Can you use Chosen with dynamically created form elements? - forms

I've created a simple form containing two selectbox elements. I also have a button which dynamically adds these selectboxes at the user's discretion. The selectbox options will be quite long, so I've applied the jQuery Chosen plugin to be more useful.
Everything works fine until a new element is dynamically added using jQuery clone. I am unable to select any options in my new element selectboxes, and they also carry the prior results.
In searching the forum, others have 'reset' Chosen after a selection, by calling: $("#form_field").trigger("liszt:updated"); . I tried this as well, but it will just clear all the selections (which I don't want) and continue to freeze the dropdown action.
Anyone have experience with using Chosen (or any other autocomplete-type selectbox enhancement) with dynamic elements?

Found a solution that works - albeit without using the Chosen plugin.
I changed my dynamically created form elements by replacing the selectboxes with input fields tied to a basic jQueryUI autocomplete plugin. Here is a link to their implementation :
The main difference is that the select "options" in this case, were listed as the source from which the box would look for autocomplete options. My list was 70 items long, so the initial setup took some time.
The jQuery text was generically as follows:
source: [item1, item2, item3, item 4, ... item5]);


Microsoft Access Where Condition doesn't works in a subform

I built a form called: "clientlist":
I put a macro with where condition on click:
="IDclient_logindata=" & [Maschere]![clientlist]![IDclient]
this means that when I click on an id client, access will open another form with the respective IDclient. For example if I click on IDclient 3:
it open another form called "client_logindata" filter to IDclient_logindata 3.
Then, I built a navigational form:
using clientlist as subform. But when I click a record, any record, it open every time the client_logindata form with IDclient_logindata form = 1, why it doesn' works in a subform?
Design View of "Navigation Form":
Solved in this way: ="IDclient_logindata=" & [IDclient]
When using a subform, references to controls need to be relative to the main form where the subform is treated as a child control.
Consider adjusting the conditional to the following structure. Do note this is the English version:
="IDclient_logindata=" & Forms!myMainForm!mySubform.Form!mySubformControl
Or specifically tailored to yours (be sure to get exact spelling of all objects):
="IDclient_logindata=" & Forms!NavigationForm!clientlist.Form!IDclient
The OP has found a working solution which is much simpler than what follows. However, I was still interested to see if we could get something on the original model to work, and I'd guess that for users attempting to achieve the same thing using VBA rather than embedded macro's the following may still be useful.
The issue with the code in the original question is that the relevant form isn't open at the 'top level' but as a subform.
Form "normal" subforms, you'd refer to the control on the subform like this:
Where navform is the name of the outer form. Or in the generalised case, like this:
However, the "Navigation Form" Wizard, when dragging subforms onto the Add New tab in Layout view doesn't name the subforms nicely. So I had to code it this way:
Forms![Navigation Form]!NavigationSubform.Form!ControlName
To my surprise this code continued to work when I added further forms within the Navigation Forms tabs and had controls named the same as one in question. I guess NavigationSubform automatically points to the tab with the current focus.

Validator at form level in angular 2

I want to create a validator for an angular2 form that involves several controls. So far, all I have found is how to create validators for controls inside a form, in an isolated way, like this:
this.myControl = new FormControl('',Validators.Required);
but I didn't find any example of a validator that involves the state of several controls at the same time.
To explain my case, here is a simple example.
In this example, what I want is:
IF the checkbox is selected, I want the two input boxes to be NOT REQUIRED.
IF the checbox is NOT selected, I want the two input boxes to be REQUIRED.
I could to this programmatically, but I wanted to know if there is an elegant solution that involves validators at a form level, not only at FormControl level.

Symfony2: Entity instantiation upon Form-Submit depending on user selection

I'm working with Symfony2 to set up a form, where a Shelf-Entity can be edited.
A shelf contains a collection of Readable-Entities (e.g. Book, Magazine, etc. - all inherit from Readable).
The user has the possibility to add more Readable-Entities (the form is extended via JavaScript) and from a dropdown he can select the type of Readable he wants to add. Depending on the selected dropdown-value, different form fields are rendered. So far so good.
Now, when the form is submitted to the server, depending on the Readable-Type the user selected in the form, a different entity-type should be instantiated.
If I don't do anything, Symfony just instantiates the base class Readable (and not Book, Magazine, etc.).
How can I tell Symfony to instantiate the correct type of Readable depending on the selected value from the dropdown?
I tried with FormEvent-Listeners, but:
in PRE_SUBMIT I only get an array containing the "raw" form data with $event->getData(), i.e. no entities have been instatiated so far. However, at this stage, I still have access to value of the dropdown.
in SUBMIT the form data was already assigned to the appropriate entities. Also the new Readable was already instatiated with the base Readable-Class. But now, I cannot access anymore the value from the dropdown.
What is the correct way to do this?
Added a minimal Code-Example for the Shelf FormType:
Code for infinite_form_polycollection:
Have you tried looking at this part of the doc? As "embedding a form" seems to fit your needs.
It seems that there was something wrong with the PHP-Files of the PolyCollection in the vendor-directory, because after removing everything related to the Infinite Form Bundle from the vendor-dir and reinstalling it with composer, everything is working now. But thanks for your efforts YoannCh

TYPO3 Extension Manager: Button "Only display updatable extensions" is not displayed

If I open the extension manager, switch to the tab Import Extensions and select the filter I get the following options:
Display all extensions (empty)
Only display installed extensions (working)
There should also be a Only display updatable extensions selection but this isn't displayed. What is the reason therefore?
I made a TYPO3 update to 4.7.2 and perhaps thats the reason why it isn't correctly displayed?
The repository is up to date.
The filter has been moved from the Import Extensions to the Available Extensions tab.
You do not actually want to import an extension, but update an existing one.
Just suggestion: I had similar issues with button displaying in EM before (4.6.x) (ie. Install ext button) and realised, that the button is available, but sprite image had wrong position which caused that the button was transparent,
Try to use ie FireBug to check it, and eventually fix the CSS (and report the bug)
Some doom apparently, I just had identical situation just seconds ago ;) Fortunately found the reason: the ext list is displayed with ExtJS grid, which can contain custom filtering per column. Literally: when you for an example click on the column's dropdown arrow, you can in its filter set some value to narrow the search results.
Ie.: in the main filter field write news and additionally in the Extension Key column set other filter tt_news. (if you want to display only %tt_news% in result list of %news%)
In that case even if you'll clear the main filter, the one set on the column will stay active, so next time when you'll try to search for realurl in main filter, it will return empty list as Extension Key filter is still set to tt_news.
Weeeird, however helped me :)
You can recognize filtered columns as their names are written with cursive, finally you can just check every column and disable any filtering on each.

Populating some fields after selecting the element using Struts2-Dojo autocompleter

I am using sx tag i.e. struts-dojo-tag of struts 2 to autosuggest one field on one page. It is working fine. Now I want to populate other fields on the same page based on the selection of autosuggest field. I tried calling javascript on the above field on various events like onselect, onchange,etc with no success.
JSP code :
<sx:autocompleter autoComplete="true" listKey="id" listValue="brandName" name="brand.brandName" id="brandName" cssClass="textfield" list="brandList" onchange="populateInfo(this.value);"></sx:autocompleter>
here I want to autosuggest brandNames available and on selecting the brand, I want to populate data regarding the brand in some others fields. I tried calling java script function populateInfo(), but the function is not getting called.
Can you please help me out?
I think this problem can be solved by using select tag of struts2-jquery.
You can have a look in these showcase