how to make rigidbody slide on diagonal wall collision - unity3d

I'm struggling a lot with moving Rigidbodies, currently I have this method to move player:
private void SimpleMove()
var scaledMovementSpeed = movementSpeed;
_isRunning = false;
if (Run)
scaledMovementSpeed *= runMultiplier;
_isRunning = true;
var trans = transform;
var forward = trans.forward;
var newDirection = Vector3.RotateTowards(forward, SimpleMoveVector, Time.fixedDeltaTime * rotationSpeed, 0.0f);
trans.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(newDirection, trans.up);
var velocity = _rigidbody.velocity;
var velocityChange = new Vector3(forward.x * scaledMovementSpeed, velocity.y, forward.z * scaledMovementSpeed) - velocity;
_rigidbody.AddForce(velocityChange, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
_isMoving = true;
Map is build out of simple cubes right now and the player has capsule collider on him with freeze rotation on all axes.
By tweaking force values a little bit I managed to get it to work properly without the need to check for collisions myself but
expected behavior of player going diagonally into wall is to slide perpendicular to its surface. When I get close to cube's corner character slides across but when I'm going diagonally into a wall character just stops. Haven't tried it with analog input yet.
Is there a way to properly make character slide (fe. put proper physics material on him, or the wall?) or do I need to explicitly check and manage these collisions myself for that?
I thought that my turn-and-then-go-forward method might be messing with proper colliding, but I made the turn instant and the behavior was exactly the same.


Unity3D - Move camera perpendicular to where it's facing

I'm adding the option for players to move the camera to the sides. I also want to limit how far they can move the camera to the sides.
If the camera was aligned with the axis, I could simply move around X/Z axis and set a limit on each axis as to how far it can go. But my problem is that the camera is rotated, so I'm stuck figuring out how to move it and set a limit. How could I implement this?
using UnityEngine;
public class CameraController : MonoBehaviour
Camera cam;
Vector3 dragOrigin;
bool drag = false;
void Awake()
cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
void LateUpdate()
// Camera movement with mouse
Vector3 diff = (cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition)) - cam.transform.position;
if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
if (drag == false)
drag = true;
dragOrigin = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
drag = false;
if (drag)
// Here I want to set a constraint in a rectangular plane perpendicular to camera view
transform.position = dragOrigin - diff;
Transform in Unity comes with a handy Transform.right property, which regards the object's rotation. To move your camera sideways you could further utilize Lerp to make the movement smooth.
transform.position += transform.right * factor
moves an object to the right.
Use factor to adjust the desired distance and by doing so you can also set limits. Negative factor would mean moving left by the way:) Hope that helps!
It can be tricky to deal with constraints on rotated objects. The math behind this includes some vector/rotation math to figure out the correct limits relative to the object's orientation, and whether you've exceeded them.
Luckily though, Unity gives you some shortcuts to skip this math: Transform.InverseTransformPoint() and Transform.TransformPoint()! These two methods allow you to transform a point in world space into a point in local space, and vice versa.
That means that no matter how your camera is oriented, you can interpret a position from the orientation of the camera - and with just a couple extra steps, your X/Z constraints are usable because you can calculate X/Z from the camera's point of view.
Let's try to adapt your current script to use this:
using UnityEngine;
public class CameraController : MonoBehaviour
// Set the X and Z values in the editor to define the rectangle within
// which your camera can move
public Vector3 maxConstraints;
public Vector3 minConstraints;
Camera cam;
Vector3 dragOrigin;
bool drag = false;
Vector3 cameraStart;
void Awake()
cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
// Here, we record the start since we'll need a reference to determine
// how far the camera has moved within the allowed rectangle
cameraStart = transform.position;
void LateUpdate()
// Camera movement with mouse
Vector3 diff = (cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition)) - cam.transform.position;
if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
if (drag == false)
drag = true;
dragOrigin = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
drag = false;
if (drag)
// Now, rather than setting the position directly, let's make sure it's
// within the valid rectangle first
Vector3 newPosition = dragOrigin - diff;
// First, we get into the local space of the camera and determine the delta
// between the start and possible new position
Vector3 localStart = transform.InverseTransformPoint(cameraStart);
Vector3 localNewPosition = transform.InverseTransformPoint(newPosition);
Vector3 localDelta = localNewPosition - localStart;
// Now, we calculate constrained values for the X and Z coordinates
float clampedDeltaX = Mathf.Clamp(localDelta.x, minConstraint.x, maxConstraint.x);
float clampedDeltaZ = Mathf.Clamp(localDelta.z, minConstraint.z, maxConstraint.z);
// Then, we can use the constrained values to determine the constrained position
// within local space
Vector3 localClampedPosition = new Vector3(clampedDeltaX, localDelta.y, clampedDeltaZ)
+ localStart;
// Finally, we can convert the local position back to world space and use it
transform.position = transform.TransformPoint(localConstrainedPosition);
Note that I'm somewhat assuming dragOrigin - diff moves your camera correctly in its present state. If it doesn't do what you want, please include details on the unwanted behaviour and we can sort that out too.

