How do I create a workflow model file (.wfm) from the workflow diagram in eworms - eclipse-rcp

I am working in a project that involves RCP and eworms. I have a workflow diagram which I created with the required inputs and outputs. Now, I am not being able to figure out how to create the model file.
Below is the screenshot of the workflow file that I have and where I am willing to create the model for this workflow-
Below is the screenshot of a similar workflow created by a different person and has a model for the same -
I have tried to create a model from File -> New. But as it seems, I can only create Ecore models and I want to create a workflow model.


Reuse decision requirement diagram in another DMN model?

I have a decision requirements diagram called MyDecision1.dmn for example. I want to then import that as a component in another dmn model, MyDecision2.dmn. MyDecision2.dmn should take the output of MyDecision1 and use it as an input. Am I able to do this in the jBPM workbench when editing dmn files?
I see that I can include models; however, instead of getting the entire DRD as a single asset, I only get the individual components and the task of assembling them is left to me..
In the later versions of KIE bpmn(Process) modeler you can add the DMNs as Activities and use the input output from them.

Create Data model from entity classes using plantuml

I am planning to use JPA Entities to create my data model. As part of the design , we have been asked to document the data model and keep them updated. I was asked to used plantUml to create the Database model, but I would like to see how to get started on converting the JPA Entity--> plantuml macro code --> Data model. Seeking out help to see how I can tackle this request
You can build your model Structurizr and then export them to PlantUML.

How to save/load keras model with several branches

I define a keras (2.0.6) model with two branches the merge these
model = Sequential()
model.add(Merge([left,right], mode='concat'))'mymodel.model')
Then later if I want to reuse my model after model = load('mymodel.model') I am getting
"ValueError: You are trying to load a weight file containing 5 layers into a model with 1 layers.".
So it seems the save command has only saved the 'model' part of my model, not the left and right branches. How can a save the entire model? Or will I need three model files, one for the left branch, one for the right and one for the merged model?
Seems there has been a discussion on this previously ( but there was no solution, as far as I can see.
Does anyone know whether/how this has been solved?
Do not use the Sequential API for this, prefer the Functional API to build such a model with branches. Then you will only have a single model and it will be saved as such.

update model from database not updating code

I have a model in my website which was generated from a database. When I right click on the edmx diagram to update the model when I have made changes in my database (using mySQL), the model doesn't update the vb code file with any new tables and properties. I am using the standard .tt templates. Isn't the code supposed to regenerate every time the model is updated in this manner?

Generate repositories from EF Code First with created DbContext model classes

I'm starting a new project and want to use EF Code First pattern but I also want to use the repository pattern. I have been looking for a way to generate the repositories from the dbcontext models but all answers I've seen so far are for generating repositories from .edmx or DB. I don't want to create an .edmx.
The steps I want to do is this:
1. Write models
2. Generate repositories using t4 templates
3. Write app code from models and repos
4. Run Add-Migration to add migration code
5. Run update-database to update based off migration code
What could I use to tell it to generate t4 templates based on the model classes?
I've found how to do it now. Using T4Scaffolding, I am going to be able to generate the repositories as I need. It also allows me to override the default t4 templates and create custom scaffolds too.
There is a NuGet package I created which does this as well, it requires a namespace your models not a edmx file: