Autocomplete with multiple values and custom menu for no values - material-ui

can you help me with Autocomplete component to create a custom menu with text and icon when I don't have any options?
I've tried to mix these two examples:
freeSolo with text demo
multiple values with freeSolo
Should I use filteredOptions and depend ot in to switch two components in renderOption ?
Basically I have two return statements in the renderOptions, and depends on the user input and matching current options in the Autocomplete I'm trying to switch these components, but without result.
This is my code:
Any suggestion will be very helpful!


Putting an icon and an input on single ant design Form.Item

I have an ant design table. One of its columns is something like this:
which contains three icons and one "AutoComplete" component showing some names. In editing mode, I have put all these four components ( 3 icons and one autocomplete) in a "Form.Item" tag. But the autocomplete component does not work properly in editing mode.( I mean when it is clicked for edit, the name inside it is cleared and the new selected name will not put in autocomplete input). But when I remove the three icons from the code, the autocomplete works fine.
Why this happens? can any body help on this?
As far as I know Form.Item need to have one child element because he implicitly pass to child value and onChange props. You probalby can create wrapper for your Autocomplete component, something like following (it's just idea):
function Autocomplete (props) {
return (
<AntdAutocomplete value={props.value} onChange={props.onChange}/>

Adding preview option in cq:dialog?

Is it possible to add a session in cq:dialog which renders whatever data is supplied in the fields and previews it out in real time. In the simplest of scenarios, I need to add two numbers and when I enter both the numbers the cq:dialog should preview it's output as 4. There should be two sessions in the the cq:dialog, like two columns, the left one to enter value to the fields and the right to display the rendered output. How to achieve this? Is it possible to?
You can make use of "event handlers". Adobe docs has a simple example using JQuery that you can customize for your requirement.

Validator at form level in angular 2

I want to create a validator for an angular2 form that involves several controls. So far, all I have found is how to create validators for controls inside a form, in an isolated way, like this:
this.myControl = new FormControl('',Validators.Required);
but I didn't find any example of a validator that involves the state of several controls at the same time.
To explain my case, here is a simple example.
In this example, what I want is:
IF the checkbox is selected, I want the two input boxes to be NOT REQUIRED.
IF the checbox is NOT selected, I want the two input boxes to be REQUIRED.
I could to this programmatically, but I wanted to know if there is an elegant solution that involves validators at a form level, not only at FormControl level.

Remove "empty" selection from dropdown list box

When creating a form in Orbeon Form Builder, you can define a list of values for a dropdown list box.
When running the form in form runner, is it possible to remove the "[Select...]" value from this dropdown list box?
I would like to restrict the possible values only to the given ones and restricting the user from selecting an "[Select...]" value when filling in the form. I hope you understand what I mean :)
Here is a screenshot
It's not possible without changes to Orbeon Forms to remove the empty option.
The best way to achieve what you want is to make the field required. When that's the case, the user will have to select a value or validation won't pass.
(The rationale for adding/keeping an empty option at the top is to force the user to make a selection. Otherwise it is possible that users might not even look at the option selected by default, and involuntarily select an incorrect option.)

Can you use Chosen with dynamically created form elements?

I've created a simple form containing two selectbox elements. I also have a button which dynamically adds these selectboxes at the user's discretion. The selectbox options will be quite long, so I've applied the jQuery Chosen plugin to be more useful.
Everything works fine until a new element is dynamically added using jQuery clone. I am unable to select any options in my new element selectboxes, and they also carry the prior results.
In searching the forum, others have 'reset' Chosen after a selection, by calling: $("#form_field").trigger("liszt:updated"); . I tried this as well, but it will just clear all the selections (which I don't want) and continue to freeze the dropdown action.
Anyone have experience with using Chosen (or any other autocomplete-type selectbox enhancement) with dynamic elements?
Found a solution that works - albeit without using the Chosen plugin.
I changed my dynamically created form elements by replacing the selectboxes with input fields tied to a basic jQueryUI autocomplete plugin. Here is a link to their implementation :
The main difference is that the select "options" in this case, were listed as the source from which the box would look for autocomplete options. My list was 70 items long, so the initial setup took some time.
The jQuery text was generically as follows:
source: [item1, item2, item3, item 4, ... item5]);