I am trying to use this to replace all backslashes with double quotes.
sed -e "s/'\\\\''/\"/g" nomefile
this doesn't do anything.
Input: "prova d\"amico"
Desired output: "prova d""amico"
sed -e 's/\\/"/g'
Will replace all / with "
Your issue is in the first part: \\\''/, you're looking for ' surrounded /, but you just need \\ for an escaped \
➜ cat input
"prova d\"amico"
➜ sed -e 's/\\/"/g' input
"prova d""amico"
There's a command specifically for global character substitutions ("transliterations"), y:
sed 'y/\\/"/'
where \ has to be escaped with another \.
I have to collect a select query data to a CSV file. I want to use a sed command to replace \n from the data by a space.
I'm using this:
query | sed "s/\n/ /g" > file.csv .......
But it is not working. Only \ is getting removed, while it should also remove n and add a space. Please suggest something.
You want to replace newline with space, not necessarily using sed.
Use tr:
tr '\n' ' '
\n is special to sed: it stands for the newline character. To replace a literal \n, you have to escape the backslash:
sed 's/\\n/ /g'
Notice that I've used single quotes. If you use double quotes, the backslash has a special meaning if followed by any of $, `, ", \, or newline, i.e., "\n" is still \n, but "\\n" would become \n.
Since we want sed to see \\n, we'd have to use one of these:
sed "s/\\\n/ /g" – the first \\ becomes \, and \n doesn't change, resulting in \\n
sed "s/\\\\n/ /g" – both pairs of \\ are reduced to \ and sed gets \\n as well
but single quotes are much simpler:
$ sed 's/\\n/ /g' <<< 'my\nname\nis\nrohinee'
my name is rohinee
From comments on the question, it became apparent that sed had nothing to do with removing the backslashes; the OP tried
echo my\nname\nis | sed 's/\n/ /g'
but the backslashes are removed by the shell:
$ echo my\nname\nis
so even if the correct \\n were used, sed wouldn't find any matches. The correct way is
$ echo 'my\nname\nis' | sed 's/\\n/ /g'
my name is
I'm trying to copy part of a line to append to the end:
I have tried:
sed 's/\(.*(GCA_\)\(.*\))/\1\2\2)'
$ f1=$'ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA/900/169/985/GCA_900169985.1_IonXpress_024_genomic.fna.gz'
$ echo "$f1"
$ sed -E 's/(.*)(GCA_.[^.]*)(.[^_]*)(.*)/\1\2\3\/\2\4/' <<<"$f1"
sed -E (or -r in some systems) enables extended regex support in sed , so you don't need to escape the group parenthesis ( ).
The format (GCA_.[^.]*) equals to "get from GCA_ all chars up and excluding the first found dot" :
$ sed -E 's/(.*)(GCA_.[^.]*)(.[^_]*)(.*)/\2/' <<<"$f1"
Similarly (.[^_]*) means get all chars up to first found _ (excluding _ char). This is the regex way to perform a non greedy/lazy capture (in perl regex this would have been written something like as .*_?)
$ sed -E 's/(.*)(GCA_.[^.]*)(.[^_]*)(.*)/\3/' <<<"$f1"
Short sed approach:
sed -E 's/(GCA_[^._]+)\.([^_]+)/\1.\2\/\1/' <<< "$s"
The output:
I'm trying to remove some text from multiple files using sed. This is the text I'm trying to delete:
\once override TupletBracket #'stencil = ##f
I've tried this line in sed but I can't get it to work:
sed -i '' -e 's/\\once \\override TupletBracket #'stencil = ##f//g' *ily
I've tried escaping the # symbols, the ' and the = but still no joy. Could anyone please point me in the right direction?
I think it's better to use single quotes here rather than double quotes to avoid the extra \s and other possible expansions (e.g. variables). Where you want a literal single quote, you close the quotation, add \', and then start a new quotation for the remainder.
$ cat in
before \once override TupletBracket #'stencil = ##f after
$ sed 's/\\once override TupletBracket #'\''stencil = ##f//g' in
before after
you can't use ' directly inside sed command that is quoted using '. Use a double quotes instead and to match \ you'll need to use \\\ to have \\ i.e \.
$ sed "s/\\\once override TupletBracket #'stencil = ##f//g"
\once override TupletBracket #'stencil = ##f
hello \once override TupletBracket #'stencil = ##f xyz
hello xyz
# and = are not RE metacharacters nor do they have any other special meaning to sed within a regexp (= does outside of a regexp) unless the regexp is delimited with one of them so there's no reason to escape them in your script. ' only has significance if the whole script is delimited with 's since in shell no script that's delimited by a given character can include that character. So here's your choices:
$ echo "seab'cd" | sed 's/b'\''c/foo/'
$ echo "seab'cd" | sed "s/b'c/foo/"
Note that if you use the second (double quotes) version then you're allowing shell variables to expand inside the script and would require double-backslashes to escape chars.
I expected using the octal representation of a ' (i.e. \047) would work too like it does in awk:
$ echo "seab'cd" | awk '{sub(/b\047c/,"foo")}1'
but it didn't:
$ echo "seab'cd" | sed 's/b\047c/foo/'
and I suspect that's because sed is treating \0 as a backreference. It does work with the hex representation:
$ echo "seab'cd" | sed 's/b\x27c/foo/'
but that's dangerous and should be avoided (see http://awk.freeshell.org/PrintASingleQuote).
I am trying to use sed to replace a path in a file.
sudo sed 's/a/b/g' -i /tmp/test
However the variable is
a = /var/lib and
b = /data/lib
How do I escape the slash?
The character just after the s command doesn't need to be a /. When working with paths, I use :, as in:
sudo sed 's:a:b:g' -i /tmp/test
this should work
sed -i "s#$a#$b#g" /tmp/test
two things you need to take care about:
1) if you want to use variables in your sed line, use double quotes
2) delimiter could be other than "/", e.g. #, #, : ...
You can change sed's delimiter for instance use # instead:
$ sed 's#/var/lib#data/lib#g'
In sed(1), as in vi(1), the '/' is just the customary separator. It can be escaped with \, leading to "leaning toothpick syndrome" when munging path names:
sed -e 's/\/var\/lib/data\/lib/' ...
You can use another non-word character, e.g. ';':
sed -e 's;/var/lib;data/lib; ...
I have values in a file like this ' value-to-remove '(without the ' characters). I want to use sed to run through the file and replace the values including the space before and after. I am running this via a bash script.
How can I do this?
The sed command I'm using at the moment replaces the values but leaves behind the two spaces.
sed -i 's/ '$value' / /g' test.conf
In script I have
sed -i -e 's/\s'$DOMAIN'-'$SITE'\s/\s/g' gitosis.conf
echoed as
sed -i -e s/\sffff.com-eeee\s/\s/g test.conf
Not working though.
IMHO your sed does not know '\s', so use [ \t], and use double quotes, otherwise your variables will not expand. e.g.:
sed -i -e "s/[ \t]'$DOMAIN'-'$SITE'[ \t]/ /g" gitosis.conf
Let me know if this is what you need
echo 'Some values to remove value-to-remove and more' | sed -e 's/\svalue-to-remove\s/CHANGED/g'
output: Some values to removeCHANGEDand more