What is Va.media.tumblr. How it stores post? - tumblr

I posted a video on my tumblr blog. It gave me a link with va.media.tumblr.com/………mp4
After I deleted my post and visited the same link it was still opening even though there are no posts on my blog anymore.
How does this work?
I was expecting that particular link to be deleted or expire.


Published Facebook posts using the graph API are listed as Posted by Others

I am trying to post a message with a link on my Facebook page timeline. I tried the following (following Facebook docs):
curl -F 'access_token=XXX' -F 'message=Hello World!' -F 'link=http://www.stackoverflow.com' https://graph.facebook.com/my_page_ID/feed
The post was indeed published on my page. However, it was listed under Recent Posts by Others as opposed to be posted in the page's timeline.
If I omit the link parameter. The post is published fine in the timeline.
Any idea why my posts are published under Recent Posts by Others?
Still couldn't figure out the cause of the described issue but publishing a link instead displays my message in the timeline in the right place.

Posting link appear on my wall, but not my news feed

I'm attempting to post a link to my news feed, although currently it only appears on my wall. It does appear on the news feed of my friends which I want it to, it just doesn't show on my news feed.
I've tried posting to both me/feed and me/links
The fields I'm specifying are message and link, where message is just some text like "test" and link is the link to the page I'm trying to share.
I have gotten it to appear on my news feed a few times, but then on subsequent posts it no longer appeared. Does anyone have some information as to what may be happening or something to test out?
Maybe it's related to the change they made related to sharing. They inserted the concept of implicit/explicit sharing.
Please, have a look here

Buying a custom domain without losing fb likes, comments and G+ +1 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How can I move a URL via 301 redirect and retain the page’s Facebook likes and Open Graph information?
I run this blog http://everythingyoumightneed.blogspot.comI am thinking of moving my blogspot blog to a custom domain. I did some research and I found out that if I do so I will lose all my G+ plusones and Facebook likes for my posts. Same thing with Facebook comments. (I have Facebook comment social plugin on each post of my blog)
My question is, whether there is a way, using to avoid this
You cannot change the url associated with the comments. You can, however, modify the code on your new site so that each post points to the comments page for the old url.
on each page on the new domain this will associate the facebook comments with the old domain:
<fb:comments href="THE-OLD-URL"></fb:comments>
So for example for http://newdomain.com/thenewpage.html:
<fb:comments href="http://olddomain.com/theoldpage.html"></fb:comments>
To get this working, first get facebook comments working on your new site using the facebook documentation. Once you have that working, you can put the code above anywhere on the page (I usually put it in the head somewhere). That will tell facebook to use the old url instead.
This will apply to likes, comments, and everything else.

Why is Facebook returning the wrong page (affects Facebook Like and Share URL)?

When we first put up a blog post, Facebook often (but not always) gets confused about what the page is. Specifically, if you try to use the Like button on the blog page OR if you try to share via the Share link on your profile, Facebook will see the root blog page rather than the actual post page.
For example, we recently posted:
If the user "likes" it, it returns the title for:
When you run the post URL through the FB Linter, you can see the problem.
In the Debug section it shows an extra og:title, og:url, description and og:image (the last 4 rows of the Debug section). This is the meta data from the root directory. What we cannot figure out is why. Why is Facebook seeing the correct meta data on the page and then also pulling the meta data from the root directory (and using that incorrectly to populate the data for the Like button and the Share URL tool)?
One other oddity. FB "figures it out" after a few days. Of course, by that time relatively few people are viewing the post.
UPDATE -- I want to thank Peter Bailey again for his answer, but we also discovered that there was another issue that we had to resolve before the Like button worked.
The issue was that we were displaying the Facebook the Like button on a post that was not yet published. The problem with this is that FB then can't resolve the URL and "guesses" as to the correct URL. In our case, it always guesses thisorthat.com/blog. Unfortunately, it then caches that guess for a number of days and that cache cannot be cleared by the Linter. So the ultimate solution was to both fix the og:type as Peter suggested, but also to remove the Like button from the blog post preview. It's very important that you don't show FB a page before it's published or if you do, change the URL.
Pretty sure it's your Open Graph type that's the problem.
<meta content="website" property="og:type"/>
Per the documentation
Use article for any URL that
represents transient content - such as
a news article, blog post, photo,
video, etc. Do not use website for
this purpose. website and blog are
designed to represent an entire site,
an og:type tag with types website or
blog should usually only appear on the
root of a domain.

Facebook comments plugin doesn't show comments made on wall posts

According to Facebook, comments made through the comments social plugin will post to the user's wall. This is working, but comments subsequently made in reply to such a post on Facebook.com (as shown in this FB dev video: http://csull.in/eMMsDF) don't show up on the site with the comments plugin. I have tried everything I can think of, and while using the iFrame feedback method does work, the fb:comments method does not. Any ideas?