Detect collisions between 2 objects

I'm trying to do a little game on mobile using Unity and I've got a problem with the rotation of a maze.
To add context :
When your moving your finger on the screen, the maze is rotating on himself. There is a ball in it and you need to make it go on a cell to win the level.
When the maze is rotating too fast, the ball falls down and go through the ground and I don't know how to fix it.
I tried to play with the gravity, colliders...
This is the same when the ball is jumping (when the maze is going up and down quickly).
For the moment I just reset the ball position when you're falling.
ball.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 2, 0);
maze.transform.position =;
maze.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
Do you guys have some ideas ? Thanks
I had a similar problem in a tilt maze mini-game I worked on. Ideally implementing jkimishere's solution will work but I assume the maze is moving too fast for the collisions to register properly. You'll need to smooth the maze's rotation with a Lerp. In our case we had pressure plates with a tilt value, so it doesn't directly translate to your mobile use but perhaps give you a nudge in the right direction. We used:
public GameObject maze;
private float _lerpTime;
private bool _isRotating;
private Quaternion _startingRot, _desiredRot;
private void Awake()
_startingRot = maze.transform.localRotation;
private void Update()
//Don't want to move the maze if we don't ask for it
//Lerp the maze's rotation
_lerpTime = Mathf.Clamp(_lerpTime + Time.deltaTime * 0.5f, 0f, 1f);
maze.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(_startingRot, _desiredRot, _lerpTime);
//Once the maze gets where it needs to be, stop moving it
_isRotating = false;
private void ActivateTilt()
//Set the new starting point of the rotation.
_startingRot = maze.transform.localRotation;
//However you want to calculate the desired rotation here
//Reset our lerp and start rotating again
_lerpTime = 0f;
_isRotating = true;
This will ease the rotation of your maze over time. So that the ball can adapt to the new collider positions.
In the rigidbody(for the ball), make the collision detection to continuous, and in the rigidbody for the maze(if you have one) set the collision detection to continuous dynamic. Hope this helps!
I think that is unavoidable if you allow the player to move the platform freely. I suggest you restrain the speed at wich the player can tilt the platform. This way, the ball will have more frames to adapt to the new slope

Player stops move the character direction resets [Unity 2D]

My character is a car and I try to rotate it the direction it move, so far so good I succeeded to do that but once I stop moving the character flips back to the direction it was on the start.
Also how can I make my turns from side to the opposite site smooth ?
Here is my code so far:
[SerializeField] float driveSpeed = 5f;
Rigidbody2D myRigidbody;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
myRigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
private void Move()
//Control of velocity of the car
float HorizontalcontrolThrow = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Horizontal"); // Value between -1 to 1
float VerticalcontrolThrow = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Vertical"); // Value between -1 to 1
Vector2 playerVelocity = new Vector2(HorizontalcontrolThrow * driveSpeed, VerticalcontrolThrow * driveSpeed);
myRigidbody.velocity =playerVelocity;
**//Direction of the car**
Vector2 direction = new Vector2(HorizontalcontrolThrow, VerticalcontrolThrow);
float angle = Mathf.Atan2(direction.y, direction.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
myRigidbody.rotation = angle;
I'm not sure about this, but maybe that last line "myRigidbody.rotation = angle" being called every frame is what is making your car reset its rotation.
Maybe change it to "myRigidbody.rotation *= angle" or "myRigidbody.rotation += angle".
It looks like it may be because HorizontalcontrolThrow and VerticalcontrolThrow are going to be reset when you release the controls. If it's resetting to its original orientation, then what's happening is that until you move, those two values are going to be at their default value. You then move and it affects the rotation. But when you release the controls, those values are back to the starting values again, and so is your rotation.
What you therefore need to do is try to separate the HorizontalcontrolThrow and VerticalcontrolThrow from the rest of the code, which should only be activated when at least one of these two variables are not at their default setting (I can't remember what the axis functions return at the moment).
An IF statement should suffice (some rough pseudo code):
if (horizontalAxis != default || verticalAxis != default)
I solved the snap rotation using Quaternion at rotation, the issiu I had with it was to convert it from 3d to 2d, through the guide of this clip: and made my adjustments it works just fine !

