Vite plugin load() of index.html? - plugins

I can implement transformIndexHtml but this only works if there is an index.html. I want index.html to be entirely generated by my plugin but I don't see a corresponding loadIndexHtml() hook.
I have a "harness.tsx" which is the top level of my app that I dynamically generate in this way inside load(). Putting a real index.html in the root doesn't really work for us unfortunately so we need to generate it on the fly.
Anyone have any ideas how to do this?


Which is the better way to white-label a flutter app

I have one project that I have to sell to another clients, so I wanna found a way to unify the code to, when I release some updates, I have to manipulate only one code (and, of course, keeping the specificities from each one)
I found an article HERE which the guy creates a new folder named 'config' and set some variables there to be used in the parent project. I tried this but find out that would be very tough to do because the first app was developed specifically by one client, and with it I would need so much time to make all the aspects dynamic... Another problem is firebase, in first app I used firebase but in the second i won't. How to make it possible?
And in this article they say about 'flavours' that can be used to do something similar.
Someone knows about this approaches or there is another to reach my goal? With flavours I will have less re-factor than with config?
I appreciate any help
A third way to do this with no client specific app configuration is to make an api call to get back your client specific theme, and then set the flutter theme based on this.
If you need web support see below:
First update your assets in index.html that aren't white labeled, leaving stubs in their place that we'll fill in later. i.e.
Next show a nice loading indicator while flutter loads. To do this, just put the html for it in the body element of the index.html file.
Finally update the webpage title and favicon using javascript inside Flutter. I used package
universal_html: 2.0.8
then you can update the favicon
import 'package:universal_html/html.dart';
var favicon = document.getElementById('favicon');
Updating the title can be accomplished in various normal ways like just setting the title attribute of a MaterialApp widget.

How to create a base template and use it to wrap other templates in Ionic framework?

I couldn't find anything about this. basically i want to create a base template, with all the head tag and container in body or menu, etc... so that other templates can extend it.
how would i achieve this with Ionic framework?
The way you have phrased your question leads one to think you have not quite understood how Ionic works...
A typical Ionic app has only one index.html file with a <head>. The rest of the .html files are just content templates to be rendered as the content of that page. So you don't need the "base template" you are asking about, that is all taken care of by Ionic, from the index.html.
I would suggest reading and following

How to extend Alfresco Share existing activity list dashlet with my own activity type?

In Community 4.0.a, I'm posting my custom activities in the repo following this:
I have defined my own activity type, with custom bundles and pagelink to display custom needs in the activity dashlet.
But I face an issue, I need to specialize the output based on the activity-type in a similar way of what is done already in activity-list.get.js in the specialize() function.
I can't hack the js cause I'm packaging things in my own amp for Share.
What is the best way to do it? Is there some kind of extension point or do I need to override completely the dashlet?
The old way (3.x) to change the behaviour of a webscript controller is to copy the code and overwrite the Javascript by placing it under web-extension: alfresco/web-extension/site-webscripts/org/alfresco/components/dashlets/activity-list.get.js. There you can modify the specialize() function or whatever you need to do.
All files you place in the alfresco/web-extension/site-webscripts folder will replace original files in the share.war WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-webscripts classpath. Best practice is to place your customizations in the tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension folder so you don't need to modify the WAR file.
Alfresco 4.0 provides a new way to change the javascript controllers of a webscript. You can add additional Javascript code that will run after the original code. This is preferable because you don't need to change original code and you can upgrade more easily later. To use it you need to get familiar with the new Share extension modules concept. See David Draper's Blog for more info on that.

TYPO3 does not resolve url correctly

I'm pretty new to TYPO3 and currently stuck with the following issue:
I copied the templates from another webpage that is currently in business.
When I'm on the startpage of my homepage ( and click on one of the links it contains I always get an error 404. The link that is generated looks like this.
So I guess something like RealUrl was in use on the webpage that I copied from? Do I understand this right? I don't see that RealUrl is installed though.
However If i manually change this link to
the site is being created.
How does Typo3 know to generate a page when it receives the first version of these two links?
Does not really look like a standard out-of-the-box REAL URL url. That would rather have been /testpage-404.html . So maybe the problem is somewhere else, could be:
simulate static (check if that extension is running). A common mistake is to run real url an simulate static at the same time. If you do not need speaking urls for the moment, just uninstall simulate static.
make sure you add a domain to your shortcut. Use the the list modul and select the root shortcut. Then click create new record, select domain. and enter your domain there. Flush all the caches and try again.
If you'd post your TS Code (of the root shortcut page) here, I could probably tell what's going wrong.
real url configuration typically use .htaccess files.. maybe that file still contains information from the original destination.
check if the root ts contains some baseUrl statement
Which version of TYPO3 are you using?
HTH, but feel free to post more infos.
If your typoscript template is expecting to find realurl and its not installed as a plugin, that could be the cause. You'll need to either install it, or find the settings in the TS template and remove them.
Try the template object browser to look for it (use the template tool, click to the site root, then use the drop down menu in the r/h pane to choose the Template Obect Browser.)
How does Typo3 know to generate a page when
it receives the first version of these two links?
Any page request that it doesn't understand will give a 404 error.

How to create custom pages in dasBlog?

I know I've seen this in the past, but I can't seem to find it now.
Basically I want to create a page that I can host on a dasBlog instance that contains the layout from my theme, but the content of the page I control.
Ideally the content is a user control or ASPX that I write. Anybody know how I can accomplish this?
The easist way to do this is to "hijack" the FormatPage functionality.
First add the following to your web.config in the newtelligence.DasBlog.UrlMapper section:
<add matchExpression="(?<basedir>.*?)/Static\.aspx\?=(?<value>.+)" mapTo="{basedir}/FormatPage.aspx?path=content/static/{value}.format.html" />
Now you can create a directory in your content directory called static. From there, you can create html files and the file name will map to the url like this:
will map to a file called:
You can place anything in that file that you would normally place in itemTemplate.blogtemplate, except it obviously won't have any post data. But you can essentially use this to put other macros, and still have it use the hometemplate.blogtemplate to keep the rest of your theme wrapped around the page.
I did something similar setting up a handler to stream video files from the blog on my home server. I ended up ditching it because it killed my bandwidth whenever someone would view a video, but I did have it up and working for a while.
To get it to work I had to check dasBlog out from source control and open it in visual studio. I had VS2008 and it was built using VS2005, so it took some work to get everything to build. Once I could get the unaltered solution to build I added a new class library project to hold my code. This is to make sure my code stays separate across dasBlog updates.
I don't have access to the code here at work so I can't tell you exact names right now, but if you want your pages to be able to use the themes then they need to inherit from a class in the newtelligence.dasBlog.Web namespace, and I believe also implement an interface. A good place to look is in FormatPage and FormatControl.