toMove.position;
float elapsed = 0f;
while(elapsed < duration){
elapsed += Time.deltaTime;
toMove.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, end, elapsed / duration);//manipulate the last parameter to move the object linearly
yield return null;//basically wait for next frame
toMove.position = end;//after lerp ends
Now you can instead of duration use speed and then with it you calculate the time required and change the speed to make it faster
float distance = Vector3.Distance(startPos, end);
toMove.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, end, elapsed / (distance/(speed * multiplier)));
2) Use Vector3.MoveTowards - This function moves a point to a end point with a given maximum step, requires three paramters, (currentPosition, end, step), u can multiply step with variable to control the speed, both work really good.
Using this is much easier in most cases
float step = speed * Time.deltaTime;//to make it framerate independent
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, end, step * multiplier);
Hope this helps. I am sorry I was unable to format my answer properly, hopefully will get better at answering. Any edits to improve the answer are welcomed :)
I recommend using iTween for smooth movement.
I modified iTween at some point for me to be able to do anything I want. like this:
public static void Rotate (Transform transform, Vector3 target, float transitionTime, Action onEnd = null, bool ignoreTimescale = false, iTween.EaseType ease = iTween.EaseType.easeInOutQuad, float delay = 0)
Vector3 from, to;
from = transform.localEulerAngles;
to = target;
Action <object> onUpdateAction = (rotation =>
transform.localEulerAngles = (Vector3) rotation;
Action <object> onCompleteAction = (data =>
if (onEnd != null)
onEnd ();
Hashtable hash = new Hashtable ();
hash.Add ("from", from);
hash.Add ("to", to);
hash.Add ("time", transitionTime);
hash.Add ("delay", delay);
hash.Add ("easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeInOutQuad);
hash.Add ("ignoretimescale", ignoreTimescale);
hash.Add ("onupdate", onUpdateAction);
hash.Add ("oncomplete", onCompleteAction);
iTween.ValueTo (transform.gameObject, hash);
That gives me full control in a variety of scenarios.
Here is the code if you want to implement it.

Why comparing float values is such difficult?

I am newbie in Unity platform. I have 2D game that contains 10 boxes vertically following each other in chain. When a box goes off screen, I change its position to above of the box at the top. So the chain turns infinitely, like repeating Parallax Scrolling Background.
But I check if a box goes off screen by comparing its position with a specified float value. I am sharing my code below.
void Update () {
offSet = currentSquareLine.transform.position;
currentSquareLine.transform.position = new Vector2 (0f, -2f) + offSet;
Vector2 vectorOne = currentSquareLine.transform.position;
Vector2 vectorTwo = new Vector2 (0f, -54f);
if(vectorOne.y < vectorTwo.y) {
string name =;
int squareLineNumber = int.Parse(name.Substring (11)) ;
if(squareLineNumber < 10) {
} else {
squareLineNumber = 1;
GameObject squareLineAbove = GameObject.Find ("Square_Line" + squareLineNumber);
offSet = (Vector2) squareLineAbove.transform.position + new Vector2(0f, 1.1f);
currentSquareLine.transform.position = offSet;
As you can see, when I compare vectorOne.y and vectorTwo.y, things get ugly. Some boxes lengthen and some boxes shorten the distance between each other even I give the exact vector values in the code above.
I've searched for a solution for a week, and tried lots of codes like Mathf.Approximate, Mathf.Round, but none of them managed to compare float values properly. If unity never compares float values in the way I expect, I think I need to change my way.
I am waiting for your godlike advices, thanks!
Here is my screen. I have 10 box lines vertically goes downwards.
When Square_Line10 goes off screen. I update its position to above of Square_Line1, but the distance between them increases unexpectedly.
Okay, I found a solution that works like a charm.
I need to use an array and check them in two for loops. First one moves the boxes and second one check if a box went off screen like below
public GameObject[] box;
float boundary = -5.5f;
float boxDistance = 1.1f;
float speed = -0.1f;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
for (int i = 0; i < box.Length; i++) {
box[i].transform.position = box[i].transform.position + new Vector3(0, speed, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < box.Length; i++)
if(box[i].transform.position.y < boundary)
int topIndex = (i+1) % box.Length;
box[i].transform.position = new Vector3(box[i].transform.position.x, box[topIndex].transform.position.y + boxDistance, box[i].transform.position.z);
I attached it to MainCamera.
Try this solution:
bool IsApproximately(float a, float b, float tolerance = 0.01f) {
return Mathf.Abs(a - b) < tolerance;
The reason being that the tolerances in the internal compare aren't good to use. Change the tolerance value in a function call to be lower if you need more precision.