Unity Navmeshagent won't face the target object when reaches stopping distance

I'm trying to get the NPC to look at the main character when I'm talking to him. I need to make sure it looks natural and that he is facing me. I know I can do Transform.LookAt() but that is too instant and unnatural.
How do I rotate the navmeshagent to face my character when its stopped moving?
Try this out to control the body orientation - the slerp is adjustable to your desired rotation speed (
private void FaceTarget(Vector3 destination)
Vector3 lookPos = destination - transform.position;
lookPos.y = 0;
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(lookPos);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, rotation, [fill in desired rotation speed]);
if(agent.remainingDistance < agent.stoppingDistance)
agent.updateRotation = false;
//insert your rotation code here
else {
agent.updateRotation = true;
This will rotate your agent when it's distance below the stoppingDistance variable. However it will look inhuman, so if you're going for a humanoid ai I'd recommend looking at the unity Mecanim demo (particularly the locomotion scene) as it has code and animations that will properly animate the agent.
Maybe try this Head Look Controller. It's very smooth and blends with animations!
Put the char in a game object and copy the navmesh from the char to the parent, uncheck enable in char. move any scripts up too.
Just spent 5 hours to find this.

How can i turn the camera to left and right in unity for a sphere?

updated CODE .. the problem is that i cant move the ball only if i hold the E button than i use WASD or arrows to move the ball...and when i hold Q the camera 2 activates and i can move the ball with WASD or arrows...but with the right axis for that like ballance that game... i want to not hold the E or Q just to change the camera and move the ball corecctly for that angle with the right axis for the ball but not holding the cameras button
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class controlPlayer : MonoBehaviour {
public float viteza ; // this is speed
void Start(){
void Update()
if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Q) ) // if i hold Q the camera 2 activates and with WASD i can move the ball
float miscaOrizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
float miscaVertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
Vector3 miscare = new Vector3(miscaVertical,0.0f,(-miscaOrizontal)); //also here i chande the axis for the camera 2
rigidbody.AddForce(miscare * viteza * Time.deltaTime);
if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E) ) // here when i press E the camera 1 activates and alos i can move the ball if i keep pressing E
{ float miscaOrizontal2 = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
float miscaVertical2 = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
Vector3 miscare2 = new Vector3(miscaOrizontal2,0.0f,miscaVertical2); // here are the controls for the ball for the camera ..i had to change the axis here..
rigidbody.AddForce(miscare2 * viteza * Time.deltaTime);
Alright, so if I'm understanding you correctly, you want the ball to move in relation to which direction the camera is currently facing. As well as you don't want to have to hold down "Q" or "E" while you move your ball with WASD controls.
So there are a few things that I'd like to mention here, so we'll take them one at a time. First off, you shouldn't have "AddForce" inside of an Update call. Update is called every frame whenever it can. It's great for input, but generally you want to call it in "FixedUpdate" instead. It provides a better response across many devices. If you leave it in update, you can get inaccurate physics results, and missed collisions. There's a lot out there on this subject, so if you want to know more about it, then just google for a little while.
As for the code side, you want to store a reference to what camera you're using to avoid having to hold these buttons down.
What I mean is:
private Camera referencedCamera = null;
private void Start()
referencedCamera = camera1;
private void Update()
if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Q)) referencedCamera = camera2;
else if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E)) refrencedCamera = camera1;
This way you can reference which camera is being used, rather than a key input. Something else to look into is the "State Design Pattern". Below is a video over the "State Design Pattern." That is a great video tutorial series that Derek Banas put up on design patterns, extremely recommend watching them, but the state pattern could potentially solve this problem for you as well. So that should take care of not having to hold the button down in order to make the move. More or less, the buttons will now allow you to just switch which camera is currently being used.
So now that that is solved, you want to transform the input that you currently have, and you want to put it in terms of hte camera that is currently being used. So to avoid rewriting a lot of the code over and over again, just know that these two code snippets should be pieced together into one. So "referencedCamera" should be already defined in the code I'm about to write:
private void FixedUpdate()
if(referencedCamera != null)
float miscaOrizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
float miscaVertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
Vector3 miscare = referencedCamera.transform.TransformDirection(
new Vector3(miscaVertical, 0.0f, -miscaOrizontal));
rigidbody.AddForce(miscare * viteza * Time.deltaTime);
So now with this, is it's the same code, but there is a call to the referenced cameras transform to take the vector 3 from the input and put it in relation to the camera instead, and add the new relational vector to the object.
I also want to recommend you looking into events rather than if checks in the update function, but that is beyond the scope of the question. Hope this helps and any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
After further discussion, we came across something that should also be mentioned. If your camera that you are referencing is angled, the force will be applied in that angle, so keep that in mind. If it is pointed towards an object downward, then forward relative to the camera will apply a force downward, and not entirely in what you may consider the forward direction. Thought it was worth mentioning.